
来源:互联网 发布:2016年网络大电影分账 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 22:33
  class CCropTracker  : public CRectTracker{public: CCropTracker() {  m_fRatio = 0.;  m_rcRange.SetRectEmpty();  m_rect.SetRectEmpty();  m_bKeepAspectRatio = FALSE; }public: void Draw(CDC* pDC) const {  CRectTracker::Draw(pDC);  // draw resize handles  if ((m_nStyle & (resizeInside|resizeOutside)) != 0)  {   CRect rect = m_rect;   rect.NormalizeRect();   UINT mask = GetHandleMask();   for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)   {    if (mask & (1<<i))    {     GetHandleRect((TrackerHit)i, &rect);     pDC->FillSolidRect(rect, RGB(255, 0, 0));    }   }  }  } BOOL SetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest) const {  // trackers should only be in client area  if (nHitTest != HTCLIENT)   return FALSE;  // convert cursor position to client co-ordinates  CPoint point;  GetCursorPos(&point);  pWnd->ScreenToClient(&point);  // do hittest and normalize hit  int nHandle = HitTestHandles(point);  if (nHandle < 0)   return FALSE;  // need to normalize the hittest such that we get proper cursors  nHandle = NormalizeHit(nHandle);  if(nHandle == 0 || nHandle == 2)  {   ::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_SIZENWSE)));  }  else if(nHandle == 1 || nHandle == 3)  {   ::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_SIZENESW)));  }  else if(nHandle == 4 || nHandle == 6)  {   ::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_SIZENS)));  }  else if(nHandle == 5 || nHandle == 7)  {   ::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_SIZEWE)));  }  else  {   ::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_SIZEALL)));  }  return TRUE; }protected: virtual void AdjustRect(int nHandle, LPRECT lpRect) {  CRectTracker::AdjustRect(nHandle, lpRect);  if(m_rcRange.IsRectEmpty() || nHandle == hitMiddle)   return;  if(m_rect.left < m_rcRange.left)   m_rect.left = m_rcRange.left;  if(m_rect.right > m_rcRange.right)   m_rect.right = m_rcRange.right;  if( < =;  if(m_rect.bottom > m_rcRange.bottom)   m_rect.bottom = m_rcRange.bottom;  if(m_bKeepAspectRatio)  {   switch(nHandle)   {   case hitTop:   case hitBottom:    {     int nWidth = m_rect.Height() * m_rcRange.Width() / m_rcRange.Height();     int dx = (nWidth - m_rect.Width()) / 2;     m_rect.left -= dx;     m_rect.right += dx;    }    break;    break;   case hitLeft:   case hitRight:    {     int nHeight = m_rect.Width() * m_rcRange.Height() / m_rcRange.Width();     int dy = (nHeight - m_rect.Height()) / 2; -= dy;     m_rect.bottom += dy;    }    break;   case hitTopLeft:    {     if(m_rect.Height() == 0)      break;     float fRatio = (float)m_rect.Width() / m_rect.Height();     if(fRatio - m_fRatio > 0.001)     {      int nHeight = m_rect.Width() * m_rcRange.Height() / m_rcRange.Width();      int dy = nHeight - m_rect.Height(); -= dy;     }     else     {      int nWidth = m_rect.Height() * m_rcRange.Width() / m_rcRange.Height();      int dx = nWidth - m_rect.Width();      m_rect.left -= dx;     }    }    break;   case hitTopRight:    {     if(m_rect.Height() == 0)      break;     float fRatio = (float)m_rect.Width() / m_rect.Height();     if(fRatio - m_fRatio > 0.001)     {      int nHeight = m_rect.Width() * m_rcRange.Height() / m_rcRange.Width();      int dy = nHeight - m_rect.Height(); -= dy;     }     else     {      int nWidth = m_rect.Height() * m_rcRange.Width() / m_rcRange.Height();      int dx = nWidth - m_rect.Width();      m_rect.right += dx;     }    }    break;   case hitBottomLeft:    {     if(m_rect.Height() == 0)      break;     float fRatio = (float)m_rect.Width() / m_rect.Height();     if(fRatio - m_fRatio > 0.001)     {      int nHeight = m_rect.Width() * m_rcRange.Height() / m_rcRange.Width();      int dy = nHeight - m_rect.Height();      m_rect.bottom += dy;     }     else     {      int nWidth = m_rect.Height() * m_rcRange.Width() / m_rcRange.Height();      int dx = nWidth - m_rect.Width();      m_rect.left -= dx;     }    }    break;   case hitBottomRight:    {     if(m_rect.Height() == 0)      break;     float fRatio = (float)m_rect.Width() / m_rect.Height();     if(fRatio - m_fRatio > 0.001)     {      int nHeight = m_rect.Width() * m_rcRange.Height() / m_rcRange.Width();      int dy = nHeight - m_rect.Height();      m_rect.bottom += dy;     }     else     {      int nWidth = m_rect.Height() * m_rcRange.Width() / m_rcRange.Height();      int dx = nWidth - m_rect.Width();      m_rect.right += dx;     }    }    break;   }  } } virtual void OnChangedRect(const CRect& rectOld) {  if(m_rcRange.IsRectEmpty())   return;  if(m_rect.left < m_rcRange.left)   m_rect.OffsetRect(m_rcRange.left - m_rect.left, 0);  if( <   m_rect.OffsetRect(0, -;  if(m_rect.right > m_rcRange.right)   m_rect.OffsetRect(m_rcRange.right - m_rect.right, 0);  if(m_rect.bottom > m_rcRange.bottom)   m_rect.OffsetRect(0, m_rcRange.bottom - m_rect.bottom); }public: float m_fRatio; CRect m_rcRange; BOOL  m_bKeepAspectRatio;};

