ac自动机+矩阵 poj 2778

来源:互联网 发布:lofter独立域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 12:03








poj 2778 给定m个串,要求生成长度为n,不包含该m个串的序列的方案数。






const q:array[1..4]of char=('A','C','T','G');      mo=100000;type arry=array[0..100,0..100]of int64;var next:array[0..10000,'A'..'T']of longint;    pow,st,p:array[0..10000]of longint;    a,b,mul:arry;    n,m,ss:longint;    ans:int64;procedure link(n:string);var x,i,l:longint;begin x:=0;i:=1;l:=length(n); while i<=l do begin  if next[x,n[i]]=0 then begin inc(ss);next[x,n[i]]:=ss end;  x:=next[x,n[i]];  if pow[x]=1 then exit;  inc(i) end; pow[x]:=1end;procedure bfs(s:longint);var h,r,i,ne,na,nr:longint;    flag:boolean;begin h:=0;r:=1;st[1]:=s; repeat  inc(h);ne:=st[h];  if ne=6 then   ne:=ne;  for i:=1 to 4 do  if pow[ne]=0 then begin  if next[ne,q[i]]<>0 then begin   nr:=ne;   while p[nr]<>nr do begin    nr:=p[nr];    if next[nr,q[i]]<>0 then begin nr:=next[nr,q[i]];break end;   end;   p[next[ne,q[i]]]:=nr;pow[next[ne,q[i]]]:=pow[next[ne,q[i]]] or pow[nr];   inc(r);st[r]:=next[ne,q[i]];   na:=next[ne,q[i]];flag:=true;   while na<>p[na] do begin    if pow[na]=1 then begin flag:=false;break end;    na:=p[na]   end;   if flag then inc(b[ne,next[ne,q[i]]]);  end  else begin   na:=ne;flag:=true;   while p[na]<>na do begin    na:=p[na];nr:=next[na,q[i]];    if nr<>0 then break   end;   nr:=next[na,q[i]];   if pow[nr]=0 then inc(b[ne,nr]);  end  end until h>=rend;procedure mul1;var i,j,k,e:longint;begin fillchar(mul,sizeof(mul),0); for i:=0 to ss do  for j:=0 to ss do   for k:=0 to ss do begin    mul[i,j]:=mul[i,j]+(a[i,k]*b[k,j]);    IF mul[i,j]>mo then mul[i,j]:=mul[i,j] mod mo   end; for i:=0 to ss do for j:=0 to ss do a[i,j]:=mul[i,j];end;procedure mul2;var i,j,k,e:longint;begin fillchar(mul,sizeof(mul),0); for i:=0 to ss do  for j:=0 to ss do   for k:=0 to ss do begin    mul[i,j]:=(mul[i,j]+(b[i,k]*b[k,j]));    IF mul[i,j]>mo then mul[i,j]:=mul[i,j] mod mo   end; for i:=0 to ss do for j:=0 to ss do b[i,j]:=mul[i,j];end;procedure fgm(e:longint);var i:longint;begin for i:=0 to ss do a[i,i]:=1; while e<>0 do begin  if e and 1=1 then mul1;  mul2;  e:=e>>1 endend;procedure init;var i,j:longint;    x:string;begin fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0);fillchar(a,sizeof(a),0); fillchar(next,sizeof(next),0);fillchar(pow,sizeof(pow),0); fillchar(p,sizeof(p),0);fillchar(st,sizeof(st),0); readln(m,n); for i:=1 to m do begin  readln(x);link(x) end; bfs(0); fgm(n); ans:=0; for i:=0 to ss do ans:=(ans+a[0,i]) mod mo; writeln(ans mod mo)end;beginassign(input,'');reset(input);assign(output,'2778.out');rewrite(output); while not seekeof do init;close(input);close(output)end.
