Building Coder(Revit 二次开发) - 设置标签类型

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝上微淘怎么看 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 00:06

Building Coder 链接:

Revit 二次开发论坛链接:

1. 在创建墙体时决定墙体的顶层(Top Level)和底层(Bottom Level);
2. 创建一个新墙体时设置它的顶层边缘;
3. 获取墙体厚度(用于之后计算标签放置位置);
4. 获取门类型(用户在墙体中插入一个门实例);
5. 在墙体中部插入一个门实例;
6. 创建一个和门实例关联的门标签;
7. 获取一个现有的门标签类型(用于复制);
8. 通过复制创建一个新的门标签类型;
9. 将现有门标签的类型设置为新创建的标签类型。

实现 1~6 步的代码我们在 Lab2_0_CreateLittleHouse 外部命令中已经讨论过了。关于 Duplicate() 方法,我们在讨论创建墙体、柱子等元素的时候也都涉及过。



  doc.Create.NewTag(    doc.ActiveView,    elem,    False,    TagMode.TM_ADDBY_CATEGORY,    TagOrientation.TAG_HORIZONTAL,    panelCenter );

NewTag()方法允许我选择标签模式,但是无法设定标签类型。我想知道如何为新创建的标签设定类型。在用户界面中,我可以在 Tag 对话框中做到这一点。

你可以通过对 NewTag() 方法返回的标签对象调用 ChangeTypeId() 方法,并传入期望的标签类型对应的 element id 来实现这一点。我实现了一个新的外部命令“CmdSetTypeTage”作为例程。
1. 英寸和毫米的转换函数
2. 求两点连线的中点
3. 一组过滤元素收集器


static FilteredElementCollector  GetElementsOfType(Document doc,Type type,BuiltInCategory bic ){  FilteredElementCollector collector= new FilteredElementCollector( doc );   collector.OfCategory( bic );  collector.OfClass( type );   return collector;}
GetFamilySymbols:返回指定内置类别(built-in category)的所有族类型;
    static FilteredElementCollector      GetFamilySymbols(        Document doc,        BuiltInCategory bic )    {      return GetElementsOfType( doc,        typeof( FamilySymbol ), bic );    }
GetFirstFamilySymbol:返回指定内置类别(built-in category)的第一个族类型;
static FamilySymbol GetFirstFamilySymbol(  Document doc,  BuiltInCategory bic ){  FamilySymbol s = GetFamilySymbols( doc, bic ).FirstElement() as FamilySymbol;   Debug.Assert( null != s, string.Format("expected at least one {0} symbol in project",bic.ToString() ) );   return s;}
GetBottomAndTopLevels:判定创建墙体的顶层和底层。对一个 empty project 中,顶层和底层分别为 Level 1 和 Level 2;
static bool GetBottomAndTopLevels(  Document doc,  ref Level levelBottom,  ref Level levelTop ){  FilteredElementCollector levels= GetElementsOfType( doc, typeof( Level ),  BuiltInCategory.OST_Levels );   foreach( Element e in levels )  {if( null == levelBottom ){  levelBottom = e as Level;}else if( null == levelTop ){  levelTop = e as Level;}else{  break;}  }   if( levelTop.Elevation < levelBottom.Elevation )  {Level tmp = levelTop;levelTop = levelBottom;levelBottom = tmp;  }  return null != levelBottom && null != levelTop;}
有了所有上述的准备工作,下面我就可以 CmdSetTypeTage 命令主体了:
public Result Execute(  ExternalCommandData commandData,  ref string message,  ElementSet elements ){  UIApplication app = commandData.Application;  Document doc = app.ActiveUIDocument.Document;   Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Application createApp    = app.Application.Create;   Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Document createDoc    = doc.Create;   // determine the wall endpoints:   double length = 5 * MeterToFeet;   XYZ [] pts = new XYZ[2];   pts[0] = XYZ.Zero;  pts[1] = new XYZ( length, 0, 0 );   // determine the levels where   // the wall will be located:   Level levelBottom = null;  Level levelTop = null;   if( !GetBottomAndTopLevels( doc,    ref levelBottom, ref levelTop ) )  {    message = "Unable to determine "      + "wall bottom and top levels";     return Result.Failed;  }   // create a wall:   BuiltInParameter topLevelParam    = BuiltInParameter.WALL_HEIGHT_TYPE;   ElementId topLevelId = levelTop.Id;   Line line = createApp.NewLineBound(    pts[0], pts[1] );   Wall wall = createDoc.NewWall(    line, levelBottom, false );   Parameter param = wall.get_Parameter(    topLevelParam );   param.Set( topLevelId );   // determine wall thickness for tag   // offset and profile growth:   double wallThickness = wall.WallType    .CompoundStructure.Layers.get_Item( 0 )    .Thickness;   // add door to wall;  // note that the NewFamilyInstance method   // does not automatically add a door tag,   // like the ui command does:   FamilySymbol doorSymbol = GetFirstFamilySymbol(    doc, BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors );   if( null == doorSymbol )  {    message = "No door symbol found.";    return Result.Failed;  }   XYZ midpoint = Midpoint( pts[0], pts[1] );   FamilyInstance door = createDoc    .NewFamilyInstance( midpoint, doorSymbol,      wall, levelBottom,      StructuralType.NonStructural );   // create door tag:   View view = doc.ActiveView;   double tagOffset = 3 * wallThickness;   midpoint += tagOffset * XYZ.BasisY;   IndependentTag tag = createDoc.NewTag(    view, door, false, TagMode.TM_ADDBY_CATEGORY,    TagOrientation.TAG_HORIZONTAL, midpoint );   // create and assign new door tag type:   FamilySymbol doorTagType    = GetFirstFamilySymbol(      doc, BuiltInCategory.OST_DoorTags );   doorTagType = doorTagType.Duplicate(    "New door tag type" ) as FamilySymbol;   tag.ChangeTypeId( doorTagType.Id );   return Result.Succeeded;}
该命令在一个 empty project 中运行的结果是:一面墙、一扇门以及指定标签类型的门标签。
