android eclipse开发插件ADT 14.0.0 更新记录

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝广告视频 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 12:06

安装 android-14 (4.0的sdk) 后,eclipse的adt插件进行了配套升级,发现adt新版本还是挺大的,简单将英文版翻译了一点(中括号包含的部分是我自行添加的说明),内容如下

1. 将default.properties改为,将build.properties改为
2. 改变了Eclipse中library项目编译的方式 [现在在library project的bin目录下会生成一个jar]
3. 将javac输出的结果放在bin/classes目录中,原来是bin目录
4. 改进了增量构建,降低了资源文件编译的次数。编辑字符串或布局文件时,只有新增或修改了id时才重新进行资源的编译
5. Introduced a "PNG crunch cache" that only runs on modified PNG files, instead of crunching all existing PNG files, all the time.
6. 普通文件的保存不会触发资源文件的编译 [第4条不算普通文件的保存] ,仅在需要running或debugging的时候才进行 [可以在Preferences->Android->Build->Skip package and dexing...里改变这个默认的行为]。

1. 添加了一个Welcome向导,用来帮助创建android开发环境
2. 集成了android asset studio,用来创建各类icon,如启动icon、menu和tab中的icon
3. 改进了logcat视图
4. 改进了SDK Manager的UI
5. 将创建新项目和xml文件的向导改为多页[原来在一页内,通过滚动条来显示各部分,常常造成不必要的疑惑]。创建android自带的例子项目时,源文件拷贝到workspace中去。
6. 去掉了对Eclipse GEF的依赖

1. Added a new XML formatter that formats all XML files according to the standard Android coding style. The formatter can also reorder attributes to follow a recommended order and processes any changes made in the Layout editor
2. 添加了"Go to Matching"(ctrl-shift-P)特性,可以快速在xml标签的开头和结尾处快速切换
3. Added support for the "Select Enclosing Element" feature on Mac
4. Added a Quickfix for extracting Strings when the caret is inside a String
5. Improved "smart indent", which allows automatic indentation and un-indentation when pressing the Return key in XML editors[智能缩进]

1. Added tooltip feedback for dragging and resizing operations. For example, when dragging in a relative layout, the proposed constraints are shown. When resizing, the new dimensions are shown
2. Added the ability to suppress rendering fidelity warnings
3. Added "Remove Container" visual refactoring that removes the children of a container up to the top level and transfers namespace and layout attributes if necessary 
4. Added pull-right menus to the context menu for accessing properties of the parents, which is useful when the children fully cover the parent and make it hard to select on their own
5. Improved access to properties in the context menu. The most frequently set attributes for each view are listed at the top of the menu. The Properties menu offers access to the most recently set attributes, attributes organized by their defining view, and layout attributes only or all attributes alphabetically


热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 痔疮犯了特别疼怎么办 有痔疮肛门很痛怎么办 这几天痔疮犯了怎么办 孕初期肛裂出血怎么办 胃疼怎么办怎么缓解胃 脚踝崴了肿了怎么办 脚扭了脚背肿了怎么办 儿童脚扭伤肿了怎么办 脚关节扭伤肿了怎么办 小孩脚扭伤肿了怎么办 抱小孩腰扭伤了怎么办 跳舞把腰拉伤了怎么办 脚不小心扭伤了怎么办 娱乐之太帅了怎么办txt 走路走多了脚痛怎么办 胃疼怎么办简单按摩法 经常胃疼的厉害怎么办 半夜胃疼的厉害怎么办 吃消炎药伤胃了怎么办 吃药伤胃了胃疼怎么办 宝宝吃药伤胃了怎么办 胃胀胃痛怎么办快速解决方法 半夜2点3点胃疼怎么办 晚上吃多了胃疼怎么办 骨折打石膏后痒怎么办 脚脖子崴了肿了怎么办 喝酒喝的吐血了怎么办 感冒后咳嗽有痰怎么办 嗓子里老是有痰怎么办 物业把水停了怎么办 机洗衬衫缩水了怎么办 羊绒大衣洗缩水了怎么办 棉质衣服缩水了怎么办 衣服洗了变小了怎么办 毛衣洗后缩水了怎么办 鼻子又大又塌怎么办 苹果6被停用了怎么办 苹果6s手机停用怎么办 苹果4手机已停用怎么办 苹果手机5停用了怎么办 老公被骗300多万怎么办