Noip 2003T2 侦探推理

来源:互联网 发布:搬砖网络语言什么意思 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 22:44




 Noip 2003T2


 M个人参加游戏,每人提供一句或多句证言,共P句证言。其中N个人始终说假话,  其余的人始终说真话。请你通过证言判断出谁是罪犯。
 证词内容  证词含义
 I am guilty. 我是罪犯
 I am not guilty. 我不是罪犯  
 XXX is guilty. XXX是罪犯(XXX表示某个同学的名字)
 XXX is not guilty. XXX不是罪犯
 Today is XXX.今天是XXX(XXX表示星期几,是Monday Tuesday Wednesday  Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday其中之一)




 3 1 5




 MIKE: I am guilty.

 MIKE: Today is Sunday.

 CHARLES: MIKE is guilty.

 KATE: I am guilty.

 KATE: How are you??



 或者说是枚举或者说是dfs,最主要的是把句子转化成能用的信息,然后一个一个的  判断。



const w:array[1..7] ofstring=('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday',                     Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday');type re=record x,y,next:longint; end;var nam:array[0..21] of string; a:array[0..101] of re; f,c:array[0..21] of longint; d:array[0..21] of boolean; n,m,p:longint; tot:longint;procedure chuli;var s,s1,s2,s3:string; i:longint; xx:longint;begin readln(s); s1:=copy(s,1,pos(': ',s)-1);{<说话人的名字>} s2:=copy(s,pos(': ',s)+2,length(s)-pos(':',s)+1); {<说的内容>} fori:=1 to n do  ifnam[i]=s1 then{<先找到这个人,然后对其进行处理,指向他的下一个>}  begin   xx:=i;   inc(tot);    a[tot].next:=f[xx];   f[xx]:=tot;   break;   end; a[tot].x:=0; a[tot].y:=0; ifs2='I am guilty.' then  begin  a[tot].x:=xx;  a[tot].y:=2; {<说是的标2>}  exit;  end; ifs2='I am not guilty.' then  begin  a[tot].x:=xx;  a[tot].y:=1; {<说不是的1>}  exit;  end; ifcopy(s2,length(s2)-9,10)='is guilty.' then  begin  s3:=copy(s2,1,length(s2)-11);   fori:=1 to n do    ifnam[i]=s3 then    begin     a[tot].x:=i;     a[tot].y:=2;     break;    end;  exit;  end; ifcopy(s2,length(s2)-13,14)='is not guilty.' then  begin  s3:=copy(s2,1,length(s2)-15);   fori:=1 to n do    ifnam[i]=s3 then    begin     a[tot].x:=i;     a[tot].y:=1;     break;    end;  exit;  end; ifcopy(s2,1,8)='Today is' then  begin  s3:=copy(s2,10,length(s2)-10);   fori:=1 to 7 do    ifs3=w[i] then    begin     a[tot].x:=i;     a[tot].y:=3; {<星期标3>}    end;  end; if(a[tot].x=0)and(a[tot].y=0) then{<是废话的删掉前面做的处理>}  begin  f[xx]:=a[tot].next;  a[tot].next:=0;  dec(tot);  end;end;procedure work; {<判断是否有冲突,如果没有的话执行到最后处理输出>}var i,t:longint; b:array[0..20] of 0..2; w:array[0..7] of 0..2; week:integer; sum:longint; na:string;begin fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0); fillchar(w,sizeof(w),0); week:=0; fori:=1 to n do  ifnot d[i] then  begin   t:=f[i];   while t<>0 do    begin     if a[t].y=3 then      begin       if w[a[t].x]=1 then exit else w[a[t].x]:=2;      end     else      begin       if b[a[t].x]<>a[t].y  then        begin         if a[t].y=1 then b[a[t].x]:=2 else b[a[t].x]:=1;        end       else exit;      end;     t:=a[t].next;    end;   end  else  begin   t:=f[i];   while t<>0 do    begin     if a[t].y=3 then      begin       if (w[a[t].x]=2)or((w[a[t].x]=0)and(week>1)) then exit else        begin         w[a[t].x]:=1;         inc(week);        end;      end     else      begin       if (b[a[t].x]=0)or(b[a[t].x]=a[t].y) then        begin         b[a[t].x]:=a[t].y;        end       else exit;      end;     t:=a[t].next;    end;   end; sum:=0; fori:=1 to n do  ifb[i]=2 then  begin   inc(sum);   na:=nam[i];   end; ifsum=0 then  fori:=1 to n do   ifb[i]=0 then   begin    inc(sum);    na:=nam[i];   end; ifsum>1 then  begin  writeln('Cannot Determine');  close(input);  close(output);  halt;  end; ifsum=1 then  begin  writeln(na);  close(input);  close(output);  halt;  end; ifsum=0 then  begin  writeln('Impossible');  close(input);  close(output);  halt;  end;end;procedure dfs(k,h:longint); {<枚举说谎的>}var i:longint;begin ifh>m then begin work;exit; end; fori:=k+1 to n-m+h do  begin  d[i]:=false;  dfs(i,h+1);  d[i]:=true;  end;end;procedure init;var i,j:longint;begin readln(n,m,p); fillchar(d,sizeof(d),true); fori:=1 to n do readln(nam[i]); fori:=1 to p do chuli; dfs(0,1); writeln('Impossible');end;beginassign(input,'');assign(output,'logic.out');reset(input);rewrite(output); init;close(input);close(output);end.
