HOWTO: Customize UIKeyboard

来源:互联网 发布:json怎么解析 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 01:19


So for my application I needed to add a button to the number pad keyboard because I wanted users to be able to enter decimal values but the standard button keyboard doesnt include the decimal. And using a full keyboard has a lot of wasted keys that I had to restrict the user from hitting.

Then I came across this post that discussed the issue somewhat.

I wanted to elaborate on that post to show how I was able to actually access the view of the keyboard to add my own buttons.

Step 1: Follow the instructions in the above post to handle the messages sent when the the keyboard is going to be show/hidden. This will help you understand a little more about how the keyboard works.

For my use I didnt really need to know the information regarding position of the keyboard and all that, but it was handy to know when it is being show.

Step 2: Check out the code below that actually gets you a reference to the UIKeyboard view (UIView) which will allow you to add subviews.

//The UIWindow that contains the keyboard view - It some situations it will be better to actually//iterate through each window to figure out where the keyboard is, but In my applications case//I know that the second window has the keyboard so I just reference it directlyUIWindow* tempWindow = [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows] objectAtIndex:1];//Because we cant get access to the UIKeyboard throught the SDK we will just use UIView. //UIKeyboard is a subclass of UIView anywaysUIView* keyboard;//Iterate though each view inside of the selected Windowfor(int i = 0; i < [tempWindow.subviews count]; i++){//Get a reference of the current view keyboard = [tempWindow.subviews objectAtIndex:i];//Check to see if the className of the view we have referenced is "UIKeyboard" if so then we found//the keyboard view that we were looking forif([[keyboard className] isEqualToString:@"UIKeyboard"] == YES){//Keyboard is now a UIView reference to the UIKeyboard we want. From here we can add a subview//to th keyboard like a new button//Do what ever you want to do to your keyboard here...}}
I put the above code inside of the appDelegate into a method that I call the first time that the user shows the textbox (figured that out using the didShow method in step1). 

Im not much of a tutorial writter, but hopefully that will shine some light on how to add custom items to your keyboards 


Apparently className does not work with the 2.1 firmware or in all conditions so as per the article linked above I would recomend a change in the code i provided.

if([[keyboard className] isEqualToString:@"UIKeyboard"] == YES)
that if statement should change. Instead of using [keyboard className] I used the following line of code

if([[keyboard description] hasPrefix:@"<UIKeyboard"] == YES)
