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Author: 匿名  Click: 387   Date: 2011.05.22 @ 11:51:28 am Category: linux

在我们所使用的系统当中,使用sh调用执行脚本,相当于打开了bash的POSIX标准模式 (等效于bash的 --posix 参数)

一般的,sh是bash的“子集” (不是子集的部分,具体区别见下的“Things sh has that bash does not”)


[wwy@sf-watch test]$ cat t2.sh #!/bin/bashdiff <(echo xxx) <(echo yyy) # 此语法包含bash的特性,不属于sh的POSIX标准    [wwy@sf-watch test]$ bash -x ./t2.sh # 使用bash 调用,不会出问题+ diff /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62++ echo xxx++ echo yyy1c1< xxx--->    yyy[wwy@sf-watch test]$ sh ./t2.sh    # 而用sh调用,报错如下./t2.sh: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `('./t2.sh: line 3: `diff <(echo xxx) <(echo yyy)'[wwy@sf-watch test]$ echo $? 2


[wangweiyu@ComSeOp mon]$ which sh /bin/sh[wangweiyu@ComSeOp mon]$ ls -l /bin/sh lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 4 Mar 21  2007 /bin/sh -> bash

那为什么上面的例子中还会出现问题呢?原因在于: bash程序执行,当“$0”是“sh”的时候, 则要求下面的代码遵循一定的规范,当不符合规范的语法存在时,则会报错, 所以可以这样理解, “sh”并不是一个程序,而是一种标准(POSIX), 这种标准,在一定程度上保证了脚本的跨系统性(跨UNIX系统)


Things bash has that sh does not:   long invocation options   [+-]O invocation option   -l invocation option   `!' reserved word to invert pipeline return value   `time' reserved word to time pipelines and shell builtins   the `function' reserved word   the `select' compound command and reserved word   arithmetic for command: for ((expr1 ; expr2; expr3 )); do list; done   new $'...' and $"..." quoting   the $(...) form of command substitution   the $(<filename) form of command substitution, equivalent to      $(cat filename)   the ${#param} parameter value length operator   the ${!param} indirect parameter expansion operator   the ${!param*} prefix expansion operator   the ${param:offset[:length]} parameter substring operator   the ${param/pat[/string]} parameter pattern substitution operator   expansions to perform substring removal (${p%[%]w}, ${p#[#]w})   expansion of positional parameters beyond $9 with ${num}   variables: BASH, BASH_VERSION, BASH_VERSINFO, UID, EUID, REPLY,         TIMEFORMAT, PPID, PWD, OLDPWD, SHLVL, RANDOM, SECONDS,         LINENO, HISTCMD, HOSTTYPE, OSTYPE, MACHTYPE, HOSTNAME,         ENV, PS3, PS4, DIRSTACK, PIPESTATUS, HISTSIZE, HISTFILE,         HISTFILESIZE, HISTCONTROL, HISTIGNORE, GLOBIGNORE, GROUPS,         PROMPT_COMMAND, FCEDIT, FIGNORE, IGNOREEOF, INPUTRC,         SHELLOPTS, OPTERR, HOSTFILE, TMOUT, FUNCNAME, histchars,         auto_resume   DEBUG trap   ERR trap   variable arrays with new compound assignment syntax   redirections: <>, &>, >|, <<<, [n]<&word-, [n]>&word-   prompt string special char translation and variable expansion   auto-export of variables in initial environment   command search finds functions before builtins   bash return builtin will exit a file sourced with `.'   builtins: cd -/-L/-P, exec -l/-c/-a, echo -e/-E, hash -d/-l/-p/-t.        export -n/-f/-p/name=value, pwd -L/-P,        read -e/-p/-a/-t/-n/-d/-s/-u,        readonly -a/-f/name=value, trap -l, set +o,        set -b/-m/-o option/-h/-p/-B/-C/-H/-P,        unset -f/-v, ulimit -i/-m/-p/-q/-u/-x,        type -a/-p/-t/-f/-P, suspend -f, kill -n,        test -o optname/s1 == s2/s1 < s2/s1 > s2/-nt/-ot/-ef/-O/-G/-S   bash reads ~/.bashrc for interactive shells, $ENV for non-interactive   bash restricted shell mode is more extensive   bash allows functions and variables with the same name   brace expansion   tilde expansion   arithmetic expansion with $((...)) and `let' builtin   the `[[...]]' extended conditional command   process substitution   aliases and alias/unalias builtins   local variables in functions and `local' builtin   readline and command-line editing with programmable completion   command history and history/fc builtins   csh-like history expansion   other new bash builtins: bind, command, compgen, complete, builtin,             declare/typeset, dirs, enable, fc, help,             history, logout, popd, pushd, disown, shopt,             printf   exported functions   filename generation when using output redirection (command >a*)   POSIX.2-style globbing character classes   POSIX.2-style globbing equivalence classes   POSIX.2-style globbing collating symbols   egrep-like extended pattern matching operators   case-insensitive pattern matching and globbing   variable assignments preceding commands affect only that command,      even for builtins and functions   posix mode and strict posix conformance   redirection to /dev/fd/N, /dev/stdin, /dev/stdout, /dev/stderr,      /dev/tcp/host/port, /dev/udp/host/port   debugger support, including `caller' builtin and new variables   RETURN trap   the `+=' assignment operatorThings sh has that bash does not:   uses variable SHACCT to do shell accounting   includes `stop' builtin (bash can use alias stop='kill -s STOP')   `newgrp' builtin   turns on job control if called as `jsh'   $TIMEOUT (like bash $TMOUT)   `^' is a synonym for `|'   new SVR4.2 sh builtins: mldmode, privImplementation differences:   redirection to/from compound commands causes sh to create a subshell   bash does not allow unbalanced quotes; sh silently inserts them at EOF   bash does not mess with signal 11   sh sets (euid, egid) to (uid, gid) if -p not supplied and uid < 100   bash splits only the results of expansions on IFS, using POSIX.2      field splitting rules; sh splits all words on IFS   sh does not allow MAILCHECK to be unset (?)   sh does not allow traps on SIGALRM or SIGCHLD   bash allows multiple option arguments when invoked (e.g. -x -v);      sh allows only a single option argument (`sh -x -v' attempts      to open a file named `-v', and, on SunOS 4.1.4, dumps core.      On Solaris 2.4 and earlier versions, sh goes into an infinite      loop.)   sh exits a script if any builtin fails; bash exits only if one of      the POSIX.2 `special' builtins fails


在脚本的调用方面(interactive、login相关),bash与sh也是存在差异 以下是详细说明(假如被调用执行的脚本名字叫xxx.sh)

BASH: 1、   交互式的登录shell (bash –il xxx.sh)载入的信息:/etc/profile~/.bash_profile( ->  ~/.bashrc  ->  /etc/bashrc)~/.bash_login~/.profile 2、非交互式的登录shell (bash –l xxx.sh)载入的信息:/etc/profile~/.bash_profile ( ->  ~/.bashrc  ->  /etc/bashrc)~/.bash_login~/.profile$BASH_ENV 3、交互式的非登录shell (bash –i xxx.sh)载入的信息:~/.bashrc ( ->  /etc/bashrc) 4、非交互式的非登录shell (bash xxx.sh)载入的信息:$BASH_ENV SH: 1、交互式的登录shell载入的信息:/etc/profile~/.profile 2、非交互式的登录shell载入的信息:/etc/profile~/.profile 3、交互式的非登录shell载入的信息:$ENV 4、非交互式的非登录shell载入的信息:nothing

由此可以看出,最主要的区别在于相关配置文件的是否载入, 而这些配置的是否载入,也就导致了很多默认选项的差异 (具体请仔细查看~/.bash_profile 等文件) 如:

[wangweiyu@ComSeOp ~]$ grep ulimit /etc/profile    ulimit -S -c unlimited > /dev/null 2>&1
即,如果/etc/profile没有被载入,则不会产生core dump

值得一提的是,使用ssh远程执行命令, 远端sshd进程通过“bash –c”的方式来执行命令(即“非交互式的非登录shell”) 所以这一点,和登录之后再在本地执行执行命令,就存在了一定的差异


[wangweiyu@ComSeOp ~]$ ssh wangweiyu@ 'echo $-'wangweiyu@'s password: hBc[wangweiyu@ComSeOp ~]$ echo $-himBH[wangweiyu@ComSeOp ~]$ ssh wangweiyu@ 'echo $0'wangweiyu@'s password: bash[wangweiyu@ComSeOp ~]$ echo $0-bash

注: “$-” 中含有“i”代表“交互式shell” “$0”的显示结果为“-bash”,bash前面多个“-”,代表“登录shell” 没有“i“和“-”的,是“非交互式的非登录shell”



[wangweiyu@ComSeOp ~]$ cat .bashrc # .bashrc# User specific aliases and functions# Source global definitionsif [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then        . /etc/bashrcfiecho 'xxx'[wangweiyu@ComSeOp ~]$ ssh wangweiyu@ 'echo $-'wangweiyu@'s password: xxxhBc

这一点,衍生出一个关于scp的问题,scp在传输数据之前,会先进行一次ssh登录, 而当.bashrc文件有输出的时候,则会导致scp失败!原因是解析返回的数据包出现混乱


[wangweiyu@ComSeOp ~]$ cat .bashrc # .bashrc# User specific aliases and functions# Source global definitionsif [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then        . /etc/bashrcfiecho 'xxx'[wangweiyu@ComSeOp ~]$ scp file wangweiyu@'s password: xxx[wangweiyu@ComSeOp ~]$ echo $?1[wangweiyu@ComSeOp ~]$ ls /tmp/[wangweiyu@ComSeOp ~]$
