
来源:互联网 发布:马克斯cms x站模板 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:55
 基于Linux 2.6.30内核










/*  * eeprom-24c08.c - eeprom driver for some mostly-compatible I2C chips.  *  *  Copyright (C) 2011 William Smith  *  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  */    #include <linux/module.h>   #include <linux/init.h>   #include <linux/slab.h>   #include <linux/i2c.h>   //#include <linux/bcd.h>   /*New Add */  #include <linux/cdev.h>   #include <arm-asm/uaccess.h>   #include <linux/fs.h>     #include <linux/device.h>       #define EEP_MAJOR 236   /* Major number can also be dynamically allocated. */   #define BNK_SIZE 1024   /* BANK SIZE */   #define BLK_SIZE 256    /* BLOCK SIZE */   #define PG_SIZE 16  /* PAGE SIZE */   #define EEPROM_SLAVE_ADDR0 0x50 /* 7bit. Binary: 1010000 */   #define EEPROM_SLAVE_ADDR1 0x51 /* 7bit. Binary: 1010001 */   #define EEPROM_SLAVE_ADDR2 0x52 /* 7bit. Binary: 1010010 */   #define EEPROM_SLAVE_ADDR3 0x53 /* 7bit. Binary: 1010011 */     #define MAX_RETRYS 30     /* For DEBUG */  //#define DEBUG_EEP   #define DEBUG_EEP_R     static int max_retrys_record = 0;    static struct eep_24c08 {      struct i2c_client *client[4];   /* I2C client for this eeprom */      struct cdev eep_cdev;       /* cdev */      dev_t dev_num;              /* dev num */      unsigned int cur_ptr;       /* Current File pointer */  } *eep;    static int eep_open (struct inode *inode, struct file *file)  {      #ifdef DEBUG_EEP       printk(KERN_ALERT "EEPROM open\n");      #endif         max_retrys_record = 0;        eep->cur_ptr = 0;      return 0;  }    static int eep_release (struct inode *inode, struct file *file)  {      #ifdef DEBUG_EEP       printk(KERN_ALERT "EEPROM close\n");      #endif       return 0;  }    static loff_t eep_llseek(struct file *filp, loff_t off, int whence)  {      #ifdef DEBUG_EEP       printk(KERN_ALERT "EEPROM lseek\n");      #endif             switch(whence)      {          case 0: /* SEEK_SET */              eep->cur_ptr = off;              break;          case 1: /* SEEK_CUR */              eep->cur_ptr += off;              break;          case 2: /* SEEK_END */              eep->cur_ptr = BNK_SIZE + off;              break;          default: /* can't happen */              return -EINVAL;      }      if ((eep->cur_ptr < 0) || (eep->cur_ptr > BNK_SIZE)) {          printk(KERN_ALERT "EEPROM 'lseek()' call, param mistake\n");          eep->cur_ptr = 0;          return -1;      }            return eep->cur_ptr;  }    static int __rw_page(char *buf, int length, int rw)  {      int ret,err=0;      int block;      unsigned char word_addr;      struct i2c_adapter *adap;      struct i2c_msg msg[2];      int msg_num;      unsigned char *buf_tmp=NULL;        block = eep->cur_ptr / BLK_SIZE;      adap = eep->client[block]->adapter;      word_addr = eep->cur_ptr % BLK_SIZE;      #ifdef DEBUG_EEP       printk(KERN_ALERT "__rw_page(): %s: client[%d]->addr = 0x%02X, cur_ptr = %d, block = %d, word_addr = %d\n",           (rw?"write":"read"), block, eep->client[block]->addr, eep->cur_ptr, block, word_addr);      #endif         if(rw) {          /* write data */            /* alloc memory for buf_tmp */          buf_tmp = kmalloc(length+1, GFP_KERNEL);          if (!buf_tmp) {              printk(KERN_ALERT "EEPROM kmalloc %d failed\n", length+1);              return -ENOMEM;          }            memcpy(buf_tmp+1, buf, length);          buf_tmp[0] = word_addr;          msg[0].addr = eep->client[block]->addr;          msg[0].flags    = 0;              msg[0].len  = length+1;          msg[0].buf  = buf_tmp;      } else {          /* read data */          msg[0].addr = eep->client[block]->addr;          msg[0].flags    = 0;              msg[0].len  = 1;          msg[0].buf  = &word_addr;            msg[1].addr = eep->client[block]->addr;          msg[1].flags    = I2C_M_RD;           msg[1].len  = length;          msg[1].buf  = buf;      }      msg_num = rw?1:2;        #ifdef DEBUG_EEP       printk(KERN_ALERT "msg_num = %d, msg[0]: addr = 0x%02X, flags = %d, len = %d, buf[0~3] = %02X,%02X,%02X,%02X\n",              msg_num, msg[0].addr, msg[0].flags, msg[0].len,              msg[0].buf[0], msg[0].buf[1], msg[0].buf[2], msg[0].buf[3]);      #endif         ret =  i2c_transfer(adap, msg, msg_num);      if (ret<0) {          #ifdef DEBUG_EEP           printk(KERN_ALERT "i2c_transfer() err %d\n", ret);          #endif           err = ret;          goto exit;      } else if (ret<(rw?1:2)) {          printk(KERN_ERR "__rw_page(): %s: error, actual write i2c_msg number %d, desire i2c_msg number %d\n",                  (rw?"write":"read"), ret, (rw?1:2));          err = -EIO;          goto exit;      }    exit:      if (rw)          kfree(buf_tmp);      return (err?err:length);  }    static int rw_page(char *buf, int length, int rw)  {      int i;      int ret,err=0;      char *buf_tmp;        /* alloc memory for buf_tmp */      buf_tmp = kmalloc(length, GFP_KERNEL);      if (!buf_tmp) {          printk(KERN_ALERT "EEPROM kmalloc %d failed\n", length);          return -ENOMEM;      }        for (i=0;i<MAX_RETRYS;i++) {          ret = __rw_page(buf, length, rw);          if (ret<0)              continue;          ret = __rw_page(buf_tmp, length, 0);          if (ret<0)              continue;          ret = memcmp(buf, buf_tmp, length);          if (ret == 0)                 break;          else {              #ifdef DEBUG_EEP               printk(KERN_ALERT "rw_page(): %s : memcmp return %d\n", (rw?"write":"read"),  ret);              printk(KERN_ALERT "Original buf: ");              for (i=0;i<length;i++)                  printk(KERN_ALERT "%02X ", buf[i]);              printk(KERN_ALERT "\nRecheck buf: ");              for (i=0;i<length;i++)                  printk(KERN_ALERT "%02X ", buf_tmp[i]);              printk(KERN_ALERT "\n");              #endif           }      }      #ifdef DEBUG_EEP_R       if (i) {          printk(KERN_ALERT "Retry %d times.\n", i);          if (i > max_retrys_record)              max_retrys_record = i;      }             #endif         if (i == MAX_RETRYS) {          printk(KERN_ALERT "Reach MAX_RETRYS(%d times) limit.\n", MAX_RETRYS);          err = -EAGAIN;          goto exit;      }        exit:      kfree(buf_tmp);      return (err?err:length);  }    static ssize_t eep_rw (char *buf, size_t count, int rw)  {      int ret,err=0;      int length = count;      int seg;      char *buf_tmp=NULL, *buf_cur;            #ifdef DEBUG_EEP       printk(KERN_ALERT "###### eep_rw(), buf=%p, count=%d, rw=%d ######\n",              buf, count, rw);      #endif         /* Check param */      if (eep->cur_ptr + count > BNK_SIZE) {          printk(KERN_ALERT "EEPROM Try to %s over BNK_SIZE: \n"                  "\tcur_ptr = %d, count = %d, cur_ptr+count = %d\n",                  (rw?"write":"read"), eep->cur_ptr, count, eep->cur_ptr + count);          return -EINVAL;      }      if (rw != 0 && rw != 1) {          printk(KERN_ALERT "eep_rw() error, rw param value %d invalid.\n", rw);          return -EINVAL;      }        /* alloc memory for buf_tmp */      buf_tmp = kmalloc(count, GFP_KERNEL);      if (!buf_tmp) {          printk(KERN_ALERT "EEPROM kmalloc %d failed\n", count);          return -ENOMEM;      }      buf_cur = buf_tmp;        if (rw == 1)          copy_from_user(buf_tmp, (const char *)buf, count);        while(length > 0) {          seg = length>PG_SIZE? PG_SIZE: length;          #ifdef DEBUG_EEP           printk(KERN_ALERT "eep_rw(): %s: count = %d, cur_ptr = %d, seg = %d, length = %d\n",              (rw?"write":"read"), count, eep->cur_ptr, seg, length);          #endif           ret = rw_page(buf_cur, seg, rw);          if (ret<0) {              printk(KERN_ALERT "EEPROM %s error %d\n", (rw?"write":"read"), ret);              err = ret;              goto exit;          }          buf_cur += seg;          length -= seg;          eep->cur_ptr += seg;      }        if (rw == 0)          copy_to_user(buf, (const char *)buf_tmp, count);        #ifdef DEBUG_EEP_R       printk(KERN_ALERT "Max retrys record is %d\n", max_retrys_record);      #endif     exit:      kfree(buf_tmp);      return (err?err:count);  }    static ssize_t eep_read (struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)  {      return eep_rw(buf, count, 0);  }    static ssize_t eep_write (struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)  {      return eep_rw(buf, count, 1);  }      static struct file_operations eep_fops = {      .owner      = THIS_MODULE,      .open       = eep_open,      .release    = eep_release,      .llseek     = eep_llseek,      .read       = eep_read,      .write      = eep_write,  };    static const unsigned short normal[] =       { EEPROM_SLAVE_ADDR0, EEPROM_SLAVE_ADDR1,         EEPROM_SLAVE_ADDR2, EEPROM_SLAVE_ADDR3,         I2C_CLIENT_END };  static const unsigned short ignore[] = { I2C_CLIENT_END };  static const struct i2c_client_address_data eep_addr_data = {          .normal_i2c = normal,          .forces     = NULL,          .probe      = ignore,          .ignore     = ignore,  };  /* The higher version of Linux kernel is much more simple. */    /* The device name this driver supported.  */  static const struct i2c_device_id eep_24c08_id[] = {      { "eeprom-blk0", EEPROM_SLAVE_ADDR0 },      { "eeprom-blk1", EEPROM_SLAVE_ADDR1 },      { "eeprom-blk2", EEPROM_SLAVE_ADDR2 },      { "eeprom-blk3", EEPROM_SLAVE_ADDR3 },      { }  };  /* Well, there is some necessary to take a explaination.  * Because of the device 24C08 has 8K bits in it, it need 4 addresses.  * In the I2C protocal, the SLAVE_ADDR data has only 8 bit, which could only address 256 Bytes(2048 bits).  * So 24C08 has 4 different SLAVE_ADDR addresses: 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53.   * Each address is a part that has 2048 bits. Totally, 4 parts have 8192 bits(8K bits). */    MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, eep_24c08_id);    /* eep_probe - probe method for new-style driver model.  * @client: the i2c_client which already been register.   * @id:     the i2c_device_id which matchs.   * When dev and driver are both create and matched. This func will be called to init some specfic data.  * Usually, the device's initial step will be done here.  * Note: When a driver has N devices, the probe will be called N times.  *       For different device, different i2c_device_id will be provided for use in the probe function. */  static int __devinit eep_probe(struct i2c_client *client,                    const struct i2c_device_id *id)  {      int i=0;                #ifdef DEBUG_EEP       printk(KERN_ALERT "EEPROM probe\n");      #endif             while (eep_24c08_id[i].driver_data) {          if (client->addr == (unsigned short)eep_24c08_id[i].driver_data) {              #ifdef DEBUG_EEP               printk(KERN_ALERT "probe(): client->addr = 0x%02X, i = %d, eep_24c08_id[%d].driver_data = 0x%02X, eep_24c08_id[%d].name = %s\n",                  client->addr, i, i, (unsigned int)eep_24c08_id[i].driver_data, i, eep_24c08_id[i].name);              #endif               eep->client[i] = client; /* Store the client into eep for further use. */                  /* client can also be stored in file->p when open(). */          }          i++;      }        return 0;  }    static int __devexit eep_remove(struct i2c_client *client)  {      #ifdef DEBUG_EEP       printk(KERN_ALERT "EEPROM remove\n");      #endif             return 0;  }    /* eep_detect - detect method is called when there is really some device on '@kind' address.   @i2c_client:   the temp client device which is given to detect func's use.              It is only temp which has not been register.  @kind:  indicate the number in i2c_client_address_data for each possible member.          only for forces device. Others condition is -1.  @i2c_board_info:   the specific infomation's structure to store device's info.   * This function was called before the real i2c_client is create.   * Some special device need a initializion before read/write it, do the init here.  * Init the client's infomation, and it need to fill at least the name   * of i2c_board_info param for registering which is also the name of client device.  * Notice: Its addr member has already beed set.  */  int eep_detect(struct i2c_client *client, int kind, struct i2c_board_info *bd_info)  {      int i=0;        #ifdef DEBUG_EEP       printk(KERN_ALERT "EEPROM detect\n");      #endif             /* There is no need to take action of detect on I2C bus. */        while (eep_24c08_id[i].driver_data) {          if (client->addr == (unsigned short)eep_24c08_id[i].driver_data) {              strlcpy(bd_info->type, eep_24c08_id[i].name, I2C_NAME_SIZE);                   /* In fact, giving the name is the only thing need to do. */              bd_info->flags = 0;              #ifdef DEBUG_EEP               printk(KERN_ALERT "detect(): i = %d, client->addr = 0x%02X, bd_info->type = %s\n",                  i, client->addr, bd_info->type);              #endif           }          i++;      }        /* platform_data should be study later */        return 0;  }    static struct i2c_driver eep_driver = {      .driver = {          .name   = "eeprom-driver",  /* Name */          .owner  = THIS_MODULE,      },      .class          = 1,      .probe          = eep_probe,      .remove         = __devexit_p(eep_remove),      .id_table       = eep_24c08_id,      .detect         = eep_detect,      .address_data       = &eep_addr_data,  };    static int __init eeprom_init(void)  {      int err=0;            eep = kmalloc(sizeof(struct eep_24c08), GFP_KERNEL);      if (!eep) {          err = -ENOMEM;          goto exit;      }        /* Get and register the cdev for eeprom */      eep->dev_num = MKDEV(EEP_MAJOR,0);      if (register_chrdev_region(eep->dev_num, 1, "eeprom") <0 ) {          printk(KERN_ALERT "Can't register device\n");          goto exit_free;      }            cdev_init(&eep->eep_cdev, &eep_fops);      eep->eep_cdev.owner = THIS_MODULE;      eep->eep_cdev.ops = &eep_fops;      if (cdev_add(&eep->eep_cdev, eep->dev_num, 1)) {          printk(KERN_ALERT "Failed to add cdev of EEPROM\n");          goto exit_unregister;      }        /* Register i2c_driver to i2c core */      err = i2c_add_driver(&eep_driver);      if (err) {          printk(KERN_ALERT "Registering I2C driver of EEPROM failed, errno is %d\n", err);          goto exit_del_cdev;      }        #ifdef DEBUG_EEP       printk(KERN_ALERT "EEPROM Driver Initialized.\n");      #endif             return 0;    exit_del_cdev:      cdev_del(&eep->eep_cdev);  exit_unregister:      unregister_chrdev_region(eep->dev_num, 1);  exit_free:      kfree(eep);  exit:      return err;   }    static void __exit eeprom_exit(void)  {      i2c_del_driver(&eep_driver);      cdev_del(&eep->eep_cdev);      unregister_chrdev_region(eep->dev_num, 1);      kfree(eep);        #ifdef DEBUG_EEP       printk(KERN_ALERT "EEPROM Driver Removed.\n");      #endif   }    module_init(eeprom_init);  module_exit(eeprom_exit);    MODULE_DESCRIPTION("EEPROM driver for 24C08 and similar chips");  MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");  
