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1.a series of letters,numbers or symbolsthat represent a rule or law.公式,算式

2.a paticular method of doing or achieving sth.方法,方案

3.a list of things that sth is made from,giving the amount of each substance to use.配方,处方



therapy:the treatment of a physical  problem or an illness.治疗,疗法

    in therapy...在接受治疗


n. 1.a ghost 鬼

     2.a spy[especially AmE] 特工,间谍


   to frighten a person or an animal,to become frightened.吓,惊吓,受惊


to persuade sb not to do sth.劝(某人)不要做(某事)

eg.I tried to dissuade her from giving up her job.我劝过她,让她不要放弃自己的工作

encounter   verb & noun.

1. to experience sth,especially sth unpleasant or difficult ,while you are doing sth else .遭遇,遇到(尤指困难或令人不快的实情)

   We encounterede a number of difficulties in the first week

2.(formal)to meet sb,or discover or experience sth ,that especially sb/sth new ,unusual or unexpected.偶然碰到,偶遇,意外发现..

  She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered.她是他所见过最出色的女性


  a remark that expresses praise or admiration of sb.赞扬,称赞

  compliments [pl.]  greetings ,especially when used to express praise or admiration.问候,致意,祝贺

    my compliments to the chief.仅向厨师表达敬意


acting or sone with no skill 缺乏技巧的,无能的,笨拙的.

an inept remark .笨拙的发言 .     She was left feeling inept and inadequate.她被弄得感到笨拙无能



2.(old-fashioned)a friend or other person that you work with ,especially as soldiers during a war.朋友,同事,队友.(尤指战争时期的)战友

blackmail  verb & noun

1.the crime of demanding money from a person by threatening to tell sb else a secret about them 勒索,敲诈

2. the act of putting pressure on a person or a group to do sth they do not want to do 胁迫,威胁 emotional /moral blackmail 情感上/道德上胁迫

false alarm 虚惊一场

disappear into the thin air     凭空消失
