iphone ios core image core graphics core video定义及区别

来源:互联网 发布:关于软件开发的 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 01:31



core image定义

Core Image is an image processing technology built into Mac OS X v10.4 that leverages programmable graphics hardware whenever possible to provide near real-time processing. The Core Image application programming interface (API) provides access to built-in image filters for both video and still images and provides support for creating custom filters.

Developers who are designing an application that supports video or still image processing, or who want to write an image processing filter that can be used by other applications, will find this document useful.


core graphics定义

CoreGraphics (AKA Quartz) is the framework representation of the window server. The framework is part of the ApplicationServices umbrella framework.

The Quartz 2D API is part of the Core Graphics framework, so you may see Quartz referred to as Core Graphics or, simply, CG.

从网上的定义可以看出,core graphics也称为quartz 

看看core graphics类大全


core video定义

Core Video is a new pipeline model for digital video in Mac OS X. Partitioning the processing into discrete steps makes it simpler for developers to access and manipulate individual frames without having to worry about translating between data types (QuickTime, OpenGL, and so on) or display synchronization issues.

Core Video is comparable to the Core Image and Core Audio technologies.


1. core image 中的滤镜神马的,目前在ios iphone中还不支持





This framework contains the Quartz interfaces. In iOS, the Core Graphics framework is a top-level framework and not a subframework. You can use Quartz to create paths, gradients, shadings, patterns, colors, images, and bitmaps in exactly the same way you do in Mac OS X. There are a few Quartz features that are not present in iOS, however, including PostScript support, image sources and destinations, Quartz Display Services support, and Quartz Event Services support.

For more information, see Core Graphics Framework Reference.


This framework contains the Core Animation interfaces. Most of the Core Animation interfaces are the same for iOS and Mac OS X. However, in iOS, the classes for managing layout constraints and support for using Core Image filters are not available. In addition, the interfaces for Core Image and Core Video (which are also part of the Mac OS X version of the framework) are not available.

For more information, see Quartz Core Framework Reference.

1.Quartz 2D能与其它图形图像技术相结合——Core Image,Core Video,OpenGL,以及Quick Time。

类似的,在iPhone OS下的Quartz 2D也能与其它的图像和动画技术相结合——Core Animation,OpenGL ES,以及UIKit类。

2.什么是Core Image呢?
Core Image是在10.4中提供的图像处理Framework。请注意图像处理(image processing)和绘图(drawing)是两个概念,图像处理类似于Photoshop的滤镜。事实上Core Image就提供了一个“滤镜”链,输入图像在经过一系列的“滤镜”后产生了输出图像。由于整个过程相当耗费CPU处理资源,因此Core Image可以通过OpenGL利用图形卡GPU的pixel shader来处理大量的运算,再一次Core Image是可以被硬件加速的。
3.那么CoreImage和Quartz 又有什么关系呢?
Quartz中的Quartz Compositor可能利用Core Image产生类似阴影等的特效,然后合成最终的屏幕输出。刚才我们说过了Quartz Extreme中Quartz Compositor可以利用硬件来合成图像,现在通过core image, 连图形特效(FX)也可以通过硬件加速了。结果是从绘制到特效到组合全面硬件加速。

4.iphone ios Quartz 2d简介,教程


5.和图像有关的类型iphone ios NSImage CIImage CGImage 区别及应用Quartz, Quartz Extreme, Quartz 2D Extreme, Core Image

