
来源:互联网 发布:网络的利弊作文800字 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 17:35




DATA _NULL_;   /*Initialize DSGI*/   RC = GINIT ();   /*Open a graphic segment*/   RC = GRAPH ('CLEAR');   /*Assign color, Yellow, to 1*/   RC = GSET ('COLREP', 1, 'RED');   /*Assign color, Blue, to 2*/   RC = GSET ('COLREP', 2, 'YELLOW');   /*Fill-in area with No. 2 color, Blue*/   RC = GSET ('FILCOLOR', 2);   /*Fill-in type is Solid*/   RC = GSET ('FILTYPE', 'SOLID');   /*Draw a Solid Blue circle, from 0 to 360 degree at coordinate (72, 50) with     semi-diameter = 50*/   RC = GDRAW ('PIE', 65, 50, 50, 0, 360);   /*Set up text color as Yellow*/   RC = GSET ('TEXCOLOR', 1);   /*Set up text height is 10 unit*/   RC = GSET ('TEXHEIGHT', 10);   /*Set up text font as Swiss Bold*/   RC = GSET('TEXFONT', ' ZAPFBI');   /*Write down text, “HAVE A GOOD HOLIDAY?” starting from coordinate, (21, 45)*/   RC = GDRAW ('TEXT', 30, 45, 'HAVE A GOOD HOLIDAY!');   /*Close the graphics segment*/   RC = GRAPH ('UPDATE');   /*Terminate DSGI*/   RC = GTERM ();RUN; /*Display output*/


《Making Presentations More Fun with DATA Step Graphics Interface (DSGI) 》