
来源:互联网 发布:mac装win10好吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 11:43
/*!* jQuery doTimeout: Like setTimeout, but better! - v1.0 - 3/3/2010* http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-dotimeout-plugin/* * Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.* http://benalman.com/about/license/*/// Script: jQuery doTimeout: Like setTimeout, but better!//// *Version: 1.0, Last updated: 3/3/2010*// // Project Home - http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-dotimeout-plugin/// GitHub       - http://github.com/cowboy/jquery-dotimeout/// Source       - http://github.com/cowboy/jquery-dotimeout/raw/master/jquery.ba-dotimeout.js// (Minified)   - http://github.com/cowboy/jquery-dotimeout/raw/master/jquery.ba-dotimeout.min.js (1.0kb)// // About: License// // Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman,// Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.// http://benalman.com/about/license/// // About: Examples// // These working examples, complete with fully commented code, illustrate a few// ways in which this plugin can be used.// // Debouncing      - http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-dotimeout/examples/debouncing/// Delays, Polling - http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-dotimeout/examples/delay-poll/// Hover Intent    - http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-dotimeout/examples/hoverintent/// // About: Support and Testing// // Information about what version or versions of jQuery this plugin has been// tested with, what browsers it has been tested in, and where the unit tests// reside (so you can test it yourself).// // jQuery Versions - 1.3.2, 1.4.2// Browsers Tested - Internet Explorer 6-8, Firefox 2-3.6, Safari 3-4, Chrome 4-5, Opera 9.6-10.1.// Unit Tests      - http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-dotimeout/unit/// // About: Release History// // 1.0 - (3/3/2010) Callback can now be a string, in which case it will call//       the appropriate $.method or $.fn.method, depending on where .doTimeout//       was called. Callback must now return `true` (not just a truthy value)//       to poll.// 0.4 - (7/15/2009) Made the "id" argument optional, some other minor tweaks// 0.3 - (6/25/2009) Initial release(function($) {    '$:nomunge'; // Used by YUI compressor.    var cache = {},    // Reused internal string.    doTimeout = 'doTimeout',    // A convenient shortcut.    aps = Array.prototype.slice;    // Method: jQuery.doTimeout    //     // Initialize, cancel, or force execution of a callback after a delay.    //     // If delay and callback are specified, a doTimeout is initialized. The    // callback will execute, asynchronously, after the delay. If an id is    // specified, this doTimeout will override and cancel any existing doTimeout    // with the same id. Any additional arguments will be passed into callback    // when it is executed.    //     // If the callback returns true, the doTimeout loop will execute again, after    // the delay, creating a polling loop until the callback returns a non-true    // value.    //     // Note that if an id is not passed as the first argument, this doTimeout will    // NOT be able to be manually canceled or forced. (for debouncing, be sure to    // specify an id).    //     // If id is specified, but delay and callback are not, the doTimeout will be    // canceled without executing the callback. If force_mode is specified, the    // callback will be executed, synchronously, but will only be allowed to    // continue a polling loop if force_mode is true (provided the callback    // returns true, of course). If force_mode is false, no polling loop will    // continue, even if the callback returns true.    //     // Usage:    //     // > jQuery.doTimeout( [ id, ] delay, callback [, arg ... ] );    // > jQuery.doTimeout( id [, force_mode ] );    //     // Arguments:    //     //  id - (String) An optional unique identifier for this doTimeout. If id is    //    not specified, the doTimeout will NOT be able to be manually canceled or    //    forced.    //  delay - (Number) A zero-or-greater delay in milliseconds after which    //    callback will be executed.     //  callback - (Function) A function to be executed after delay milliseconds.    //  callback - (String) A jQuery method to be executed after delay    //    milliseconds. This method will only poll if it explicitly returns    //    true.    //  force_mode - (Boolean) If true, execute that id's doTimeout callback    //    immediately and synchronously, continuing any callback return-true    //    polling loop. If false, execute the callback immediately and    //    synchronously but do NOT continue a callback return-true polling loop.    //    If omitted, cancel that id's doTimeout.    //     // Returns:    //     //  If force_mode is true, false or undefined and there is a    //  yet-to-be-executed callback to cancel, true is returned, but if no    //  callback remains to be executed, undefined is returned.    $[doTimeout] = function() {        return p_doTimeout.apply(window, [0].concat(aps.call(arguments)));    };    // Method: jQuery.fn.doTimeout    //     // Initialize, cancel, or force execution of a callback after a delay.    // Operates like <jQuery.doTimeout>, but the passed callback executes in the    // context of the jQuery collection of elements, and the id is stored as data    // on the first element in that collection.    //     // If delay and callback are specified, a doTimeout is initialized. The    // callback will execute, asynchronously, after the delay. If an id is    // specified, this doTimeout will override and cancel any existing doTimeout    // with the same id. Any additional arguments will be passed into callback    // when it is executed.    //     // If the callback returns true, the doTimeout loop will execute again, after    // the delay, creating a polling loop until the callback returns a non-true    // value.    //     // Note that if an id is not passed as the first argument, this doTimeout will    // NOT be able to be manually canceled or forced (for debouncing, be sure to    // specify an id).    //     // If id is specified, but delay and callback are not, the doTimeout will be    // canceled without executing the callback. If force_mode is specified, the    // callback will be executed, synchronously, but will only be allowed to    // continue a polling loop if force_mode is true (provided the callback    // returns true, of course). If force_mode is false, no polling loop will    // continue, even if the callback returns true.    //     // Usage:    //     // > jQuery('selector').doTimeout( [ id, ] delay, callback [, arg ... ] );    // > jQuery('selector').doTimeout( id [, force_mode ] );    //     // Arguments:    //     //  id - (String) An optional unique identifier for this doTimeout, stored as    //    jQuery data on the element. If id is not specified, the doTimeout will    //    NOT be able to be manually canceled or forced.    //  delay - (Number) A zero-or-greater delay in milliseconds after which    //    callback will be executed.     //  callback - (Function) A function to be executed after delay milliseconds.    //  callback - (String) A jQuery.fn method to be executed after delay    //    milliseconds. This method will only poll if it explicitly returns    //    true (most jQuery.fn methods return a jQuery object, and not `true`,    //    which allows them to be chained and prevents polling).    //  force_mode - (Boolean) If true, execute that id's doTimeout callback    //    immediately and synchronously, continuing any callback return-true    //    polling loop. If false, execute the callback immediately and    //    synchronously but do NOT continue a callback return-true polling loop.    //    If omitted, cancel that id's doTimeout.    //     // Returns:    //     //  When creating a <jQuery.fn.doTimeout>, the initial jQuery collection of    //  elements is returned. Otherwise, if force_mode is true, false or undefined    //  and there is a yet-to-be-executed callback to cancel, true is returned,    //  but if no callback remains to be executed, undefined is returned.    $.fn[doTimeout] = function() {        var args = aps.call(arguments),      result = p_doTimeout.apply(this, [doTimeout + args[0]].concat(args));        return typeof args[0] === 'number' || typeof args[1] === 'number'      ? this      : result;    };    function p_doTimeout(jquery_data_key) {        var that = this,      elem,      data = {},        // Allows the plugin to call a string callback method.      method_base = jquery_data_key ? $.fn : $,        // Any additional arguments will be passed to the callback.      args = arguments,      slice_args = 4,      id = args[1],      delay = args[2],      callback = args[3];        if (typeof id !== 'string') {            slice_args--;            id = jquery_data_key = 0;            delay = args[1];            callback = args[2];        }        // If id is passed, store a data reference either as .data on the first        // element in a jQuery collection, or in the internal cache.        if (jquery_data_key) { // Note: key is 'doTimeout' + id            // Get id-object from the first element's data, otherwise initialize it to {}.            elem = that.eq(0);            elem.data(jquery_data_key, data = elem.data(jquery_data_key) || {});        } else if (id) {            // Get id-object from the cache, otherwise initialize it to {}.            data = cache[id] || (cache[id] = {});        }        // Clear any existing timeout for this id.        data.id && clearTimeout(data.id);        delete data.id;        // Clean up when necessary.        function cleanup() {            if (jquery_data_key) {                elem.removeData(jquery_data_key);            } else if (id) {                delete cache[id];            }        };        // Yes, there actually is a setTimeout call in here!        function actually_setTimeout() {            data.id = setTimeout(function() { data.fn(); }, delay);        };        if (callback) {            // A callback (and delay) were specified. Store the callback reference for            // possible later use, and then setTimeout.            data.fn = function(no_polling_loop) {                // If the callback value is a string, it is assumed to be the name of a                // method on $ or $.fn depending on where doTimeout was executed.                if (typeof callback === 'string') {                    callback = method_base[callback];                }                callback.apply(that, aps.call(args, slice_args)) === true && !no_polling_loop                // Since the callback returned true, and we're not specifically                // canceling a polling loop, do it again!          ? actually_setTimeout()                // Otherwise, clean up and quit.          : cleanup();            };            // Set that timeout!            actually_setTimeout();        } else if (data.fn) {            // No callback passed. If force_mode (delay) is true, execute the data.fn            // callback immediately, continuing any callback return-true polling loop.            // If force_mode is false, execute the data.fn callback immediately but do            // NOT continue a callback return-true polling loop. If force_mode is            // undefined, simply clean up. Since data.fn was still defined, whatever            // was supposed to happen hadn't yet, so return true.            delay === undefined ? cleanup() : data.fn(delay === false);            return true;        } else {            // Since no callback was passed, and data.fn isn't defined, it looks like            // whatever was supposed to happen already did. Clean up and quit!            cleanup();        }    };})(jQuery);





 $(function() {        $(this).doTimeout('typing', 10, function() {            initMachineSel();            initDriverSel();        });

