Create a Complex TreeGrid

来源:互联网 发布:奥运会没人申办知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 17:03

Create a Complex TreeGrid

Tutorial » Create a Complex TreeGrid

The TreeGrid can display spreadsheets with muliple columns and complex data on a limited space. This tutorial will demonstrate how table data can be arranged within a splitted grid and multi-row headers that allow you to organize data of any complicity.

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Build TreeGrid

  1. <table title="Complex TreeGrid" class="easyui-treegrid" style="width:550px;height:250px"  
  2.         url="data/treegrid2_data.json"  
  3.         rownumbers="true" showFooter="true"  
  4.         idField="id" treeField="region">  
  5.     <thead frozen="true">  
  6.         <tr>  
  7.             <th field="region" width="150">Region</th>  
  8.         </tr>  
  9.     </thead>  
  10.     <thead>  
  11.         <tr>  
  12.             <th colspan="4">2009</th>  
  13.             <th colspan="4">2010</th>  
  14.         </tr>  
  15.         <tr>  
  16.             <th field="f1" width="50" align="right">1st qrt.</th>  
  17.             <th field="f2" width="50" align="right">2st qrt.</th>  
  18.             <th field="f3" width="50" align="right">3st qrt.</th>  
  19.             <th field="f4" width="50" align="right">4st qrt.</th>  
  20.             <th field="f5" width="50" align="right">1st qrt.</th>  
  21.             <th field="f6" width="50" align="right">2st qrt.</th>  
  22.             <th field="f7" width="50" align="right">3st qrt.</th>  
  23.             <th field="f8" width="50" align="right">4st qrt.</th>  
  24.         </tr>  
  25.     </thead>  
  26. </table>  

As you can see, the usage of treegrid is same as datagrid. Use 'frozen' attribute to define the frozen columns, 'colspan' and 'rowspan' attributes of columns to define multi-columns headers.

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