后缀树(Suffix Tree)的文本匹配算法

来源:互联网 发布:好看的网络言情小说 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 23:55
后缀树(Suffix Tree)的文本匹配算法 后缀树(Suffix Tree)是一种特殊的Trie,它的用途非常广泛,其中一个主要的应用是作文本匹配,也像KMP等算法一样,它也是空间换时间的一个典范。利用 Suffix Tree做文本匹配与其他的模式匹配算法比如KMP和Boyer-Moore算法的主要区别是,后缀树文本匹配算法是对文本T做预处理,而KMP算法是对模式串P做预处理。因此后缀树常用于文本静态,而模式串动态的场合;而KMP等算法常用于文本动态,模式串静态的场合。设T的长度为n,P的长度为m,一般情况下m<n。在预处理中,用Suffix Tree匹配的复杂度为O(n),而KMP和Boyer-Moore的复杂度为O(m)。可是预处理结束后,KMP等算法的复杂度为O(n),后缀树匹配算法的复杂度只有O(m),这是令人惊叹的效率!本文后缀树用蛮力法构建,跟构建前缀树Patricia Trie类似。后缀树用Patricia Trie压缩存储的好处是,Patricia Trie存储空间只与单词的个数相关(因为有了压缩),而普通的Trie的存储空间与单词的总长度相关(因为没有压缩)。一个文本text的所有后缀总长度为n + (n-1) + ... + 1 = n(n+1)/2,如果用普通的Trie存储后缀树,所需空间为O(n^2);而用Patricia Trie压缩之后的为O(n),这里n为后缀的个数。没有使用压缩存储的后缀树叫做Suffix Trie,而不是Suffix Tree。一般情况下,使用压缩方式存储后缀树是最基本的要求。在下面的实现中,利用Patricia Trie来构造后缀树,每一个结点除了存储Patricia Trie的key值之外,还存储了该结点key值在文本text中出现的最小下标值minStartIndex,这样便于匹配时输出成功匹配的位置。另外,出于实际应用考虑,后缀树在叶子结点中不必要存储value。除了没有delete操作(文本是静态的,不需要修改)之外,建树操作(insert) 和查询匹配(find)操作跟Patricia Trie的实现差别不大。实现:view sourceprint?import java.util.LinkedList;  import java.util.List;      /**   *    * Suffix-Tree String Pattern Matching(Building tree using brute-force)   *     * Copyright (c) 2011 ljs (http://blog.csdn.net/ljsspace/)   * Licensed under GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php)    *    * @author ljs   * 2011-06-27   *   */ public class SuffixTree {      private class SuffixNode {            private String key;          private List<SuffixNode> children = new LinkedList<SuffixNode>();                     //use "#" for terminal char          private boolean terminal;                      private int minStartIndex;                     public SuffixNode(){                          this.key = "";              minStartIndex = -1;          }          public SuffixNode(String key){              this.key = key;                   }                 public String toString(){                         return this.key + "[" + this.minStartIndex + "]" + (this.terminal?"#":"") + "(" + children.size() +")";          }                }      private SuffixNode root;      private String text;             public SuffixTree(String text){          this.text = text;      }             //return the start index of the matched substring;      //return -1 if no match is found      public int find(String pattern){          if(pattern == null || pattern.length() == 0)               return -1;                     if(root==null){              return -1;          }else{              return find(root,pattern);          }      }             private int find(SuffixNode currNode,String pattern) {          for(int i=0;i<currNode.children.size();i++){              SuffixNode child = currNode.children.get(i);                             //use min(child.key.length, pattern.length)              int len = child.key.length()<pattern.length()?child.key.length():                  pattern.length();              int j = 0;              for(;j<len;j++){                  if(pattern.charAt(j) != child.key.charAt(j)){                      break;                  }              }                             if(j==0){//this child doesn't match any character with the new pattern                            //order suffix-key by lexi-order                  if(pattern.charAt(0)<child.key.charAt(0)){                      //e.g. child="e", pattern="c" (currNode="abc")                      //     abc                                           //    /  \                           //   e    h                         return -1;                  }else{                      //e.g. child="e", pattern="h" (currNode="abc")                      continue;                  }              }else{//current child's key partially matches with the new pattern; 0<j<=len                                if(j==len){                      if(pattern.length()==child.key.length()){                          if(child.terminal){                              //e.g. child="ab", pattern="ab"                              //     ab#                                                  //       \                                  //        f#                                  return child.minStartIndex;                                               }else{                              //e.g. child="ab", pattern="ab"                              //     ab                                                  //    /  \                                  //   e    f                                  return child.minStartIndex;                          }                      }else if(pattern.length()>child.key.length()){                          //e.g. child="ab#", pattern="abc"                          //     ab#                                               //    /  \                                                    //   a    c#                                      String subpattern = pattern.substring(j); //c                          //recursion                          int index = find(child,subpattern);                          if(index==-1){                              return -1;                          }else{                              return index-child.key.length();                          }                      }else{ //pattern.length()<child.key.length()                          //e.g. child="abc", pattern="ab"                          //     abc                                                //    /   \                                 //   e     f                               return child.minStartIndex;                                           }                                     }else{//0<j<len                      //e.g. child="abc", pattern="abd"                      //     abc                                           //    /  \                            //   e    f                          return -1;                                    }                             }                         }          return -1;      }      private void insert(SuffixNode currNode,String key,int startIndex) throws Exception{                  boolean done = false;          for(int i=0;i<currNode.children.size();i++){              SuffixNode child = currNode.children.get(i);                             //use min(child.key.length, key.length)              int len = child.key.length()<key.length()?child.key.length():                  key.length();              int j = 0;              for(;j<len;j++){                  if(key.charAt(j) != child.key.charAt(j)){                      break;                  }              }              if(j==0){//this child doesn't match any character with the new key                            //order keys by lexi-order                  if(key.charAt(0)<child.key.charAt(0)){                      //e.g. child="e" (currNode="abc")                      //     abc                     abc                      //    /  \    =========>      / | \                      //   e    f   insert "c"     c# e  f                                         SuffixNode node = new SuffixNode(key);                      currNode.children.add(i,node);                      node.terminal = true;                         node.minStartIndex = startIndex;                      done = true;                      break;                                    }else{ //key.charAt(0)>child.key.charAt(0)                      //don't forget to add the largest new key after iterating all children                      continue;                  }              }else{//current child's key partially matches with the new key; 0<j<=len                                if(j==len){                      if(key.length()==child.key.length()){                          if(child.terminal){                              throw new Exception("Duplicate Key is found when insertion!");                                                    }else{                              //e.g. child="ab"                              //     ab                    ab#                              //    /  \    =========>    /   \                              //   e    f   insert "ab"  e     f                              child.terminal = true;                              if(child.minStartIndex>startIndex)                                  child.minStartIndex = startIndex;                          }                      }else if(key.length()>child.key.length()){                          //e.g. child="ab#"                          //     ab#                    ab#                          //    /  \    ==========>    / | \                                                     //   e    f   insert "abc"  c# e  f                               if(child.minStartIndex>startIndex)                              child.minStartIndex = startIndex;                          String subkey = key.substring(j);                          //recursion                          insert(child,subkey,startIndex+j);                      }else{ //key.length()<child.key.length()                          //e.g. child="abc#"                          //     abc#                      ab#                          //    /   \      =========>      /                             //   e     f     insert "ab"    c#                              //                             /  \                          //                            e    f                                                                              String childSubkey = child.key.substring(j); //c                          SuffixNode subChildNode = new SuffixNode(childSubkey);                          subChildNode.terminal = child.terminal;                          subChildNode.children = child.children; //inherited from parent                          subChildNode.minStartIndex = child.minStartIndex+j;                                                     child.key = key;  //ab                          child.terminal = true;  //ab#                             if(child.minStartIndex>startIndex)                              child.minStartIndex = startIndex;                                                     child.children = new LinkedList<SuffixNode>();                          child.children.add(subChildNode);                      }                                     }else{//0<j<len                      //e.g. child="abc#"                      //     abc#                     ab                      //    /  \     ==========>     / \                      //   e    f   insert "abd"    c#  d#                       //                           /  \                      //                          e    f                                        //split at j                      String childSubkey = child.key.substring(j);  //c                      String subkey = key.substring(j); //d                                             SuffixNode subChildNode = new SuffixNode(childSubkey);                      subChildNode.terminal = child.terminal;                      subChildNode.children = child.children; //inherited from parent                      subChildNode.minStartIndex = child.minStartIndex+j;                                             //update child's key                      child.key = child.key.substring(0,j);                      if(child.minStartIndex>startIndex)                          child.minStartIndex = startIndex;                      //child is not terminal now due to split, it is inherited by subChildNode                      child.terminal = false;                                             //Note: no need to merge subChildNode                                                                SuffixNode node = new SuffixNode(subkey);                      node.terminal = true;                      node.minStartIndex = startIndex+j;                      child.children = new LinkedList<SuffixNode>();                      if(subkey.charAt(0)<childSubkey.charAt(0)){                          child.children.add(node);                          child.children.add(subChildNode);                      }else{                          child.children.add(subChildNode);                          child.children.add(node);                      }                  }                  done = true;                  break;              }          }          if(!done){              SuffixNode node = new SuffixNode(key);                    node.terminal = true;              node.minStartIndex = startIndex;              currNode.children.add(node);          }      }      public void insert(String suffix,int startIndex) throws Exception{          if(suffix == null || suffix.length() == 0) return;                     if(root==null){              root = new SuffixNode();                          }          insert(root,suffix,startIndex);           }             //build a suffix-tree for a string of text      public void buildSuffixTree() throws Exception{          for(int i=0;i<text.length();i++){              this.insert(text.substring(i), i);          }             }             //for test purpose only      public void printTree(){          this.print(0, this.root);      }      private void print(int level, SuffixNode node){          for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) {              System.out.format(" ");          }          System.out.format("|");          for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) {              System.out.format("-");          }          if (node.terminal)              System.out.format("%s[%s]#%n", node.key,node.minStartIndex);          else             System.out.format("%s[%s]%n", node.key,node.minStartIndex);          for (SuffixNode child : node.children) {              print(level + 1, child);          }             }      public void testFind(String pattern){          int index = this.find(pattern);          if(index != -1)              System.out.format("Found pattern \"%s\" at: %s%n",pattern,index);          else             System.out.format("Found no such pattern: \"%s\"%n",pattern);      }      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {          //test suffix-tree          System.out.println("****************************");               String text = "minimize";          SuffixTree strie = new SuffixTree(text);          strie.buildSuffixTree();          strie.printTree();                     System.out.println("****************************");               text = "mississippi";          strie = new SuffixTree(text);          strie.buildSuffixTree();          strie.printTree();                     String pattern = "iss";          strie.testFind(pattern);          pattern = "ip";          strie.testFind(pattern);          pattern = "pi";          strie.testFind(pattern);          pattern = "miss";          strie.testFind(pattern);          pattern = "tt";          strie.testFind(pattern);          pattern = "si";          strie.testFind(pattern);          pattern = "ssi";          strie.testFind(pattern);          pattern = "sissippi";          strie.testFind(pattern);          pattern = "ssippi";          strie.testFind(pattern);                     System.out.println("****************************");               text = "After a long text, here's a needle ZZZZZ";            pattern = "ZZZZZ";              strie = new SuffixTree(text);          strie.buildSuffixTree();          //strie.printTree();          strie.testFind(pattern);                                System.out.println("****************************");               text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";            pattern = "lazy";            strie = new SuffixTree(text);          strie.buildSuffixTree();          //strie.printTree();          strie.testFind(pattern);                                System.out.println("****************************");               text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna...";            pattern = "tempor";           strie = new SuffixTree(text);          strie.buildSuffixTree();          //strie.printTree();          strie.testFind(pattern);                     System.out.println("****************************");               text = "GGGGGGGGGGGGCGCAAAAGCGAGCAGAGAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA";            pattern = "GCAGAGAG";                strie = new SuffixTree(text);          strie.buildSuffixTree();          //strie.printTree();          strie.testFind(pattern);      }  } 测试输出:view sourceprint?****************************  |[-1]   |-e[7]#   |-i[1]    |--mize[4]#    |--nimize[2]#    |--ze[6]#   |-mi[0]    |--nimize[2]#    |--ze[6]#   |-nimize[2]#   |-ze[6]#  ****************************  |[-1]   |-i[1]#    |--ppi[8]#    |--ssi[2]     |---ppi[8]#     |---ssippi[5]#   |-mississippi[0]#   |-p[8]    |--i[10]#    |--pi[9]#   |-s[2]    |--i[4]     |---ppi[8]#     |---ssippi[5]#    |--si[3]     |---ppi[8]#     |---ssippi[5]#  Found pattern "iss" at: 1 Found pattern "ip" at: 7 Found pattern "pi" at: 9 Found pattern "miss" at: 0 Found no such pattern: "tt" Found pattern "si" at: 3 Found pattern "ssi" at: 2 Found pattern "sissippi" at: 3 Found pattern "ssippi" at: 5 ****************************  Found pattern "ZZZZZ" at: 35 ****************************  Found pattern "lazy" at: 35 ****************************  Found pattern "tempor" at: 73 ****************************  Found pattern "GCAGAGAG" at: 23 

