JavaScript prototype, Class factory.

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝到货没短信 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 10:13





/* javascript prototype.  * Authors: perry < >  * Date   : April 11, 2009  */        if ( parseFloat(WSH.version) < 5.6 )      {        WSH.echo('this script needs WSH Version 5.6 or Later!');        WSH.Quit(1);      }      /**       * @class: MY       * @static Object       * @description: MY core utilities and functions.       */      var MY = {          /**           * The version of the framework           * @type String           */          version: '1.0.0',          versionDetail: {            major: 1,            minor: 0,            patch: 0},          Shell: emb1,          FileIO: emb2,          Network: emb3,          objectName: MY_NS_MY,          objectPath: MY_NS_MY,          toString: function() { return this.objectPath; }},          MY_OBJ_BASE             = null,          MY_OBJ_MY             = MY;      var MY_DIR_MY             = MY.FileIO.GetParentFolderName(WSH.ScriptFullName),          MY_DIR_LOG              = MY.FileIO.BuildPath(MY_DIR_MY, 'log'),          MY_DIR_APPLOG           = MY.FileIO.BuildPath(MY_DIR_MY, 'log\\app'),          MY_DIR_TESTLOG          = MY.FileIO.BuildPath(MY_DIR_MY, 'log\\test'),          MY_DIR_SCRIPTS          = MY.FileIO.BuildPath(MY_DIR_MY, 'scripts');      var MY_FILE_APP             = WSH.ScriptFullName,          MY_FILE_CONFIG          = MY.FileIO.BuildPath(MY_DIR_MY, 'configure.xml');      /**       * @class: MY.ClassFactory       * @static Object       * @description:       */      MY.ClassFactory = {        //public        create: function(c, n, h, e, r)        {          var o = null,              p = '';          if ( !n )            n = MY_OBJ_MY;          switch ( typeof n )          {          case 'string':            o = this.namespace(n);            break;          case 'object':            o = n;            break;          }          if ( typeof o != 'object' || !o )            return null;          if ( typeof o.hasOwnProperty != 'function' )            return null;          if ( !o.hasOwnProperty('objectPath') )            return null;          p = o.objectPath + '.' + c;          if ( typeof o[c] != 'function' )          {            o[c] = function()            {              this.objectName = c;              this.objectPath = p;              this.instanceOf = function(cls) { return (this instanceof cls); };              this.toString = function() { return this.objectPath; };              if ( typeof this.initialize == 'function' )              {                if ( typeof this.initialize.apply == 'function' )                {                  this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);                }                else                {                  var x = this,                      g = arguments,                      z = 'x.initialize(';                  for ( var i = 0; i < g.length; z += 'g[' + i.toString() + ']', i++ )                    if ( i > 0 )                      z += ',';                  eval(z + ')');                }              }            };          }          if ( typeof h == 'function' )          {            this.extend(o[c].prototype, h.prototype, true);            this.extend(o[c], h, true);          }          if ( typeof e == 'function' )          {            this.extend(o[c].prototype, e.prototype, r);            this.extend(o[c], e, r);          }          this.extend(o[c],          {            createInstance: function()            {              var x = null,                  g = arguments,                  z = 'x = new ' + p;              if ( g.length )              {                z += '(';                for ( var i = 0; i < g.length; z += 'g[' + i.toString() + ']', i++ )                  if ( i > 0 )                    z += ',';                z += ')';              }              eval(z);              return x;            },            extend: function(s, r)            {              return MY.ClassFactory.extend(o[c].prototype, s, r);            },            toString: function()            {              return p;            }          }, true);          if ( typeof h == 'object' && h )            o[c].extend(h, true);          if ( typeof e == 'object' && e )            o[c].extend(e, r);          return o[c];        },        //public        extend: function(d, s, r)        {          //Some functions need to override.          var a = ['toString'],              p;          if ( !s || !d )            return d;          for ( p in s )            a.push(p);          for ( var i in a )          {            p = a[i];            try            {              if ( (d[p] && !r) )                continue;              switch (typeof s[p])              {              case 'object':                if ( !s[p] )                  throw s[p];                switch ( s[p].constructor )                {                case Array:                  d[p] = new Array;                  for ( var j = 0; j < s[p].length; j++ )                    d[p].push(s[p][j]);                  break;                case Object:                  d[p] = new Object;                  arguments.callee(d[p], s[p], true);                  break;                case Date:                  d[p] = new Date(s[p].getTime());                  break;                default:                  d[p] = s[p];                  break;                }                break;              case 'boolean':              case 'number':              case 'string':              default: d[p] = s[p]; break;              }            }            catch (e)            {              d[p] = null;            }          }          return d;        },        //public        namespace: function(n)        {          if ( typeof n == 'object' )            return n;          if ( typeof n != 'string' )            return null;          var l = n.split('.'),              o = MY_OBJ_MY,              p = '';          for ( var i = 0; i < l.length; i++ )          {            if ( i )              p += '.';            p += l[i];            if ( l[i] == o.objectName )              if ( p == o.objectPath )                continue;            if ( typeof o[l[i]] != 'object' )              o[l[i]] = {                objectName: l[i],                objectPath: p,                toString: function()                {                  return this.objectPath;                }              };            o = o[l[i]];          }          return o;        },        //public        isDefined: function(n)        {          if ( typeof n == 'object' )            return n != null;          if ( typeof n == 'function' )            return true;          if ( typeof n != 'string' )            return false;          if ( !/[\w\$\.]+/i.test(n) )            return false;          var o = null;          try { o = eval(n); }            catch (e) { return false; }          if ( !o )            return false;          if ( typeof o == 'object' )            return true;          return typeof o == 'function';        },        //public        bindOle: function(ns, id)        {          var x = id;          if ( typeof id == 'string' )            x = this.newOle(id);          if ( typeof x != 'object' || x == null )            return false;          if ( !this.namespace(ns) )            return false;          eval(ns + '=x;');          return true;        },        //public        newOle: function(id)        {          if ( typeof id != 'string' )            return null;          if ( /^\{?[\da-f]{8}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{12}\}?$/i.test(id) )            try { return this.newOle(MY.Shell.RegRead('HKCR\\CLSID\\' + id + '\\ProgID\\')); }              catch (e){}          try { return new ActiveXObject(id); }            catch (e){}          return null;        },        //public        newXml: function()        {          var xmlProgIds = [              'Msxml2.DOMDocument',              'Microsoft.XMLDOM'],              o = null;          for ( var i = 0; i < xmlProgIds.length && !o; i++ )            o = this.newOle(xmlProgIds[i]);          return o;        }      };
