
来源:互联网 发布:python web后端开发 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 19:11
       A song was heard in China in the city of Beijing  In the spring of 1989, you could hear the people sing,  And it was a song of freedom that was ringing in the square  The world could feel passion of people gathered there  Oh children, blood is on the square    For many nights and many days Waiting in the square  “To build a better nation“ was the song that echoed there  “For We are China’s children. We love our native land  For brotherhood and freedom we are joining hand in hand“  Oh children, blood is on the square    Then came the People’s Army with trucks and tanks and guns  The government was frightened of their daughters and their sons  But in the square was courage and a vision true and fair  The army of the people would not harm the young ones there  Oh children, blood is on the square    On June the 3rd in China in the spring of ’89  An order came from high above and passed on down the line  The soldiers opened fire, young people bled and died  The blood of thousands on the square that lies can never hide  Oh children, blood is on the square    For four more days of fury, the people faced the guns  How many thousands slaughtered when their grisly work was done  They quickly burned the bodies to hide their coward’s shame  but blood is thick upon their hands and darkness on their names  Oh children, blood is on the square    Therw are tears that flow in China for her children that are gone  There is fear, there is hiding, for the killing still goes on  The iron hand of terror can buy silence for today  But the blood that lies upon the square cannot be washed away  Oh children, blood is on the square  Oh children, blood is on the square  Oh children, blood is on the square