ORA-06553: PLS-213: package STANDARD not accessible

来源:互联网 发布:php 记录错误日志 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 14:09

Today a net friend reflected use DBCA create a instance ,when schedule to 2% emerged ORA-06553:PLS-213: package STANDARD not accessible.On matelink searched the following methods to solve the problem:

Create Database Statement Generates Error Ora-06553 Pls-213 Package Standard Not Accessible [ID 400942.1]

Platforms: 1-914CU;

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Applies to:
Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: and later   [Release: 10.2 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

Database creation using the CREATE DATABASE command generates the following error after some processing:

ORA-06553: PLS-213: package STANDARD not accessible

The problem was caused by including the line "SET SERVEROUT ON" in the  $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql file.

During database creation, the glogin.sql file is executed, which in turn caused the "SET SERVEROUT
ON" line to be executed, while the database creation is not yet complete. When this command is
issued, and because the DBMS_OUTPUT package is not yet created, the database creation fails and
the following error is returned:

ORA-06553: PLS-213: package STANDARD not accessible

Also, during subsequent logins to SQL Plus, the glogin.sql file is executed, and the same error is returned.

Remove any "SET SERVEROUT ON/OFF" lines from the glogin.sql file, at least before issuing the "CREATE DATABASE" command.


热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 80多岁老人发烧怎么办 小孩香蕉吃多了怎么办 7个月宝宝缺钙怎么办 宝宝脖子被汗淹到红了脱皮怎么办? 小儿出汗多咳嗽怎么办吃什么 牛高烧不退怎么办最好 猪体温低不吃食怎么办 小孩发烧咳嗽怎么办吃什么药 大晚上发烧39度怎么办 胃受凉了老打嗝怎么办 大人发低烧怎么办如何退烧 吃了退热药不退热怎么办 猪持续高烧不退怎么办 猪感冒了不吃食怎么办 6岁儿童发烧38度怎么办 5岁儿童发烧38度怎么办 7岁儿童发烧38度怎么办 儿童发烧到38度怎么办 4岁儿童发烧38度怎么办 9岁儿童发烧38度怎么办 5儿童发烧38度怎么办 咳嗽了20多天怎么办 嘴角烂了怎么办涂什么药 感冒发烧到39度怎么办 6岁宝宝发烧头痛怎么办 生完孩子耻骨疼怎么办 顺产底下外阴红肿伤口流脓怎么办 产后便秘怎么办什么方法最有效 一周岁宝宝拉肚怎么办 三岁宝宝拉水怎么办 喝了过期的青汁怎么办 吃了黑心的苹果怎么办 新生儿两天没拉大便怎么办 贝亲奶瓶不漏怎么办 满月婴儿吃多了怎么办 婴儿吃撑了哭闹怎么办 新生儿吃撑了怎么办啊 新生儿吃了奶粉不吃奶怎么办 新生儿不吃奶也不吃奶粉怎么办 奶瓶吸奶费力不顺畅怎么办 宝宝吃奶粉太勤怎么办