
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝靠谱的单反店铺 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 00:01


/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 flex-iframe contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR *  IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */package com.google.code.flexiframe{import flash.display.DisplayObject;import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;import flash.events.Event;import flash.external.ExternalInterface;import flash.geom.Point;import flash.utils.Dictionary;import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;import mx.controls.ToolTip;import mx.core.Application;import mx.core.Container;import mx.core.FlexGlobals;import mx.core.IChildList;import mx.core.UIComponent;import mx.events.FlexEvent;import mx.events.IndexChangedEvent;import mx.events.MoveEvent;import mx.logging.ILogger;import mx.logging.Log;import mx.logging.LogEventLevel;import mx.logging.targets.TraceTarget;import mx.managers.ISystemManager;import mx.utils.URLUtil;/** * The event dispatched when the IFrame is loaded. * * @eventType flash.events.Event */[Event(name="frameLoad", type="flash.events.Event")]/** * The icon file for the IFrame component. * * Appears in FlexBuilder's outline and design views. */[IconFile("assets/flex-iframe-logo-16.png")]/** * An IFrame which you can embed into Flex applications to show an HTML page. * * <p><b>Usage:</b><br/> * You must instantiate the IFrame with a unique identifier * (such as <code><IFrame id="myIFrame"></code> or * <code>var myIFrame:IFrame = new IFrame();</code>). You can assign a source * (<code>myIFrame.source = "http://www.google.com";</code>) or HTML content * (<code>myIFrame.content = "some html content...";</code>).</p> * * <p><b>Advanced features:</b> *   <ul> *       <li>The IFrame can detect overlapping objects and hide automatically by activating the * overlay detection system (<code>myIFrame.overlayDetection = true;</code>).</li> *       <li>You can setup a loading indicator that will be displayed while the IFrame is *           loading (<code>myIFrame.loadIndicatorClass = myClass;</code>)</li> *       <li>You can call a function on the IFrame document. See the <code>callIFrameFunction</code> *           method documentation.</li> *   </ul> * </p> * * @example A simple application with Google embedded * <listing version="3.0"> * <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" *                 xmlns:flexiframe="http://code.google.com/p/flex-iframe/"> * *     <flexiframe:IFrame id="googleIFrame" *                        label="Google" *                        source="http://www.google.com" *                        width="80%" *                        height="80%"/> * * <mx:Application> * </listing> * For more advanced examples, check out the project home page. * * @see http://code.google.com/p/flex-iframe * @author Alistair Rutherford (www.netthreads.co.uk) * @author Christophe Conraets (http://coenraets.org) * @author Brian Deitte (http://www.deitte.com) * @author Ryan Bell * @author Max * @author Julien Nicoulaud (http://www.twitter.com/nicoulaj) */public class IFrame extends Container{/** * Build a new IFrame. * * @param id a String identifying the IFrame. Must be unique for every instance of the *            IFrame class. * * @example Declare an IFrame in MXML. * <listing version="3.0"> * <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" *                 xmlns:flexiframe="http://code.google.com/p/flex-iframe/"> * *     <flexiframe:IFrame id="googleIFrame" *                        label="Google" *                        source="http://www.google.com" *                        width="80%" *                        height="80%"/> * * <mx:Application> * </listing> * * @example Declare an IFrame in ActionScript. * <listing version="3.0"> * import com.google.code.flexiframe.IFrame; * * ... * * var frame : IFrame = new IFrame("aUniqueIdForThisIFrameInstance"); * </listing> */public function IFrame(id:String=null){// Call super class constructorsuper();// Assign the unique idif (id != null){this.id=id;}// Listen to the stage eventsthis.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, handleRemove);this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, handleAdd);}// =========================================================================================// IFrame construction & management// =========================================================================================// Variables/** * Value for the 'auto' scroll policy. */public static const SCROLL_POLICY_AUTO : String = "auto";/** * Value for the 'on' scroll policy. */public static const SCROLL_POLICY_ON : String = "yes";/** * Value for the 'off' scroll policy. */public static const SCROLL_POLICY_OFF : String = "no";/** * The scrolling policy applied to the iframe. */public var scrollPolicy : String = SCROLL_POLICY_AUTO;/** * Track IDs in use throughout the app for iframe instances in order to detect and * prevent collisions. */public static var idList:Object=new Object();/** * Application host. * * Used to check potential cross-domain issues. */protected static var _appHost:String;/** * IFrame content host. * * Used to check potential cross-domain issues. */protected var _iframeContentHost:String;/** * The top level Flex application. */protected var _application:Object;/** * The source of the IFrame. */protected var _source:String;/** * The content of the IFrame. */protected var _content:String;/** * The frame ID. */protected var _frameId:String;/** * The IFrame ID. */protected var _iframeId:String;/** * The validity of the frame for the display. * * @default true */protected var _validForDisplay:Boolean=true;/** * The visibility of parent containers. * * @default true */protected var _parentVisibility:Boolean = true;/** * Wether the frame is loaded or not. * * @default false */protected var _frameLoaded:Boolean=false;/** * The queued functions waiting for the frame to be loaded. */protected var _functionQueue:Array=[];/** * The browser zoom ratio */protected var _browserScaling:Number=1;/** * Manually-set visibility value * * @default true */protected var explicitVisibleValue:Boolean=true;// Overriden functions/** * Generate DOM elements and build display path. */override protected function createChildren():void{// Call super class methodsuper.createChildren();// Check the external interface availabilityif (!ExternalInterface.available){throw new Error("ExternalInterface is not available in this container. Internet " + "Explorer ActiveX, Firefox, Mozilla 1.7.5 and greater, or other " + "browsers that support NPRuntime are required.");}// Resolve the top level Flex application.if(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication != null){_application = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication;}else{_application = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication;}// Get the host info to check for cross-domain issuesif (!_appHost){var url:String=_application.url;if (url){_appHost=URLUtil.getProtocol(url) + "://" + URLUtil.getServerNameWithPort(url);}else{_appHost="unknown";}}// Generate unique id's for frame div namevar idSuffix:int=0;while (idList[id + idSuffix]){idSuffix++;}_frameId=id + idSuffix;_iframeId="iframe_" + _frameId;idList[_frameId]=true;// Setup the communication with the browsersetupExternalInterface();// Insert frame into DOMcreateIFrame();// Build the parent containers listbuildContainerList();// Place and size the iframeadjustPosition(true);// Setup the load indicator if it was specified.if (loadIndicatorClass){logger.info("A load indicator class was specified: {0}", getQualifiedClassName(loadIndicatorClass));_loadIndicator=UIComponent(new loadIndicatorClass());addChild(_loadIndicator);}else{logger.info("No load indicator class specified.");}updateFrameVisibility(true);}/** * Triggered when display contents change. Adjusts frame layout. * * @param unscaledWidth * @param unscaledHeight */override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void{super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);if (_frameLoaded){if (_loadIndicator){logger.debug("Frame with id '{0}' loaded, hiding the load indicator.", _frameId);_loadIndicator.visible=false;}updateFrameVisibility(true);}else if (_loadIndicator){logger.debug("Frame with id '{0}' not loaded, showing the load indicator.", _frameId);_loadIndicator.visible=true;var w:int=_loadIndicator.measuredWidth;var h:int=_loadIndicator.measuredHeight;_loadIndicator.setActualSize(w, h);_loadIndicator.move((this.width - w) / 2, (this.height - h) / 2);}// make sure we are allowed to display before doing the work of positioning the frameif (_validForDisplay){adjustPosition();}}/** * Triggered by change to component properties. */override protected function commitProperties():void{super.commitProperties();if (source){if (!_frameLoaded){_frameLoaded=false;loadIFrame();}else{logger.debug("The IFrame with id '{0}' is already loaded.", _frameId);}// Trigger re-layout of iframe contents.invalidateDisplayList();}else if (content){loadDivContent();// Trigger re-layout of iframe contents.invalidateDisplayList();}}/** * Sets actual size * * When component is sized by its parent, and overlay * detection is enabled, checks for existing pop-ups */override public function setActualSize(w:Number, h:Number):void{super.setActualSize(w, h);// check for existing popups I may be appearing underneathif (overlayDetection)checkExistingPopUps();}// Event handlers/** * Triggered by addition of this object to the stage. * * @param event Event trigger */protected function handleAdd(event:Event=null):void{logger.debug("The component for the IFrame with id '{0}' has been added from the stage.", _frameId);// Hook the systemManager to provide overlaying object detectionif (overlayDetection){logger.info("Listening to the stage component additions to detect overlapping objects.");systemManager.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, systemManager_addedHandler);systemManager.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, systemManager_removedHandler);}updateFrameVisibility(true);}/** * Triggered by removal of this object from the stage. * * @param event Event trigger */protected function handleRemove(event:Event=null):void{logger.debug("The component for the IFrame with id '{0}' has been removed from the stage.", _frameId);// Remove systemManager hooks for overlay detectionif (overlayDetection){systemManager.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED, systemManager_addedHandler);systemManager.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED, systemManager_removedHandler);}updateFrameVisibility(false);}/** * Triggered by one of our listeners seeded all the way up the display * list to catch a 'changed' event which might hide or display this object. * * @param event Event trigger */protected function handleChange(event:Event):void{var target:Object=event.target;if (event is IndexChangedEvent){var changedEvent:IndexChangedEvent=IndexChangedEvent(event);var newIndex:Number=changedEvent.newIndex;var result:Boolean=updateFrameVisibility(checkDisplay(target, newIndex));logger.debug("Frame {0} set visible to {1} on IndexChangedEvent", _frameId, result);}}/** * Triggered by one of our listeners seeded all the way up the display * list to catch a 'move' event which might reposition this object. * * @param event Event trigger */protected function handleMove(event:Event):void{// This will cause adjustPosition() to be called in the next validation cycleinvalidateDisplayList();}/** * Trigered when the IFrame is loaded. */protected function handleFrameLoad():void{logger.info("Browser reports frame with id {0} loaded.", _frameId);_frameLoaded=true;// Execute any queued function calls now that the frame is loadedvar queuedCall:Object;while (_functionQueue.length > 0){queuedCall=_functionQueue.pop();logger.debug("frame id {0} calling queued function {1}", _frameId, queuedCall.functionName);this.callIFrameFunction(queuedCall.functionName, queuedCall.args, queuedCall.callback);}dispatchEvent(new Event("frameLoad"));invalidateDisplayList();}// IFrame management/** * This function updates the selected view child of the signalling container * and then compares the path from our IFrame up the displaylist to see if * the index settings match. Only an exact match all the way down to our * IFrame will satisfy the condition to display the IFrame contents. * * @param target Object event source * @param newIndex Number index from target object. * */protected function checkDisplay(target:Object, newIndex:Number):Boolean{var valid:Boolean=false;if (target is Container){var container:DisplayObjectContainer=DisplayObjectContainer(target);// Update current settingsettingDict[container]=newIndex;valid=true;for (var item:Object in containerDict){var index:Number=lookupIndex(item as Container);var setting:Number=lookupSetting(item as Container);valid=valid && (index == setting);}}// Remember this state so we can re-check later without a new IndexChangedEvent_validForDisplay=valid;return valid;}/** * Adjust frame position to match the exposed area in the application. */protected function adjustPosition(recalculateBrowserScaling:Boolean=false):void{var globalPt:Point=localToGlobal(new Point());// If needed, recalculate the browser zoomif (recalculateBrowserScaling){var browserMeasuredWidth:Number=getBrowserMeasuredWidth();if (browserMeasuredWidth > 0){_browserScaling=browserMeasuredWidth / _application.width;}}// Place the iframemoveIFrame(Math.round(globalPt.x * _browserScaling), Math.round(globalPt.y * _browserScaling), Math.round(this.width * _browserScaling), Math.round(this.height * _browserScaling));}/** * Set source url * * @param source Frame contents */public function set source(source:String):void{if (source){_source=source;// mark unloaded now so calls in this frame will be queued_frameLoaded=false;invalidateProperties();// Get the host info to check for cross-domain issues_iframeContentHost=URLUtil.getProtocol(source) + "://" + URLUtil.getServerNameWithPort(source);}}/** * Return url of frame contents */public function get source():String{return _source;}/** * Set content string */public function set content(value:String):void{if (value){_content=value;invalidateProperties();}}/** * Return content string of div contents */public function get content():String{return _content;}/** * Request visibility update of html frame. * * @param value Boolean desired visibility state * @return The actual resulting visibility after applying rules */protected function updateFrameVisibility(value:Boolean):Boolean{logger.debug("IFrame with id '{0}' visibility set to '{1}'", _frameId, value);// all of the following must be true for the iframe/div to be displayed:// - the calling code is trying to show it// - all parent navigators are set to correct index for this child to show// - overlay detection, if enabled, is not tracking any overlapping popups// - .visible has not explicitly been set to false (or .hidden to true) on this component// - if there's a load indicator defined, the iframe content has finished loadingif (value && _validForDisplay && _parentVisibility && (!overlayDetection || overlapCount == 0) && explicitVisibleValue == true && (_frameLoaded || (!_frameLoaded && loadIndicatorClass == null))){// if we have an iframe in the same domain as the app, call the// specialized functions to update visibility inside the iframeif (source && _iframeContentHost == _appHost){showIFrame();}else{showDiv();}// make sure position and status indicators get updated when revealedinvalidateDisplayList();return true;}else{if (source && _iframeContentHost == _appHost){hideIFrame();}else{hideDiv();}return false;}}/** * Manually sets visibility of html iframe. * * @param value Boolean flag */override public function set visible(value:Boolean):void{if (explicitVisibleValue != value){super.visible=value;explicitVisibleValue=value;updateFrameVisibility(value);}}// =========================================================================================// Application objects hierarchy path// =========================================================================================/** * The dictionnary of the hierarchy of the parent containers. */protected var containerDict:Object=null;/** * The dictionnary of the child indexes in the hierarchy of the parent containers. */protected var settingDict:Object=null;/** * The z-index of this component off the system root */protected var rootIndex:int=-1;/** * Build list of container objects on the display list path all the way down * to this object. We will seed the container classes we find with an event * listener which will be used to test if this object is to be displayed or not. * * When the component is created the display list is traversed from the * component down to the root element. At each traversal a test is made to * see if current component is a container. If it is a container then the * child of the element which leads back to the component is determined and * a note madeof the appropriate 'index' on the path. The index is stored * against a reference to the Container in a Dictionary. Also the container * is 'seeded' with an event handler so that if the container triggers an * IndexChangedEvent.CHANGE (i.e. when you click on a tab in a tab navigator) * the path of 'index' values down to the component can be checked. If the * path indicates that the indexes 'line up' to expose the component then * the view is made visible. */protected function buildContainerList():void{// We are going to store containers against index of child which leads down// to IFrame item.containerDict=new Dictionary();settingDict=new Dictionary();var current:DisplayObjectContainer=parent;var previous:DisplayObjectContainer=this;while (current != null){if (current is Container){if (current.contains(previous)){var childIndex:Number=current.getChildIndex(previous);// Store child index against containercontainerDict[current]=childIndex;settingDict[current]=current.hasOwnProperty("selectedIndex") ? current["selectedIndex"] : childIndex;// Tag on a change listenercurrent.addEventListener(IndexChangedEvent.CHANGE, handleChange);current.addEventListener(MoveEvent.MOVE, handleMove);current.addEventListener(FlexEvent.SHOW, handleShowHide);current.addEventListener(FlexEvent.HIDE, handleShowHide);}}else if (current is ISystemManager){// remember where we are off the system manager rootif (ISystemManager(current).rawChildren.contains(previous)){rootIndex=ISystemManager(current).rawChildren.getChildIndex(previous);}}previous=current;current=current.parent;}}/** * Triggered by one of our listeners seeded all the way up the display * list to catch a 'show' and 'hide' events which might hide or display this object. * * @param event Event trigger */protected function handleShowHide(event:FlexEvent):void{var valid:Boolean = true;for (var item:Object in containerDict){valid = valid && item.visible;}_parentVisibility = valid;var result:Boolean = updateFrameVisibility(valid);logger.debug("Frame {0} set visible to {1} on {2} event", _frameId, result, event.type);}/** * Return index of child item on path down to this object. If not * found then return -1; * * @param target Container object */public function lookupIndex(target:Container):Number{var index:Number=-1;try{index=containerDict[target];}catch (e:Error){// Error not found, we have to catch this or a silent exception// will be thrown.logger.debug(e.toString());}return index;}/** * Return index of child item on path down to this object. If not * found then return -1; * * @param target Container object */public function lookupSetting(target:Container):Number{var index:Number=-1;try{index=settingDict[target];}catch (e:Error){// Error not found, we have to catch this or a silent exception// will be thrown.logger.debug(e.toString());}return index;}// =========================================================================================// Loading indicator// =========================================================================================/** * A UIComponent class to display centered over the iframe container while * the browser is loading its content. Should implement measuredHeight * and measuredWidth in order to be properly sized. */public var loadIndicatorClass:Class;/** * The instance of the load indicator class. */protected var _loadIndicator:UIComponent;// =========================================================================================// Overlay object detection// =========================================================================================/** * The state of the overlay detection system (experimental). * * @default false */public var overlayDetection:Boolean=false;/** * A dictionnary holding the objects overlapping the IFrame. */protected var overlappingDict:Dictionary=new Dictionary(true);/** * The count of the objects overlapping the IFrame. */protected var overlapCount:int=0;/** * Called to check for existing pop-ups when the component * appears or changes size */protected function checkExistingPopUps():void{// run through each child of systemManager and if it's a popup, check it for overlayvar sm:ISystemManager=systemManager;var n:int=sm.rawChildren.numChildren;for (var i:int=0; i < n; i++){var child:UIComponent=sm.rawChildren.getChildAt(i) as UIComponent;if (child && child.isPopUp){checkOverlay(child);}}}/** * Triggered when the object is added to the stage. */protected function systemManager_addedHandler(event:Event):void{// A display object was added somewherevar displayObj:DisplayObject=event.target as DisplayObject;if (displayObj.parent == systemManager && displayObj.name != "cursorHolder" && !(displayObj is ToolTip)){// If the object is a direct child of systemManager (i.e it floats) and isn't the cursor,// or a tooltip, check to see if it overlaps me after it's been drawnthis.callLater(checkOverlay, [displayObj]);}}/** * Triggered when the object is removed from the stage. */protected function systemManager_removedHandler(event:Event):void{// A display object was removed somewherevar displayObj:DisplayObject=event.target as DisplayObject;if (displayObj.parent == systemManager && overlappingDict[displayObj]){logger.debug("iframe {0} heard REMOVE for {1}", _frameId, displayObj.toString());// If the object is a direct child of systemManager and was an overlapping object, remove itdelete overlappingDict[displayObj];if (--overlapCount == 0){updateFrameVisibility(true);}if (displayObj is UIComponent){// Remove listeners for hide and show events on overlappiung UIComponentsUIComponent(displayObj).removeEventListener(FlexEvent.HIDE, overlay_hideShowHandler);UIComponent(displayObj).removeEventListener(FlexEvent.SHOW, overlay_hideShowHandler);}}}/** * Triggered when an overlapping object is shown or hidden. */protected function overlay_hideShowHandler(event:FlexEvent):void{var displayObj:DisplayObject=event.target as DisplayObject;if (event.type == FlexEvent.SHOW && !overlappingDict[displayObj]){logger.debug("iframe {0} heard SHOW for {1}", _frameId, displayObj.toString());overlappingDict[displayObj]=displayObj;overlapCount++;updateFrameVisibility(false);}else if (event.type == FlexEvent.HIDE && overlappingDict[displayObj]){logger.debug("iframe {0} heard HIDE for {1}", _frameId, displayObj.toString());delete overlappingDict[displayObj];if (--overlapCount == 0){updateFrameVisibility(true);}}}/** * Check to see if the given DisplayObject overlaps this object. * If so, add it to a dictionary of overlapping objects and update * this object's visibility. */protected function checkOverlay(displayObj:DisplayObject):void{if (displayObj.parent != systemManager)return; // item has been removed since we heard it addedif (isInFrontOfMe(displayObj) && !isAncestor(displayObj) && hitTestStageObject(displayObj)){if (displayObj.visible){if (!overlappingDict[displayObj]){logger.debug("iframe {0} detected overlap of {1}", _frameId, displayObj.toString());overlappingDict[displayObj]=displayObj;overlapCount++;}updateFrameVisibility(false);}if (displayObj is UIComponent){// Listen for hide and show events on overlapping UIComponents// (ComboBox dropdowns for example aren't removed after use; they're just hidden)UIComponent(displayObj).addEventListener(FlexEvent.HIDE, overlay_hideShowHandler, false, 0, true);UIComponent(displayObj).addEventListener(FlexEvent.SHOW, overlay_hideShowHandler, false, 0, true);}}}/** * Checks whether a top-level object has a higher Z-index off * the root than the Iframe container (in other words, * whether it's on a layer above this object) */protected function isInFrontOfMe(obj:DisplayObject):Boolean{var rootItems:IChildList=systemManager.rawChildren;return (this.rootIndex < rootItems.getChildIndex(obj));}/** * Use display object ancestry table already built * to check whether an object is a container of this * component or one of its ancestors */protected function isAncestor(obj:DisplayObject):Boolean{for (var item:Object in containerDict){if (obj == item)return true;}return false;}/** * The native hitTestObject method seems to have some issues depending on * the situation. This is a custom implementation to work around that. * This method assumes that the passed DisplayObject is a direct child * of the stage and therefore has x and y coordinates that are already global */protected function hitTestStageObject(o:DisplayObject):Boolean{var overlapX:Boolean=false;var overlapY:Boolean=false;var localMe:Point=new Point(this.x, this.y);var globalMe:Point=this.parent.localToGlobal(localMe);var myLeft:int=globalMe.x;var myRight:int=globalMe.x + this.width;var oLeft:int=o.x;var oRight:int=o.x + o.width;// Does object's left edge fall between my left and right edges?overlapX=oLeft >= myLeft && oLeft <= myRight;// Or does my left edge fall between object's left and right edges?overlapX||=oLeft <= myLeft && oRight >= myLeft;var myTop:int=globalMe.y;var myBottom:int=globalMe.y + this.height;var oTop:int=o.y;var oBottom:int=o.y + o.height;// Does object's top edge fall between my top and bottom edges?overlapY=oTop >= myTop && oTop <= myBottom;// Or does my top edge fall between object's top and bottom edges?overlapY||=oTop <= myTop && oBottom >= myTop;return overlapX && overlapY;}// =========================================================================================// IFrame function call// =========================================================================================/** * Calls a function of the specified name defined on the IFrame document * (like document.functionName = function () {...} ), passing it an array of arguments. * May not work if the iframe contents are in a different domain due to security. * * If the frame contents are loaded when this method is called, it will return any * results from the function immediately to the caller (as well as to the callback * function, if defined). Otherwise, the call will be queued, this method will return * null, and results will be passed to the callback function after the frame loads * and the queued function call executes. * * @param functionName String Name of function to call * @param args Array List of arguments to pass as an array * @param callback Function to call (if any) with results of IFrame function execution */public function callIFrameFunction(functionName:String, args:Array=null, callback:Function=null):String{if (!source){throw new Error("No IFrame to call functions on");}if (_iframeContentHost != _appHost){logger.warn("Warning: attempt to call function '{0}' on IFrame '{1}' may fail due to cross-domain security.", functionName, _frameId);}if (_frameLoaded){// Call the function immediatelylogger.info("frame id {0} now attempting to call internal iframe document function {1}", _frameId, functionName);var result:Object=ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_CALLIFRAMEFUNCTION, _iframeId, functionName, args);if (callback != null){callback(result);}return String(result);}else{// Queue the function for call once the iframe has loadedvar queuedCall:Object={functionName: functionName, args: args, callback: callback};_functionQueue.push(queuedCall);return null;}}/** * If you provide the name of JavaScript function here, that function will * be called as a notification whenever the frame is hidden or shown due to * tab index changes, overlay detection (if enabled), etc. It will be * passed an array containing 1 item, the value true (if being shown) * or false (if being hidden). * * This uses the same mechanism as callIFrameFunction, so the function * should be defined the same way as others you want to call through * this method */public var visibilityNotificationFunction:String;// =========================================================================================// SWF embed object tracking// =========================================================================================/** * The SWF embed object id. */public static var applicationId:String=null;/** * The random string used to identify the right object. */protected var randomIdentificationString:Number;/** * Get the embed object id. */protected function resolveEmbedObjectId():void{if (applicationId == null){try{randomIdentificationString=Math.ceil(Math.random() * 9999 * 1000);ExternalInterface.addCallback('checkObjectId', checkObjectId);var result:Object=ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_ASK_FOR_EMBED_OBJECT_ID, randomIdentificationString.toString());if (result != null){applicationId=String(result);logger.info("Resolved the SWF embed object id to '{0}'.", applicationId);}else{logger.error('Could not resolve the SWF embed object Id.');}}catch (error:Error){logger.error(error.errorID + ": " + error.name + " - " + error.message);}}}/** * Receive information about a DOM object and test if this is this SWF object. */protected function checkObjectId(id:String, randomCode:Number):Boolean{return randomIdentificationString == randomCode ? true : false;}// =========================================================================================// Calls to ExternalInterface// =========================================================================================/** * Inserts the Javascript functions in the DOM, setups the callback and javascripts event * listeners. */protected function setupExternalInterface():void{logger.info("Inserting Javascript functions in the DOM.");// Add the functions to the DOM if they aren't already there.ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_CREATEIFRAME);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_MOVEIFRAME);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_HIDEIFRAME);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_SHOWIFRAME);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_HIDEDIV);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_SHOWDIV);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_LOADIFRAME);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_LOADDIV_CONTENT);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_CALLIFRAMEFUNCTION);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_REMOVEIFRAME);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_GET_BROWSER_MEASURED_WIDTH);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_PRINT_IFRAME);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_HISTORY_BACK);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_HISTORY_FORWARD);// Resolve the SWF embed object id in the DOM.ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_ASK_FOR_EMBED_OBJECT_ID);resolveEmbedObjectId();// Register a uniquely-named load event callback for this frame.ExternalInterface.addCallback(_frameId + "_load", handleFrameLoad);// Setup the browser resize event listener.ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.INSERT_FUNCTION_SETUP_RESIZE_EVENT_LISTENER(_frameId));setupBrowserResizeEventListener();ExternalInterface.addCallback(_frameId + "_resize", function():void{adjustPosition(true);});}/** * Create the IFrame. */protected function createIFrame():void{logger.info("Creating IFrame with id '{0}'.", _frameId);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_CREATEIFRAME, _frameId, (scrollPolicy == SCROLL_POLICY_OFF)?"hidden":"auto");}/** * Move the IFrame. */protected function moveIFrame(x:int, y:int, width:int, height:int):void{logger.info("Moving IFrame with id '{0}'.", _frameId);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_MOVEIFRAME, _frameId, _iframeId, x, y, width, height, applicationId);}/** * Hide the IFrame. */protected function hideIFrame():void{logger.info("Hiding IFrame with id '{0}'.", _frameId);if (visibilityNotificationFunction)callIFrameFunction(visibilityNotificationFunction, [false]);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_HIDEIFRAME, _frameId, _iframeId);}/** * Show the IFrame. */protected function showIFrame():void{logger.info("Showing IFrame with id '{0}'.", _frameId);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_SHOWIFRAME, _frameId, _iframeId);if (visibilityNotificationFunction)callIFrameFunction(visibilityNotificationFunction, [true]);}/** * Hide the div. */protected function hideDiv():void{logger.info("Hiding div with id '{0}'.", _frameId);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_HIDEDIV, _frameId);}/** * Show the div. */protected function showDiv():void{logger.info("Showing div id '{0}'.", _frameId);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_SHOWDIV, _frameId);}/** * Show the IFrame. */protected function loadIFrame():void{logger.info("Loading IFrame with id '{0}', on SWF embed object with id '{1}'.", _frameId, applicationId);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_LOADIFRAME, _frameId, _iframeId, source, applicationId, scrollPolicy);}/** * Load content into a div. */protected function loadDivContent():void{logger.info("Loading content on IFrame with id '{0}'.", _frameId);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_LOADDIV_CONTENT, _frameId, _iframeId, content);}/** * Remove the IFrame. */public function removeIFrame():void{logger.info("Removing IFrame with id '{0}'.", _frameId);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_REMOVEIFRAME, _frameId);}/** * Bring the IFrame to the front. */public function bringIFrameToFront():void{logger.info("Bring to front IFrame with id '{0}'.", _frameId);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_BRING_IFRAME_TO_FRONT, _frameId);}/** * Get the browser measured width. */protected function getBrowserMeasuredWidth():Number{logger.info("Get browser measured width.");var result:Object=ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_GET_BROWSER_MEASURED_WIDTH, applicationId);if (result != null){return new Number(result);}return new Number(0);}/** * Setup the Browser resize event listener. */protected function setupBrowserResizeEventListener():void{logger.info("Setup the Browser resize event listener.");ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_SETUP_RESIZE_EVENT_LISTENER);}/** * Print the content of the IFrame. */public function printIFrame():void{logger.info("Print the iFrame with id '{0}'.", _iframeId);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_PRINT_IFRAME, _iframeId);}/** * Load the IFrame's last page in the navigation history. */public function historyBack():void{logger.info("History back for the iFrame with id '{0}'.", _iframeId);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_HISTORY_BACK, _iframeId);}/** * Load the IFrame's next page in the navigation history. */public function historyForward():void{logger.info("History forward for the iFrame with id '{0}'.", _iframeId);ExternalInterface.call(IFrameExternalCalls.FUNCTION_HISTORY_FORWARD, _iframeId);}// =========================================================================================// Debug mode// =========================================================================================/** * The state of the debug mode. */protected var _debug:Boolean=false;/** * The target for the logger. */protected var logTarget:TraceTarget;/** * The class logger. */protected var logger:ILogger=Log.getLogger("flex-iframe");/** * Get the state of the debug mode. */public function get debug():Boolean{return _debug;}/** * Set the state of the debug mode. */public function set debug(value:Boolean):void{if (value == debug)return;if (value){if (!logTarget){logTarget=new TraceTarget();logTarget.includeLevel=true;logTarget.includeTime=true;logTarget.level=LogEventLevel.ALL;logTarget.filters=["flex-iframe"];}logTarget.addLogger(logger);}else{if (logTarget)logTarget.removeLogger(logger);}_debug=value;}}}


/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 flex-iframe contributors *  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *  * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR *  IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */package com.google.code.flexiframe{/** * A static class that holds the calls that can be made to the <code>ExternalInterface</code> * by the <code>IFrame</code> class. *  * @author Alistair Rutherford (www.netthreads.co.uk) * @author Christophe Conraets (http://coenraets.org) * @author Brian Deitte (http://www.deitte.com) * @author Ryan Bell * @author Max * @author Julien Nicoulaud (http://www.twitter.com/nicoulaj) */public class IFrameExternalCalls{/** * The name of the JavaScript function that creates an IFrame. */public static var FUNCTION_CREATEIFRAME:String = "createIFrame";/** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that creates an IFrame in the DOM. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_CREATEIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" +"{ " +"if (document." + FUNCTION_CREATEIFRAME + "==null)" + "{" + FUNCTION_CREATEIFRAME + " = function (frameID, overflowAssignment)" +"{ " +"var bodyID = document.getElementsByTagName(\"body\")[0];" +"var newDiv = document.createElement('div');" +"newDiv.id = frameID;" +"newDiv.style.position ='absolute';" +"newDiv.style.backgroundColor = '#FFFFFF';" + "newDiv.style.border = '0px';" +"newDiv.style.overflow = overflowAssignment;" +"newDiv.style.display = 'none';" +"bodyID.appendChild(newDiv);" +"}" +"}" +"}";/** * The name of the JavaScript function that moves an IFrame. */public static var FUNCTION_MOVEIFRAME:String = "moveIFrame";/** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that moves an IFrame in the DOM. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_MOVEIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function () " +"{ " +"if (document." + FUNCTION_MOVEIFRAME + "==null) " +"{ " +FUNCTION_MOVEIFRAME + " = function(frameID,iframeID,x,y,w,h,objectID) " + "{" +"var frameRef = document.getElementById(frameID); " +"var swfObject = document.getElementById(objectID); " +"frameRef.style.left = x + swfObject.offsetLeft + 'px'; " + "frameRef.style.top = y + swfObject.offsetTop + 'px'; " +"frameRef.style.width = w + 'px'; " +"frameRef.style.height = h + 'px'; " +"var iFrameRef = document.getElementById(iframeID); " +"iFrameRef.width = w;" +"iFrameRef.height = h;" +"}" +"}" +"}";/** * The name of the JavaScript function that hides an IFrame. */public static var FUNCTION_HIDEIFRAME:String = "hideIFrame";/** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that hides an IFrame in the DOM. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_HIDEIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" +"{ " +"if (document." + FUNCTION_HIDEIFRAME + "==null)" +"{" +FUNCTION_HIDEIFRAME + " = function (frameID, iframeID)" +"{" +"var iframeRef = document.getElementById(iframeID);" +"var iframeDoc;" +"if (iframeRef.contentWindow) {" +"iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentWindow.document;" +"} else if (iframeRef.contentDocument) {" +"iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentDocument;" +"} else if (iframeRef.document) {" +"iframeDoc = iframeRef.document;" +"}" +"if (iframeDoc) {" +"iframeDoc.body.style.display = 'none';" +"}" +"document.getElementById(frameID).style.display = 'none';" +"}" +"}" +"}";/** * The name of the JavaScript function that shows an IFrame. */public static var FUNCTION_SHOWIFRAME:String = "showIFrame";/** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that shows an IFrame in the DOM. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_SHOWIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" +"{ " +"if (document." + FUNCTION_SHOWIFRAME + "==null)" +"{" +FUNCTION_SHOWIFRAME + " = function (frameID, iframeID)" +"{" +"var iframeRef = document.getElementById(iframeID);" +"document.getElementById(frameID).style.display='block';" +"var iframeDoc;" +"if (iframeRef.contentWindow) {" +"iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentWindow.document;" +"} else if (iframeRef.contentDocument) {" +"iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentDocument;" +"} else if (iframeRef.document) {" +"iframeDoc = iframeRef.document;" +"}" +"if (iframeDoc) {" +"iframeDoc.body.style.display='block';" +"}" +"}" +"}" +"}";/** * The name of the JavaScript function that hides a Div. */public static var FUNCTION_HIDEDIV:String = "hideDiv";/** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that hides a Div in the DOM. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_HIDEDIV:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" +"{ " +"if (document." + FUNCTION_HIDEDIV + "==null)" +"{" +FUNCTION_HIDEDIV + " = function (frameID)" +"{" +"document.getElementById(frameID).style.display='none';" +"}" +"}" +"}";/** * The name of the JavaScript function that shows a Div. */public static var FUNCTION_SHOWDIV:String = "showDiv";/** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that shows a Div in the DOM. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_SHOWDIV:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" +"{ " +"if (document." + FUNCTION_SHOWDIV + "==null)" +"{" +FUNCTION_SHOWDIV + " = function (frameID)" +"{" +"document.getElementById(frameID).style.display = 'block';" +"}" +"}" +"}";/** * The name of the JavaScript function that loads an Iframe. */     public static var FUNCTION_LOADIFRAME:String = "loadIFrame";/** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that loads an Iframe in the DOM. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_LOADIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" +"{ " +"if (document." + FUNCTION_LOADIFRAME + "==null)" +"{" +FUNCTION_LOADIFRAME + " = function (frameID, iframeID, url, embedID, scrollPolicy)" +"{" +"document.getElementById(frameID).innerHTML = " + "\"<iframe id='\"+iframeID+\"' " + "src='\"+url+\"' " + "name='\"+iframeID+\"' " + "onLoad='\"+embedID+\".\"+frameID+\"_load();' " +"scrolling='\"+scrollPolicy+\"' " +"frameborder='0'>" + "</iframe>\";" + "}" +"}" +"}";/** * The name of the JavaScript function that loads content into a Div. */public static var FUNCTION_LOADDIV_CONTENT:String = "loadDivContent";/** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that loads content into a Div in the * DOM. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_LOADDIV_CONTENT:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" +"{ " +"if (document." + FUNCTION_LOADDIV_CONTENT + "==null)" +"{" +FUNCTION_LOADDIV_CONTENT + " = function (frameID, iframeID, content)" +"{" +"document.getElementById(frameID).innerHTML = \"<div id='\"+iframeID+\"' frameborder='0'>\"+content+\"</div>\";" +"}" +"}" +"}";/** * The name of the JavaScript function that calls a function on an IFrame. */public static var FUNCTION_CALLIFRAMEFUNCTION:String = "callIFrameFunction";/** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that calls a function on an IFrame in * the DOM. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_CALLIFRAMEFUNCTION:String ="document.insertScript = function ()" +"{ " +"if (document." + FUNCTION_CALLIFRAMEFUNCTION + "==null)" +"{" +FUNCTION_CALLIFRAMEFUNCTION + " = function (iframeID, functionName, args)" +"{" +"var iframeRef=document.getElementById(iframeID);" +"var iframeWin;" +"if (iframeRef.contentWindow) {" +"iframeWin = iframeRef.contentWindow;" +"} else if (iframeRef.contentDocument) {" +"iframeWin = iframeRef.contentDocument.window;" +"} else if (iframeRef.window) {" +"iframeWin = iframeRef.window;" +"}" +"if (iframeWin.wrappedJSObject != undefined) {" +"iframeWin = iframeDoc.wrappedJSObject;" +"}" +"return iframeWin[functionName](args);" +"}" +"}" +"}";/** * The name of the JavaScript function that removes an IFrame. */public static var FUNCTION_REMOVEIFRAME:String = "removeIFrame";/** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that removes an IFrame in the DOM. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_REMOVEIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" +"{ " +"if (document." + FUNCTION_REMOVEIFRAME + "==null)" + "{" + FUNCTION_REMOVEIFRAME + " = function (frameID)" +"{ " +"var iFrameDiv = document.getElementById(frameID);" +"iFrameDiv.parentNode.removeChild(iFrameDiv);" +"}" +"}" +"}";/** * The name of the JavaScript function that brings an IFrame to the front. */public static var FUNCTION_BRING_IFRAME_TO_FRONT:String = "bringIFrameToFront";/** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that moves an IFrame in the DOM. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_BRING_IFRAME_TO_FRONT:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" +"{ " +"if (document." + FUNCTION_BRING_IFRAME_TO_FRONT + "==null)" +"{" +"var oldFrame=null;" +FUNCTION_BRING_IFRAME_TO_FRONT + " = function(frameID) " + "{" +"var frameRef=document.getElementById(frameID);" +"if (oldFrame!=frameRef) {" + "if (oldFrame) {" + "oldFrame.style.zIndex=\"99\";" + "}" + "frameRef.style.zIndex=\"100\";" + "oldFrame = frameRef;" + "}" + "}" +"}" +"}";/** * The name of the function that prompts the DOM objects to find the SWF object id. */public static var FUNCTION_ASK_FOR_EMBED_OBJECT_ID:String = "askForEmbedObjectId";/** * The Javascript code to call to insert the function that prompts the DOM objects * to find the SWF object id. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_ASK_FOR_EMBED_OBJECT_ID:String ="document.insertScript = function ()" +"{ " +"if (document." + FUNCTION_ASK_FOR_EMBED_OBJECT_ID + "==null)" +"{ " +FUNCTION_ASK_FOR_EMBED_OBJECT_ID + " = function(randomString) " + "{ " + "try { " + "var embeds = document.getElementsByTagName('embed'); " + "for (var i = 0; i < embeds.length; i++) { " + "var isTheGoodOne = embeds[i].checkObjectId(embeds[i].getAttribute('id'),randomString); " + "if(isTheGoodOne) { " + "return embeds[i].getAttribute('id'); " + "} " +"} " +"var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('object'); " + "for(i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { " + "var isTheGoodOne = objects[i].checkObjectId(objects[i].getAttribute('id'),randomString); " + "if(isTheGoodOne) { " + "return objects[i].getAttribute('id'); " + "} " + "} " +"} catch(e) {} " +"return null; " + "} " +"} " + "}";/** * The name of the Javascript function that gets the browser measured width. */public static var FUNCTION_GET_BROWSER_MEASURED_WIDTH:String = "getBrowserMeasuredWidth";/** * The Javascript code to call to insert the function that gets the browser measured width. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_GET_BROWSER_MEASURED_WIDTH:String ="document.insertScript = function () " +"{ " +"if (document." + FUNCTION_GET_BROWSER_MEASURED_WIDTH + "==null) " +"{ " +FUNCTION_GET_BROWSER_MEASURED_WIDTH + " = function(objectID) " + "{ " + "return document.getElementById(objectID).offsetWidth; " +"} " +"} " + "}";/** * The name of the Javascript function that setups the 'resize' event listener. */public static var FUNCTION_SETUP_RESIZE_EVENT_LISTENER:String = "setupResizeEventListener";/** * The Javascript code to call to insert the function that setups the 'resize' event * listener. *  * When a 'resize' event is received, it is queued and the Flex application is not notified * unless there is no new 'resize' event in the next 10 milliseconds. This is to prevent * unexpected behaviours with *beloved* Internet Explorer sending bursts of events. */public static function INSERT_FUNCTION_SETUP_RESIZE_EVENT_LISTENER(frameId:String):String{return "document.insertScript = function ()" +"{ " +"if (document." + FUNCTION_SETUP_RESIZE_EVENT_LISTENER + "==null)" +"{ " +FUNCTION_SETUP_RESIZE_EVENT_LISTENER + " = function() " + "{ " + "if (window.addEventListener) { " +"window.addEventListener(\"resize\", on" + frameId + "Resize, false); " +"} else if (window.attachEvent) { " +"window.attachEvent(\"onresize\", on" + frameId + "Resize); " +"} " +"} " +"} " + "if (document.on" + frameId + "Resize==null)" +"{ " +"var resizeTimeout" + frameId + "; " +"function on" + frameId + "Resize(e) " + "{ " +"window.clearTimeout(resizeTimeout" + frameId + ");" +"resizeTimeout" + frameId + " = window.setTimeout('notify" + frameId + "Resize();', 10); " +"} " +"} " + "if (document.notify" + frameId + "Resize==null)" +"{ " +"notify" + frameId + "Resize = function() " + "{ " + "document.getElementById('" + IFrame.applicationId + "')." + frameId + "_resize(); " +"} " +"} " + "} ";}/** * The name of the Javascript function that prints the IFrame. */public static var FUNCTION_PRINT_IFRAME:String = "printIFrame";/** * The Javascript code to call to insert the function that prints the IFrame. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_PRINT_IFRAME:String ="document.insertScript = function ()" +"{" +"if (document." + FUNCTION_PRINT_IFRAME + "==null)" + "{" +FUNCTION_PRINT_IFRAME + " = function (iframeID)" +"{" +"try" +"{" +"if (navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft') != -1)" +"{" +"document[iframeID].focus();" +"document[iframeID].print();" +                         "}" +"else" +"{" +"for (var i=0; i < window.frames.length; i++)" +"{" +"if (window.frames[i].name == iframeID)" +"{" +"window.frames[i].focus();" +"window.frames[i].print();" +"}" +"}" +"}" +"}" +"catch(e)" +"{" +"alert(e.name + ': ' + e.message);" +"}" +"}" +"}" +"}";/** * The name of the Javascript function that loads the IFrame's last page in the history. */public static var FUNCTION_HISTORY_BACK:String = "historyBack";/** * The Javascript code to call to insert the function that loads the IFrame's last page * in the history. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_HISTORY_BACK:String ="document.insertScript = function ()" +"{" +"if (document." + FUNCTION_HISTORY_BACK + "==null)" + "{" +FUNCTION_HISTORY_BACK + " = function (iframeID)" +"{" +"frames[iframeID].history.go(-1); " +"}" +"}" +"}";/** * The name of the Javascript function that loads the IFrame's next page in the history. */public static var FUNCTION_HISTORY_FORWARD:String = "historyForward";/** * The Javascript code to call to insert the function that loads the IFrame's next page * in the history. */public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_HISTORY_FORWARD:String ="document.insertScript = function ()" +"{" +"if (document." + FUNCTION_HISTORY_FORWARD + "==null)" + "{" +FUNCTION_HISTORY_FORWARD + " = function (iframeID)" +"{" +"frames[iframeID].history.go(1); " +"}" +"}" +"}";}}


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<flexiframe1:IFrame id="test2" x="26" width="968" height="630" label="nfschina"source="{IFrameURL}" visible="true"/>



   private var IFrameURL:String="";
