oracle: OCA-042-题解与实验(1)

来源:互联网 发布:ipad看淘宝不能横屏 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 10:34
1.You want to set up the Oracle Database 10g installation to follow the French language, with France as the territory, and the date to be displayed in French for all users' sessions. Which environmental variable would you set to achieve this objective? A) NLS_LANG B) NLS_LANGUAGE C) NLS_TERRITORY D) NLS_CHARACTERSET E) NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE F) NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS G) NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET




Choosing a Locale with theNLS_LANG Environment Variable

A locale is a linguistic and cultural environment in which a system or program is running. Setting theNLS_LANG environment parameter is the simplest way to specify locale behavior for Oracle software. It sets the language and territory used by the client application and the database server. It also sets the client's character set, which is the character set for data entered or displayed by a client program.

NLS_LANG is set as an environment variable on UNIX platforms. NLS_LANG is set in the registry on Windows platforms.

The NLS_LANG parameter has three components: language, territory, and character set. Specify it in the following format, including the punctuation:

NLS_LANG = language_territory.charset

For example, if the Oracle Installer does not populate NLS_LANG, then its value by default isAMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII. The language isAMERICAN, the territory isAMERICA, and the character set isUS7ASCII. The values inNLS_LANG and other NLS parameters are case-insensitive.

Each component of the NLS_LANG parameter controls the operation of a subset of globalization support features:


Specifies conventions such as the language used for Oracle messages, sorting, day names, and month names. Each supported language has a unique name; for example,AMERICAN,FRENCH, orGERMAN. The language argument specifies default values for the territory and character set arguments. If the language is not specified, then the value defaults toAMERICAN.


Specifies conventions such as the default date, monetary, and numeric formats. Each supported territory has a unique name; for example,AMERICA,FRANCE, orCANADA. If the territory is not specified, then the value is derived from the language value.


Specifies the character set used by the client application (normally the Oracle character set that corresponds to the user's terminal character set or the OS character set). Each supported character set has a unique acronym, for example,US7ASCII,WE8ISO8859P1,WE8DEC, WE8MSWIN1252, orJA16EUC. Each language has a default character set associated with it.


NLS_LANGUAGEspecifies the default conventions for the following session characteristics:

Language for server messages

Language for day and month names and their abbreviations (specified in the SQL functionsTO_CHAR andTO_DATE)

Symbols for equivalents of AM, PM, AD, and BC. (A.M., P.M., A.D., and B.C. are valid only ifNLS_LANGUAGE is set toAMERICAN.)

Default sorting sequence for character data when ORDER BY is specified. (GROUP BY uses a binary sort unlessORDERBY is specified.)

Writing direction

Affirmative and negative response strings (for example, YES and NO)

The value specified for NLS_LANGUAGE in the initialization parameter file is the default for all sessions in that instance. For example, to specify the default session language as French, the parameter should be set as follows:



NLS_TERRITORY specifies the conventions for the following default date and numeric formatting characteristics:

Date format

Decimal character and group separator

Local currency symbol

ISO currency symbol

Dual currency symbol

First day of the week

Credit and debit symbols

ISO week flag

List separator

The value specified for NLS_TERRITORY in the initialization parameter file is the default for the instance. For example, to specify the default as France, the parameter should be set as follows:


