arcgis api for silverlight自己写个图层,实现对OpenStreetMap的访问

来源:互联网 发布:阿里云 pop3 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 14:07


   public class OpenStreetMapLayer : TiledMapServiceLayer
        private static string[] subDomains = { "a", "b", "c" };
        private const string baseUrl = "http://{0}{1}/{2}/{3}.png";
        public override void Initialize()
            this.FullExtent = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Envelope(-20037508.3427892, -20037508.3427892, 20037508.3427892, 20037508.3427892)
                SpatialReference = new SpatialReference(102113)

            double cornerCoordinate = 20037508.3427892;//from wkid 3857/102100

            // This layer's spatial reference
            this.SpatialReference = new SpatialReference(102113);
            // Set up tile information. Each tile is 256x256px, 19 levels.
            this.TileInfo = new TileInfo()
                Height = 256,
                Width = 256,
                Origin = new MapPoint(-cornerCoordinate, cornerCoordinate) { SpatialReference = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.SpatialReference(102113) },
                Lods = new Lod[19]
            // Set the resolutions for each level. Each level is half the resolution of the previous one.
            double resolution = cornerCoordinate * 2 / 256;
            for (int i = 0; i < TileInfo.Lods.Length; i++)
                TileInfo.Lods[i] = new Lod() { Resolution = resolution };
                resolution /= 2;
            // Call base initialize to raise the initialization event

        public override string GetTileUrl(int level, int row, int col)
            // Select a subdomain based on level/row/column so that it will always
            // be the same for a specific tile. Multiple subdomains allows the user
            // to load more tiles simultanously. To take advantage of the browser cache
            // the following expression also makes sure that a specific tile will always
            // hit the same subdomain.
            string subdomain = subDomains[(level + col + row) % subDomains.Length];
            return string.Format(baseUrl, subdomain, level, col, row);


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