redirfs 的机制

来源:互联网 发布:软件项目变更申请表 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 18:27





The RedirFS or redirecting file system is a new layer between virtual file system switch (VFS) and file system drivers. It is implemented as an out-of-kernel module for Linux 2.6 and it provides framework allowing modification of file system calls in the VFS layer. The RedirFS by itself does not provide any additional functionality and if it is loaded into the Linux kernel, it just occupies some memory space and it does practically nothing. Now you maybe ask yourself a question: "So what is it good for then?". The RedirFS is intended to be used by so-called filters. Filter is a linux kernel module (LKM) that uses the RedirFS framework. Each filter can add some useful functionality to the existing file systems like transparent compression, transparent encryption, merging contents of several directories into one, allowing writing to a read-only media and others. Filter can set pre and post callback functions for selected file system calls (e.g. read or open) and include or exclude directories or single files for which its callback functions will be called. Every filter has its priority - a unique number that defines in which order will the filters be called. The RedirFS manages all filters and calls their callback functions in order specified by their priorities. While the RedirFS is located in the VFS layer, filters can be used generally in all file systems (e.g. ext2, nfs, proc). In addition, the RedirFS allows filters to be on-the-fly registered and unregistered.












          通过path_lookup函数可以看获得VFS的一些操作方法,(当然也包括路径信息、挂载信息、dentry、super_blocks等等) inode_operations, dentry_operations, file_operations等。



            但是此时直接修改ops->open是不可行的,我们还要依赖这个,同时系统也保证你无法修改..不过,ops是可以修改指向的...此时先把old->ops的内容给复制过来,然后我们把ops指向这个复制的区域,此时方法还没有修改,不过,ops->open已经是可修改的了,因为现在ops指向的东西是我们自己的..所以此时把ops->open = new_open,就搞定了...

              模块卸载时,ops = old_ops就恢复了..










下面的文件编译加载....然后执行echo test >/boot/test/test ,效果就是这个本来不应该阻塞的操作会阻塞3秒...dmesg可以看到hooked的消息... :)虽然看起来有点stupid,不过这个表明我们可以在特定的文件操作上hook自己的东西了..



//每个dentry对象都会包含一个指向super_block的对象...而super_block中又包含一个文件对象的link list...



#include <linux/module.h>#include <linux/kernel.h>#include <linux/fs.h>#include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/cdev.h>#include <linux/wait.h>#include <linux/slab.h>#include <linux/string.h>#include <linux/namei.h>#include <asm/uaccess.h>#include <linux/dcache.h>#include <linux/mount.h> #define PATH_NAME "/boot/test/test" int test_open(struct inode*inode, struct file *filp);int test_read(struct file *filp, char __user *buf, size_t count ,loff_t * f_pos);int test_write(struct file *filp,const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *f_pos);int test_release(struct inode *inode ,struct file * filp); int hooked_open(struct inode *inode ,struct file *filp);int new_open(struct inode*inode, struct file *filp);  static int major_number=1000,minor_number=0;static dev_t device_number;struct cdev *my_cdev = NULL; static struct nameidata *file_path =NULL;static struct inode *pfile_list = NULL;static struct dentry *pdentry = NULL;static struct vfsmount *mount_point = NULL; static struct file_operations *old_ops=NULL,*back_up=NULL; //得到super_block->s_file的地址 test_open(struct inode*inode, struct file *filp){ printk("device opened...\n");return 0;} int test_read(struct file *filp,char __user *buf,size_t count ,loff_t * f_pos){//返回一些数据...路径名以及inode号 int i = copy_to_user((void*)buf, &(pfile_list->i_ino),sizeof(unsigned long)); //迭代获取路径.struct dentry *tmp = pdentry;char *full_path = (char *)kzalloc(256,GFP_KERNEL); int len=0,j = 0;char root[2] = "/"; while( len<252){ strncpy(full_path+len,tmp->,tmp->d_name.len);len += tmp->d_name.len;full_path[len++] = '_'; if( ! strcmp(tmp->,root)){//到最底了..找到挂载点.. //作成一个函数会比较好,适合递归tmp = mount_point->mnt_mountpoint;strncpy(full_path+len,tmp->,tmp->d_name.len);len+= tmp->d_name.len;break;} tmp = tmp->d_parent;} full_path[len++] = '\0'; j = copy_to_user((void*)((char *)buf +4),full_path,len); kfree(full_path); return len + sizeof(unsigned long) -i-j; } int test_write(struct file *filp,const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *f_pos){//暂时不定义write...先读取super_blockreturn 0;} int test_release(struct inode *inode ,struct file * filp){//释放open开辟的内存 return 0;} struct file_operations test_ops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE,.read = test_read,.write = test_write,.release = test_release,.open = test_open,}; int test_init(void){int err = 0;device_number = MKDEV(major_number,minor_number);err = register_chrdev_region(device_number,1,"/dev/file_super");if( 0 > err){printk("cannot register device ..major = %d,minior =%d\n",major_number,minor_number);return err;} my_cdev = cdev_alloc(); my_cdev->ops = &test_ops;my_cdev->owner = THIS_MODULE;err = cdev_add(my_cdev,device_number,1);if( 0 > err){ printk("cannot add device ..\n");unregister_chrdev_region(device_number,1);cdev_del(my_cdev);return err;} file_path = kzalloc(sizeof(struct nameidata),GFP_KERNEL); err  = path_lookup(PATH_NAME,0,file_path); if(0 > err){printk("path look up abnormal...module unloaded..\n");kfree(file_path);unregister_chrdev_region(device_number,1);cdev_del(my_cdev); return err;}//已经打开了/boot/test目录,现在可以获取该文件系统上的super_block了.. pdentry = file_path->path.dentry;pfile_list = pdentry->d_inode; //这个是查找的文件的inode..mount_point = file_path->path.mnt;old_ops = pfile_list->i_fop;  //这里已经记录下了之前的file_operations //试图直接修改inode的i_fop会得到这个错误://error: assignment of member ‘open’ in read-only object,表明不能修改系统调用~~~ back_up = (struct file_operations *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct file_operations),GFP_KERNEL);memcpy((void *)back_up,(void*) pfile_list->i_fop,sizeof(struct file_operations));//存起来back_up->open = hooked_open; pfile_list->i_fop = back_up; return 0;} void  __exit test_exit(void){printk("remove module \n"); pfile_list->i_fop = old_ops;cdev_del(my_cdev);unregister_chrdev_region(device_number,1); kfree(file_path);kfree(back_up); printk("module unloaded...\n");}  int new_open(struct inode*inode, struct file *filp){mdelay(3000);printk("demo hooked ,you get it !!!!!\n");return 0;} int hooked_open(struct inode *inode ,struct file *filp){new_open(inode,filp);return old_ops->open(inode,filp);} //一个简单的demo,让/特定目录下的open操作sleep 3秒钟...~//pfile_list指向/boot/test/test的inode结构~~//两个修改途径(1)修改inode->file结构...(无法修改inode中的file_operations),make提示该成员对象只读...//可以修改指针...不能修改默认的file_operations。。。//(2)super_blocks中s_files遍历找到file结构~~~这个是针对已经打开了的文件..需要修改file_op结构...   module_init(test_init);module_exit(test_exit);MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");
