17.10.1 Constructor initializers

来源:互联网 发布:php的curl选项curlopt 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 19:07
All instance constructors (except those for class object) implicitly include
an invocation of another instance
constructor immediately before the constructor-body. The constructor to
implicitly invoke is determined by the
? An instance constructor initializer of the form base(argument-listopt)
causes an instance constructor from
the direct base class to be invoked. That constructor is selected using
argument-list and the overload
resolution rules of §14.4.2. The set of candidate instance constructors
consists of all accessible instance
constructors declared in the direct base class, or the default constructor (
§17.10.4), if no instance constructors
are declared in the direct base class. If this set is empty, or if a single
best instance constructor cannot be
identified, a compile-time error occurs.
? An instance constructor initializer of the form this(argument-listopt)
causes an instance constructor from
the class itself to be invoked. The constructor is selected using
argument-list and the overload resolution rules
of §14.4.2. The set of candidate instance constructors consists of all
accessible instance constructors declared
in the class itself. If that set is empty, or if a single best instance
constructor cannot be identified, a compiletime
error occurs. If an instance constructor declaration includes a constructor
initializer that invokes the
constructor itself, a compile-time error occurs.
If an instance constructor has no constructor initializer, a constructor
initializer of the form base() is implicitly
provided. [Note: Thus, an instance constructor declaration of the form
C(?) {?}
is exactly equivalent to
C(?): base() {?}
end note]
The scope of the parameters given by the formal-parameter-list of an
instance constructor declaration includes
the constructor initializer of that declaration. Thus, a constructor
initializer is permitted to access the parameters
of the constructor. [Example: For example:
class A
public A(int x, int y) {}
class B: A
public B(int x, int y): base(x + y, x - y) {}
end example]
An instance constructor initializer cannot access the instance being
created. Therefore it is a compile-time error to
reference this in an argument expression of the constructor initializer, as
it is a compile-time error for an
argument expression to reference any instance member through a simple-name.
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