
来源:互联网 发布:apache calcite 中文 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 09:08





//checkleaks.h#ifndef SET_DEBUG_NEW_H  #define SET_DEBUG_NEW_H  #ifdef _DEBUG  #define DEBUG_CLIENTBLOCK   new( _CLIENT_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)  #else  #define DEBUG_CLIENTBLOCK  #endif  #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC  #include <crtdbg.h>  #ifdef _DEBUG  #define new DEBUG_CLIENTBLOCK  #endif  #pragma once  #if defined(WIN32)  void setFilterDebugHook(void);  #endif #endif  //checkleaks.cpp#if defined(WIN32)  #include <string.h>  #include "crtdbg.h"  #define FALSE   0  #define TRUE    1  _CRT_REPORT_HOOK prevHook;  int reportingHook(int reportType, char* userMessage, int* retVal)  {  // This function is called several times for each memory leak.  // Each time a part of the error message is supplied.  // This holds number of subsequent detail messages after  // a leak was reported  const int numFollowupDebugMsgParts = 2;  static bool ignoreMessage = false;  static int debugMsgPartsCount = 0;  // check if the memory leak reporting starts  if ((strncmp(userMessage,"Detected memory leaks!/n", 10) == 0)  || ignoreMessage)  {  // check if the memory leak reporting ends  if (strncmp(userMessage,"Object dump complete./n", 10) == 0)  {  _CrtSetReportHook(prevHook);  ignoreMessage = false;  } else  ignoreMessage = true;  // something from our own code?  if(strstr(userMessage, ".cpp") == NULL)  {  if(debugMsgPartsCount++ < numFollowupDebugMsgParts)  // give it back to _CrtDbgReport() to be printed to the console  return FALSE;  else  return TRUE;  // ignore it  } else  {  debugMsgPartsCount = 0;  // give it back to _CrtDbgReport() to be printed to the console  return FALSE;  }  } else  // give it back to _CrtDbgReport() to be printed to the console  return FALSE;  };  void setFilterDebugHook(void)  {  //change the report function to only report memory leaks from program code  prevHook = _CrtSetReportHook(reportingHook);  }  #endif   //main.cpp#include <windows.h>#include <stdio.h>#include "checkleaks.h"int main(){//一定要加上这句,而且要在DEBUG模式下才会有报告输出_CrtSetDbgFlag ( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF );  int *arr;arr = new int;return 0;}


Detected memory leaks!Dumping objects ->e:\vs2008\try\ctemp\ctemp\main.cpp(9) : {62} client block at 0x00503DE8, subtype 0, 4 bytes long. Data: <    > CD CD CD CD Object dump complete.The program '[3348] ctemp.exe: Native' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
