
来源:互联网 发布:修复ubuntu引导 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 02:16

整理了一下之前自己写的linux库. 有兴趣的可以自取: https://github.com/finaldie/final_libs ,:) 有什么建议可以mail给我hyzwowtools@gmail.com 

libs contain:
1. a fifo list ( lockfree in one production one consumer )
2. hash table
3. mutex ( wrap system lock )
4. log ( High Performance, Thread Caching Log System )
5. memory buff ( a light-weight buff )
6. cache with LRU
7. configuration
8. timer
9. thread caching memory pool
10. thread pool
11. network 
12. event framework ( a simple event framework, which have internal support of evbuff & socket listen & async connect & timer)
13. test unit framework
