VCS 生成代码覆盖率

来源:互联网 发布:软件保护壳 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/08 14:20

Step 1. Compile the source files

vcs -Mupdate -cm line    +v2k    -sverilog  source.v

The db/verilog directory contains data files written by VCS about the design such as cm.format_info, cm.map_info, cm.mod_info, and cm.src_info.
The coverage/verilog directory is initially empty, but during simulation VCS writes intermediate data files (also called test files) in this directory. cmView reads these files.
The reports directory where cmView writes its report files.

Step 2. Run the simulation and monitor for coverage

simv -cm line

注意:第二步完成后仿真进入命令行模式:ucli%。这时要输入exit命令,退出ucli%模式。若按ctr+c强制退出,则不能生成用于代码覆盖率的test file。哥试了好久啊,才发现原因出现这里。

Step 3. Generate coverage reports

cmView 或者 vcs -cm_pp gui-----------------------------调用cmView观察代码覆盖率

或dve -cov-------------------------------------------------------调用dve观察代码覆盖率

If you compiled for more types of coverage, and if VCS monitored for more types of coverage during simulation, you could use arguments to the -cm command line option to tell cmView what types of reports to write. By default it writes reports for all types of coverage for which it has intermediate data files.

Specifies condition coverage.
Specifies FSM coverage.
Specifies line coverage.
Specifies toggle coverage.

Look at the results in the cmView GUI

cmView -cm line
