
来源:互联网 发布:手游编程职高 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 00:16
#include <stdio.h> typedef struct BCTreeNode //       {           int                 Value; //           struct BCTreeNode  *left_child;  //           struct BCTreeNode  *right_brother; //       } *BCTree,BcTree; int ReverseBCTree(BCTree T){       if(T==NULL)       return 0;       if(T->left_child==NULL)      //no child,go to brother node       {       ReverseBCTree(T->right_brother);       return 0;       }       BCTree pr,prnext,prprev;       pr=T->left_child;            //head of list       prprev=NULL;       prnext=pr->right_brother;       while(prnext){                //reverse all the right_brother list       pr->right_brother=prprev;  //reverse current node to prev list node       //forward one step       prprev=pr;       pr=prnext;       prnext=prnext->right_brother;       }       pr->right_brother=prprev;       T->left_child=pr;    //after reverse T ->left point to head of list ;       ReverseBCTree(T->left_child);       ReverseBCTree(T->right_brother);       return 0; }int createBCTree(BCTree *T){       int data=0;       BCTree t;       printf("input:");       scanf("%d",&data);       if(data==100){       t=0;       return 0;       }       t=(BCTree)malloc(sizeof(struct BCTreeNode));       t->Value=data;       t->left_child=NULL;       t->right_brother=NULL;       *T=t;       createBCTree(&(t->left_child));       createBCTree(&(t->right_brother));       return 0;  }int  printBCTree(BCTree T){       if(T==0)       return 0;       printf("output:");       printf(" %d ",T->Value);       printBCTree(T->left_child);       printBCTree(T->right_brother);       return 0;  }int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {       BCTree T=0;       if(createBCTree(&T)){       printf("error");       }       printf("createBCTree over\n");       printBCTree(T);       printf("\nprintBCTree over\n");       ReverseBCTree(T);     printf("\nReverseBCTreeover\n");       printBCTree(T);       printf("\nprintBCTree over\n");       return 0; }
