
来源:互联网 发布:linux cdn 测试 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 17:24


The term ad hoc networking typically refers to a system of network elements that combine to form a network requiring little or no planning.


构成一种特殊的无线网络应用模式,一群计算机接上无线网络卡,即可相互连接,资源共享,无需透过Access Point。

Ad-Hoc(点对点)模式:ad-hoc模式就和以前的直连双绞线概念一样,是P2P的连接,所以也就无法与其它网络沟通了。一般无线终端设备像PMP、PSP、DMA等用的就是ad-hoc模式。   在家庭无线局域网的组建,我想大家都知道最简单的莫过于两台安装有无线网卡的计算机实施无线互联,其中一台计算机连接Internet就可以共享带宽。如下图所示,一个基于Ad-Hoc结构的无线局域网便完成了组建。  Ad-Hoc结构是一种省去了无线AP而搭建起的对等网络结构,只要安装了无线网卡的计算机彼此之间即可实现无线互联;其原理是网络中的一台电脑主机建立点对点连接相当于虚拟AP,而其它电脑就可以直接通过这个点对点连接进行网络互联与共享。


AP(Access Point):

Incomputer networking, a wireless access point (WAP) is a device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network usingWi-Fi,Bluetooth or related standards. The WAP usually connects to arouter (via a wired network), and can relay data between the wireless devices (such as computers or printers) and wired devices on the network.

Wireless access point vs. ad hoc network

Some people confuse Wireless Access Points withWireless Ad Hoc networks. An Ad Hoc network uses a connection between two or more deviceswithout using a wireless access point: the devices communicate directly when in range. An Ad Hoc network is used in situations such as a quick data exchange or a multiplayer LAN game because setup is easy and does not require an access point. Due to its peer-to-peer layout, Ad Hoc connections are similar toBluetooth ones and are generally not recommended for a permanent installation.

Internet access viaAd Hoc networks, using features like Windows' Internet Connection Sharing, may work well with a small number of devices that are close to each other, but Ad Hoc networks don't scale well. Internet traffic will converge to the nodes with direct internet connection, potentially congesting these nodes. For internet-enabled nodes, Access Points have a clear advantage, with the possibility of having multiple access points connected by a wiredLAN.





