Automation One By One - Robot Framework - 变量及赋值

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝2016促销活动时间 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 03:55
前面已经提到变量有三类,一类是scalar variable ${variable},一类是list variable,还有一类是内置(Built-in)的变量.

1. 给scalar variable类型的变量赋值:${scalar variable}

(1)${scalar variable}=  simple strings
(2)${scalar variable}=  objects

2. 给list variable赋值: @{variable}

(4)可将list variables当作scalar类型的变量使用,使用方法是将list变量的符号从@替换成$就可以了;这种表达式让我们使用built-in类库及Collection类库中list相关的keywords成为可能。
(5)list变量可以应用在setting table中,但仅限于一部分的settings命令可用。
  • 对于Library及Resource的settings来说list变量不能作为其name使用,只能作为argument使用
  • 对于Setup/Teardown的settings来说list变量不能当作keyword的name使用,只能作为argument使用
  • 对于tag的settings来说可以随意使用
  • 对于不支持list变量的settings来说,我们可以使用scalar变量的形式来表达(如library及setup中的name不能使用list变量,我们可以用scalar变量代替list变量)
Using list variables with settingsSettingsValueValueCommentLibraryExampleLibrary@{LIB ARGS}# This worksLibrary${LIBRARY}@{LIB ARGS}# This worksLibrary@{NAME AND ARGS} # This does not workSuite SetupSome Keyword@{KW ARGS}# This worksSuite Setup${KEYWORD}@{KW ARGS}# This worksSuite Setup@{KEYWORD} # This does not workDefault Tags@{TAGS} # This works

3. 给Envrionment Variables赋值:%{ENV_VAR_NAME}
OperatingSystem library类库中的keyword一块应用

4. 可以将keyword中返回的值作为变量存储

${keyword_return_value}=  Get Matching Xpath Count  [locator]
${keyword_return_value}=  Get Element Attribute  [locator]
5. 内置Build-in变量

Available operating-system-related built-in variablesVariableExplanation${CURDIR}An absolute path to the directory where the test datafile is located. This variable is case-sensitive.${TEMPDIR}An absolute path to the system temporary directory. In UNIX-likesystems this is typically/tmp, and inWindowsc:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Temp.${EXECDIR}An absolute path to the directory where test execution wasstarted from. New in Robot Framework 2.1.${/}The system directory path separator./in UNIX-likesystems,\in Windows.${:}The system path element separator.:in UNIX-likesystems and;in Windows.
VariableExplanationAvailable${TEST NAME}The name of the current test case.Test case@{TEST TAGS}Contains the tags of the current test case inalphabetical order.Test case${TEST STATUS}The status of the current test case, either PASS orFAIL.Test teardown${TEST MESSAGE}The possible error message of the current test case.Test teardown${PREV TEST NAME}The name of the previous test case, or an empty stringif no tests have been executed yet.Everywhere${PREV TEST STATUS}The status of the previous test case: either PASS,FAIL or an empty string when no tests have beenexecuted.Everywhere${PREV TEST MESSAGE}The possible error message of the previous test case.Everywhere${SUITE NAME}The full name of the current test suite.Everywhere${SUITE SOURCE}An absolute path to the suite file or directory. Newin Robot Framework 2.5.Everywhere${SUITE STATUS}The status of the current test case, either PASS orFAIL.Suite teardown${SUITE MESSAGE}The full message of the current test suite, includingstatistics.Suite teardown${OUTPUT FILE}An absolute path to the currentoutput file. Hasdifferent values during execution whenoutputs are split.Everywhere${LOG FILE}An absolute path to the currentlog fileor stringNONE when no log file is created. Has different valuesduring execution whenoutputs are split.Everywhere${REPORT FILE}An absolute path to thereport fileor string NONEwhen no report is created.Everywhere${SUMMARY FILE}An absolute path to thesummary fileor string NONEwhen no summary is created.Everywhere${DEBUG FILE}An absolute path to thedebug fileor string NONEwhen no debug file is created.Everywhere${OUTPUT DIR}An absolute path to theoutput directory.