
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝的通用招商是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 14:15
#include   <string.h> #include   <stdlib.h> #include   <stdio.h> typedef   unsigned   __int64   UINT64; #define   NULL   0 //   The   standard   SHA1   needs   the   input   string   to   fit   into   a   block //   This   function   align   the   input   string   to   meet   the   requirement void   AlignSHA1(const   char   *pIn,UINT64   *pBlks,   UINT64   &nBlksLen) {         if   (pIn   ==   NULL)         {                 return;         }         UINT64   nInLen   =   strlen(pIn);         UINT64   nBlk   =   ((nInLen+8)>> 6)+1;         if   (pBlks   ==   NULL)         {                 nBlksLen   =   nBlk*16;                 return;         }         for   (int   j=0;   j <nBlksLen;   j++)         {                 pBlks[j]   =   0;         }         for(UINT64   i=0;   i <nInLen;   i++)         {                                 pBlks[i>> 2]   |=   pIn[i] <<(24-(i&3)*8);                         }         pBlks[i>> 2]   |=   0x80 <<(24-(i&3)*8);         pBlks[nBlksLen-1]=(int)(nInLen*8);         return   ; } //   The   int32   add   function   which   doesn 't   generate   overflow //   exception.   This   is   required   by   the   algorithm UINT64   add(UINT64   x,   UINT64   y) {         UINT64   lsw   =   (x&0xffff)+(y&0xffff);         UINT64   msw   =   (x>> 16)   +   (y>> 16)   +(lsw>> 16);         return   (msw <<16)   |   (lsw&0xffff); } UINT64   UnsigedRightMove(UINT64   num,   UINT64   bit) {                 num   &=0xffffffff;         num   >>= bit   ;                 return   num;         } //   The   int32   _asm   rol   :) UINT64   rol(UINT64   num,UINT64   cnt) {                         return(num <<cnt)|UnsigedRightMove(num,   (32-cnt)); } //   Perform   the   appropriate   triplet   combination   function   for   the   current   round UINT64   ft(UINT64   t,   UINT64   b,   UINT64   c,   UINT64   d) {         if(t <20)return(b&c)|((~b)&d);         if(t <40)return   b^c^d;         if(t <60)return(b&c)|(b&d)|(c&d);         return   b^c^d; } //   Determine   the   appropriate   additive   constant   for   the   current   iteration UINT64   kt(UINT64   t)   {         return(t <20)?1518500249:(t <40)?1859775393:         (t <60)?-1894007588:-899497514; } char*   Uint64ToHexStr(UINT64   num,   char   *buf,   int   nLen) {         if   (buf   ==   NULL   ||   nLen <8)         {                 return   buf;         }         char   szTemp[9]={0};         ultoa((unsigned   long)num,   szTemp,   16);         static   char   *s_pZero[]=         {                 "0 ",                 "00 ",                 "000 "                 "0000 ",                 "00000 ",                 "000000 ",                 "0000000 ",                 "00000000 ",                 "000000000 ",         };         int   nRealLen   =   strlen(szTemp);         int   nSpareBit   =   7-nRealLen;         if   (nSpareBit   >=0   &&   nSpareBit   <=7)         {                 memcpy(buf,   s_pZero[nSpareBit],   nSpareBit+1);                 memcpy(buf+   nSpareBit+1,   szTemp,   nRealLen);         }         else         {                 memcpy(buf,   szTemp,   8);         }                 return   buf; } char*   SHA1(const   unsigned   char   *pIn,   char   *pOut,   int   nOutLen) {                         if   (pIn   ==   NULL)         {                 return   pOut;         }         UINT64   nBlksLen   =   0;         AlignSHA1((const   char*)pIn,   NULL,   nBlksLen);         UINT64   *pBlks   =   new   UINT64[(int)nBlksLen];                 if   (pBlks   ==   NULL)         {                 return   pOut;         }         AlignSHA1((const   char*)pIn,   pBlks,   nBlksLen);                 UINT64   w[80]   ={0};         UINT64   a=1732584193;         UINT64   b=-271733879;         UINT64   c=-1732584194;         UINT64   d=271733878;         UINT64   e=-1009589776;                 for   (UINT64   i=0;   i <nBlksLen;   i+=16)        {                 UINT64   olda=a;                 UINT64   oldb=b;                 UINT64   oldc=c;                 UINT64   oldd=d;                 UINT64   olde=e;                 for   (UINT64   j=0;   j <80;   j++)                 {                         if   (j <16)                         {                                 w[j]=pBlks[i+j];                         }                         else                         {                                 w[j]=rol(w[j-3]^w[j-8]^w[j-14]^w[j-16],1);                         }                         UINT64   t=add(add(rol(a,5),ft(j,b,c,d)),add(add(e,w[j]),kt(j)));                         e=d;                         d=c;                         c=rol(b,30);                         b=a;                         a=t;                 }                 a=add(a,olda);                 b=add(b,oldb);                 c=add(c,oldc);                 d=add(d,oldd);                 e=add(e,olde);         }                 Uint64ToHexStr(a,   pOut,   nOutLen);         Uint64ToHexStr(b,   pOut+8,   nOutLen-8);         Uint64ToHexStr(c,   pOut+16,   nOutLen-16);         Uint64ToHexStr(d,   pOut+24,   nOutLen-24);         Uint64ToHexStr(e,   pOut+32,   nOutLen-32);         if   (pBlks   !=   NULL)         {                 delete[]   pBlks;                                 pBlks   =   NULL;         }         return   pOut; } int main(){unsigned char input[]="abc";char output[111];memset(output,0,sizeof(output));SHA1(input,output,111);printf("%s\n%d\n",output,strlen(output));return 0;}
