
来源:互联网 发布:b2b行业网站源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 09:43




/*product.c*/#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <errno.h>#include <sys/ipc.h>#include <semaphore.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <pthread.h>#define FIFO "myfifo"#define N 5int lock_var;time_t end_time;char buf_r[100];sem_t mutex,full,avail;int fd;void productor(void *arg);void consumer(void *arg);int main(int argc,char *argv[]){        pthread_t id1,id2;        pthread_t mon_th_id;        int ret;        end_time = time(NULL)+30;        /*create namepipe*/        if((mkfifo(FIFO,O_CREAT|O_EXCL)<0) && (errno != EEXIST))                printf("cannot create fifoserver\n");        printf("preparing for reading bytes...");        memset(buf_r,0,sizeof(buf_r));        /*open pipe*/        fd = open(FIFO,O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK,0);        if(fd == -1){                perror("open");                exit(1);        }        /*init sem valuable*/        ret = sem_init(&mutex,0,1);        ret = sem_init(&avail,0,N);        ret = sem_init(&full,0,0);        if(ret != 0){                perror("sem_init");        }        /*create 2 pthread*/        ret = pthread_create(&id1,NULL,(void *)productor,NULL);        if(ret != 0)                perror("pthread_cread1");        ret = pthread_create(&id2,NULL,(void *)consumer,NULL);        if(ret != 0)                perror("pthread_cread2");        pthread_join(id1,NULL);        pthread_join(id2,NULL);        exit(0);}/*product thread*/void productor(void *arg){        int i,nwrite;        while(time(NULL) < end_time){        /*p operate to the avail,mutex*/        sem_wait(&avail);        sem_wait(&mutex);        /*productor write data to the pipe*/        if((nwrite = write(fd,"hello",5)) == -1){                if(errno == EAGAIN)                        printf("the FIFO has not been read yet,please try later\n");        }        else                printf("write hello to the FIFO\n");        /*v opertate to full,mutex*/        sem_post(&full);        sem_post(&mutex);        sleep(1);        }}/*consumer thread*/void consumer(void *arg){        int nolock = 0;        int ret,nread;        while(time(NULL) < end_time){                sem_wait(&full);                sem_wait(&mutex);                memset(buf_r,0,sizeof(buf_r));                if(nread = read(fd,buf_r,100) == -1){                        if(errno = EAGAIN)                                printf("no data yet\n");                }                printf("read %s from FIFO\n",buf_r);                sem_post(&avail);                sem_post(&mutex);                sleep(1);        }}

[root@localhost net]# ./productpreparing for reading bytes...write hello to the FIFOread hello from FIFOwrite hello to the FIFOread hello from FIFOwrite hello to the FIFOread hello from FIFOwrite hello to the FIFOread hello from FIFOwrite hello to the FIFOread hello from FIFOwrite hello to the FIFOread hello from FIFO
