SS_REALSIZECONTROL undefined 2104 和 heap curruption detected错误

来源:互联网 发布:it外包网站源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 06:17



      error RC2104:undefined keyword or keyname:SS_REALSIZECONTROL






This is a known bug confirmed by Microsoft. An .rc file with menubar resources cannot be currently loaded as resource file in eVC. This will be fixed in future versions of Smartphone SDK. Meanwhile Microsoft recommends to manually edit rc-file in text editor ( see Readme.htm file for Smartphone SDK). It's not a satisfying approach, however, since editing application resources manually is a much more difficult and time-consuming operation than editing them in eVC resurce editor.

  A better approach is to place manubar resource in a separate text file,which will be included in the main rc-file during resource compilation (but not when rc-file is opened in eVC resource editor).



heap curruption detected 错误,今天碰到这个错误,搜了下有篇文章说是动态内存分配有问题,具体地址忘记了。。。然后我看了下的的代码

    有个byte[] 的序列号要转成char* 类型,是byte[16], 然后我就malloc 16.。。。。

    char* p = (char*)malloc(16);