
来源:互联网 发布:网络热议话题 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 14:30


void SendFile(){ #define PORT 34000 /// Select any free port you wish AfxSocketInit(NULL); CSocket sockSrvr;  sockSrvr.Create(PORT); // Creates our server socket sockSrvr.Listen(); // Start listening for the client at PORT CSocket sockRecv; sockSrvr.Accept(sockRecv); // Use another CSocket to accept the connection CFile myFile; myFile.Open("C:\\ANYFILE.EXE", CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary);  int myFileLength = myFile.GetLength(); // Going to send the correct File Size sockRecv.Send(&myFileLength, 4); // 4 bytes long byte* data = new byte[myFileLength];  myFile.Read(data, myFileLength); sockRecv.Send(data, myFileLength); //Send the whole thing now myFile.Close(); delete data; sockRecv.Close();}


void GetFile(){ #define PORT 34000 /// Select any free port you wish AfxSocketInit(NULL); CSocket sockClient; sockClient.Create(); // "" is the IP to your server, same port sockClient.Connect("", PORT);  int dataLength; sockClient.Receive(&dataLength, 4); //Now we get the File Size first byte* data = new byte[dataLength]; sockClient.Receive(data, dataLength); //Get the whole thing CFile destFile("C:\\temp\\ANYFILE.EXE",   CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::typeBinary); destFile.Write(data, dataLength); // Write it destFile.Close(); delete data; sockClient.Close();}