
来源:互联网 发布:服务器端软件有什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/15 10:58

头文件 mystack.h

/** * File mystack.h * Declare class Stack **/#ifndef MYSTACK_H#define MYSTACK_H#include <iostream>using namespace std;enum Error_code { success, fail, underflow, overflow };typedef char Stack_entry;const int maxstack = 10;class Stack{public:    Stack();    bool empty() const;    Error_code pop();    /**     * the top of the Stack is returned in item     **/    Error_code top(Stack_entry& item) const;    Error_code push(const Stack_entry& item);    private:    int count;    Stack_entry entry[maxstack];};#endif

预编译: g++ mystack.h

库文件 mystack.cpp

/** * File mystack.cpp **/#include "mystack.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;Error_code Stack::push(const Stack_entry& item){    Error_code outcome = success;    if (count >= maxstack)outcome = overflow;    elseentry[count++] = item;    return outcome;}Error_code Stack::pop(){    Error_code outcome = success;    if (count == 0)outcome = underflow;    elsecount--;    return outcome;}Error_code Stack::top(Stack_entry& item) const{    Error_code outcome = success;    if (count == 0)outcome = underflow;    elseitem = entry[count - 1];    return outcome;}bool Stack::empty() const{    bool outcome = true;    if (count < 0)outcome = false;    return outcome;}Stack::Stack(){    count = 0;}
编译:g++ -c mystack.cpp -o mystack.o

main函数: stacktest.cpp

/** * File stacktest.cpp **/#include "mystack.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    Stack s;    s.push('1');    char top = 0;    s.top(top);    cout << top << endl;    return 0;}

编译并链接: g++ -o stacktest stacktest.cpp ./mystack.cpp

运行: ./stacktest