
来源:互联网 发布:linux面试问题 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/12 13:20
/* ----------------------------------------------------------文件名称:Decode.cs作者:秦建辉MSN:splashcn@msn.comQQ:36748897博客:http://blog.csdn.net/jhqin开发环境:    Visual Studio V2010    .NET Framework 4 Client Profile版本历史:        V1.02011年08月19日PDU格式短信解码部分(不支持文本压缩短信)------------------------------------------------------------ */using System;using System.Text;using System.Collections.Generic;namespace Splash.Phone{    /// <summary>    /// PDU格式短信解码部分    /// 接口函数:PDUDecoding    /// 注意:不支持文本压缩短信    /// </summary>    public partial class SMS    {        /// <summary>        /// 信息元素结构体,包含信息元素标识和信息元素数据        /// </summary>        public struct PDUUDH        {            public Byte IEI;    // 信息元素标识(Information Element Identifier)            public Byte[] IED;  // 信息元素数据(Information Element Data)        }        /// <summary>        /// 短信结构体        /// </summary>        public struct SMSPARTS        {            public String SCA;          // 服务中心地址(Service Center Address)            public String OA;           // 发送方地址(Originator Adress)                        public DateTime SCTS;       // 服务中心的时间戳(Service Center Time Stamp)            public PDUUDH[] UDH;        // 用户数据头(User Data Header)            public Object UD;           // 用户数据(User Data)            // PDU Type 协议数据单元类型            public Boolean RP;          // 应答路径(Reply Path)            public Boolean UDHI;        // 用户数据头标识(User Data Header Indicator)            public Boolean SRI;         // 状态报告指示(Status Report Indication)            public Boolean MMS;         // 更多信息发送(More Messages to Send)            public Int32 MTI;           // 信息类型指示(Message Type Indicator)            // PID协议标识            public Byte PID;            // PID协议标识(Protocol Identifier)            // DCS数据编码方案            public EnumDCS DCS;  // 数据编码方案(Data Coding Scheme)            public Boolean TC;  // 文本压缩指示 0-文本未压缩 1-文本用GSM标准压缩算法压缩            public Int32 MC;    // 消息类型(Message Class)-1:无 0:立即显示 1:移动设备特定类型 2:SIM特定类型 3:终端设备特定类型        }        /// <summary>        /// 短信解码        /// </summary>        /// <param name="data">数据报文</param>        /// <returns>短信信息</returns>        /// <remarks>        /// 接收方PDU格式(SMS-DELIVER-PDU)        /// SCA(Service Center Adress):短信中心,长度1-12        /// PDU-Type(Protocol Data Unit Type):协议数据单元类型,长度1        /// OA(Originator Adress):发送方SME的地址        /// PID(Protocol Identifier):协议标识,长度1        /// DCS(Data Coding Scheme):编码方案,长度1        /// SCTS(Service Center Time Stamp):服务中心时间戳,长度7        /// UDL(User Data Length):用户数据段长度,长度1        /// UD(User Data):用户数据,长度0-140        /// </remarks>        public static SMSPARTS PDUDecoding(String data)        {            SMSPARTS Parts;            Int32 EndIndex;            // 短信中心            Parts.SCA = SCADecoding(data, out EndIndex);            // 协议数据单元类型            Int32 PDUType = Convert.ToInt32(data.Substring(EndIndex, 2), 16);            EndIndex += 2;            Parts.RP = PDUType.BitTest(7);      // 应答路径            Parts.UDHI = PDUType.BitTest(6);    // 用户数据头标识            Parts.SRI = PDUType.BitTest(5);     // 状态报告指示            Parts.MMS = !PDUType.BitTest(2);    // 更多信息发送              Parts.MTI = PDUType & 3;            // 信息类型指示            // 发送方SME的地址            Parts.OA = OADecoding(data, EndIndex, out EndIndex);            // 协议标识            Parts.PID = Convert.ToByte(data.Substring(EndIndex, 2), 16);            EndIndex += 2;            // 数据编码方案            Int32 DCSType = Convert.ToInt32(data.Substring(EndIndex, 2), 16);            EndIndex += 2;            Parts.TC = DCSType.BitTest(5);  // 文本压缩指示            Parts.DCS = (EnumDCS)((DCSType >> 2) & 3);  // 编码字符集            if (DCSType.BitTest(4))            {   // 信息类型信息 0:立即显示 1:移动设备特定类型 2:SIM特定类型 3:终端设备特定类型                Parts.MC = DCSType & 3;            }            else            {   // 不含信息类型信息                Parts.MC = -1;            }            // 服务中心时间戳(BCD编码)            Parts.SCTS = SCTSDecoding(data, EndIndex);            EndIndex += 14;            // 用户数据头            if (Parts.UDHI)            {                Parts.UDH = UDHDecoding(data, EndIndex + 2);            }            else            {                Parts.UDH = null;            }            // 用户数据            Parts.UD = UserDataDecoding(data, EndIndex, Parts.UDHI, Parts.DCS);            return Parts;        }        /// <summary>        /// 用户数据解码        /// </summary>        /// <param name="data">编码字符串</param>        /// <param name="Index">起始索引号</param>        /// <param name="UDHI">用户数据头标识</param>        /// <param name="DCS">编码方案</param>        /// <returns>        /// String类型:文本内容        /// Byte[]类型:二进制内容        /// </returns>        private static Object UserDataDecoding(String data, Int32 Index, Boolean UDHI = false, EnumDCS DCS = EnumDCS.UCS2)        {            // 用户数据区长度            Int32 UDL = Convert.ToInt32(data.Substring(Index, 2), 16);            Index += 2;            // 跳过用户数据头            Int32 UDHL = 0;            if (UDHI)            {   // 用户数据头长度                UDHL = Convert.ToInt32(data.Substring(Index, 2), 16);                UDHL++;                Index += UDHL << 1;                            }            // 获取用户数据            if (DCS == EnumDCS.UCS2)            {   // 获取字符个数                Int32 CharNumber = (UDL - UDHL) >> 1;                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(CharNumber);                                for (Int32 i = 0; i < CharNumber; i++)                {                    sb.Append(Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(data.Substring((i << 2) + Index, 4), 16)));                }                return sb;              }            else if (DCS == EnumDCS.BIT7)            {                Int32 Septets = UDL - (UDHL * 8 + 6) / 7;   // 7-Bit编码字符数                Int32 FillBits = (UDHL * 8 + 6) / 7 * 7 - UDHL * 8; // 填充位数                return BIT7Decoding(BIT7Unpack(data, Index, Septets, FillBits));            }            else            {   // 8Bit编码                // 获取数据长度                UDL -= UDHL;                Byte[] Binary = new Byte[UDL];                for (Int32 i = 0; i < UDL; i++)                {                    Binary[i] = Convert.ToByte(data.Substring((i << 1) + Index, 2), 16);                }                return Binary;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 服务中心地址解码        /// </summary>        /// <param name="data">编码字符串</param>        /// <param name="EndIndex">输出:结束索引位置</param>        /// <returns>服务中心地址</returns>        private static String SCADecoding(String data, out Int32 EndIndex)        {            // 获取地址长度            Int32 Len = Convert.ToInt32(data.Substring(0, 2), 16);            if (Len == 0)            {                EndIndex = 2;                return String.Empty;            }                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(Len << 1);            // 服务中心地址类型            if (data.Substring(2, 2) == "91")            {   // 国际号码                sb.Append("+");            }            // 服务中心地址            EndIndex = (Len + 1) << 1;            for (Int32 i = 4; i < EndIndex; i += 2)            {                sb.Append(data[i + 1]);                sb.Append(data[i]);            }            // 去掉填充字符            if (sb[sb.Length - 1] == 'F')            {                sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);            }            return sb.ToString();        }        /// <summary>        /// 发送方地址解码        /// </summary>        /// <param name="data">编码字符串</param>        /// <param name="Index">起始索引位置</param>        /// <param name="EndIndex">输出:结束索引位置</param>        /// <returns>发送方地址</returns>        private static String OADecoding(String data, Int32 Index, out Int32 EndIndex)        {            // 获取号码长度            Int32 Len = Convert.ToInt32(data.Substring(Index, 2), 16);            if (Len == 0)            {                EndIndex = Index + 2;                return String.Empty;            }            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(Len + 1);            if (data.Substring(Index + 2, 2) == "91")            {   // 国际号码                sb.Append("+");            }                        // 电话号码            for (Int32 i = 0; i < Len; i += 2)            {                sb.Append(data[Index + i + 5]);                sb.Append(data[Index + i + 4]);            }            EndIndex = Index + 4 + Len;            if (Len % 2 != 0)            {   // 去掉填充字符                sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);                EndIndex++;            }            return sb.ToString();        }                /// <summary>        /// 7-Bit编码解压缩        /// </summary>        /// <param name="data">短信数据</param>        /// <param name="Index">起始索引号</param>        /// <param name="Septets">7-Bit编码字符数</param>        /// <param name="FillBits">填充Bit位数</param>        /// <returns>7-Bit字节序列</returns>        private static Byte[] BIT7Unpack(String data, Int32 Index, Int32 Septets, Int32 FillBits)        {            Byte[] Bit7Array = new Byte[Septets];            // 每8个7-Bit编码字符存放到7个字节            Int32 PackLen = (Septets * 7 + FillBits + 7) / 8;            Int32 n = 0;            Int32 Remainder = 0;                        for (Int32 i = 0; i < PackLen; i++)            {                Int32 Order = (i + (7 - FillBits)) % 7;                Int32 Value = Convert.ToInt32(data.Substring((i << 1) + Index, 2), 16);                if ((i != 0) || (FillBits == 0))                {                    Bit7Array[n++] = (Byte)(((Value << Order) + Remainder) & 0x7F);                }                                Remainder = Value >> (7 - Order);                if (Order == 6)                {                    if (n == Septets) break;    // 避免写入填充数据                    Bit7Array[n++] = (Byte)Remainder;                                        Remainder = 0;                }            }            return Bit7Array;        }        /// <summary>        /// 转换GSM字符编码到Unicode编码        /// </summary>        /// <param name="Bit7Array">7-Bit编码字节序列</param>        /// <returns>Unicode字符串</returns>        private static String BIT7Decoding(Byte[] Bit7Array)        {            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(Bit7Array.Length);            for (Int32 i = 0; i < Bit7Array.Length; i++)            {                UInt16 Key = Bit7Array[i];                if (isBIT7Same(Key))                {                    sb.Append(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(Key));                }                else if (BIT7ToUCS2.ContainsKey(Key))                {                    if (Key == 0x1B)    // 转义字符                    {                           if (i < Bit7Array.Length - 1 && BIT7EToUCS2.ContainsKey(Bit7Array[i + 1]))                        {                            sb.Append(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(BIT7EToUCS2[Bit7Array[i + 1]]));                            i++;                        }                        else                        {                            sb.Append(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(BIT7ToUCS2[Key]));                        }                    }                    else                    {                        sb.Append(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(BIT7ToUCS2[Key]));                    }                                        }                else                {   // 异常数据                    sb.Append('?');                }            }            return sb.ToString();        }        /// <summary>        /// BCD解码        /// </summary>        /// <param name="data">数据字符串</param>        /// <param name="Index">起始索引号</param>        /// <param name="isEnableMSB">最高位是否为符号位</param>        /// <returns>转化后的十进制数</returns>        private static Int32 BCDDecoding(String data, Int32 Index, Boolean isEnableMSB = false)        {            Int32 n = Convert.ToInt32(data.Substring(Index, 1));    // 个位            Int32 m = Convert.ToInt32(data.Substring(Index + 1, 1), 16);    // 十位            if (isEnableMSB)            {   // 最高位为符号位,值的范围为-79~+79                if (m >= 8)                    return -((m - 8) * 10 + n); // 负值                else                    return m * 10 + n;             }            else            {   // 值的范围为0~99                return m * 10 + n;            }        }                /// <summary>        /// 服务中心时间戳解码        /// </summary>        /// <param name="data">数据报文</param>        /// <param name="Index">起始索引号</param>        /// <returns>服务中心时间戳对应的本地时间</returns>        private static DateTime SCTSDecoding(String data, Int32 Index)        {   // 时区信息,其值为15分钟的倍数            return new DateTimeOffset(                (DateTime.Today.Year / 100 * 100) + BCDDecoding(data, Index),   // 年                BCDDecoding(data, Index + 2),   // 月                BCDDecoding(data, Index + 4),   // 日                BCDDecoding(data, Index + 6),   // 时                BCDDecoding(data, Index + 8),   // 分                BCDDecoding(data, Index + 10),  // 秒                new TimeSpan(0, BCDDecoding(data, Index + 12, true) * 15, 0)).LocalDateTime;        }                   /// <summary>        /// 用户数据头解码        /// </summary>        /// <param name="data">数据报文</param>        /// <param name="Index">起始索引号</param>        /// <returns>解码后的用户数据头</returns>          /// <remarks>        /// 信息元素标识        /// 00  Concatenated short messages, 8-bit reference number        /// 01  Special SMS Message Indication        /// 02  Reserved        /// 03  Value not used to avoid misinterpretation as <LF> character        /// 04  Application port addressing scheme, 8 bit address        /// 05  Application port addressing scheme, 16 bit address        /// 06  SMSC Control Parameters        /// 07  UDH Source Indicator        /// 08  Concatenated short message, 16-bit reference number        /// 09  Wireless Control Message Protocol        /// 0A-6F   Reserved for future use        /// 70-7F   SIM Toolkit Security Headers        /// 80-9F   SME to SME specific use        /// A0-BF   Reserved for future use        /// C0-DF   SC specific use        /// E0-FF   Reserved for future use        /// </remarks>        private static PDUUDH[] UDHDecoding(String data, Int32 Index)        {               List<PDUUDH> UDH = new List<PDUUDH>();            // 用户数据头长度            Int32 UDHL = Convert.ToInt32(data.Substring(Index, 2), 16);            Index += 2;            Int32 i = 0;            while (i < UDHL)            {   // 信息元素标识(Information Element Identifier)                Byte IEI = Convert.ToByte(data.Substring(Index, 2), 16);                Index += 2;                // 信息元素数据长度(Length of Information Element)                Int32 IEDL = Convert.ToInt32(data.Substring(Index, 2), 16);                Index += 2;                // 信息元素数据(Information Element Data)                Byte[] IED = new Byte[IEDL];                for (Int32 j = 0; j < IEDL; j++)                {                    IED[j] = Convert.ToByte(data.Substring(Index, 2), 16);                    Index += 2;                }                UDH.Add(new PDUUDH { IEI = IEI, IED = IED });                i += IEDL + 2;            }            return UDH.ToArray();        }            }}