YII Framework学习教程-YII的Component组件-2011-11-23

来源:互联网 发布:哪里有软件编程学校 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 15:15



YII Framework学习教程-YII的V-view的form-view script-2011-11-23


YII Framework学习教程-YII的Model-Action和Models-2011-11-23


YII Framework学习教程-YII的Model-FormModel-2011-11-23




'log'=>array('class'=>'CLogRouter','routes'=>array(array('class'=>'CFileLogRoute','levels'=>'error, warning',),// uncomment the following to show log messages on web pages/*array('class'=>'CWebLogRoute',),*/),),







      abstract class CModel extends CComponent implements IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess

      class CController extends CBaseController --》abstract class CBaseController extends CComponent

     abstract class CModule extends CComponent






   找到/yii_dev/yii/framework/base/CComponent.php,可以认真研究一下。根据类头和代码可以发现。getter和setter就是由这个类提供的。 接下来的文章通过CPagination分页组件来认识一下神圣的CComponent的作用


<?php/** * This file contains the foundation classes for component-based and event-driven programming. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ *//** * CComponent is the base class for all components. * * CComponent implements the protocol of defining, using properties and events. * * A property is defined by a getter method, and/or a setter method. * Properties can be accessed in the way like accessing normal object members. * Reading or writing a property will cause the invocation of the corresponding * getter or setter method, e.g * <pre> * $a=$component->text;     // equivalent to $a=$component->getText(); * $component->text='abc';  // equivalent to $component->setText('abc'); * </pre> * The signatures of getter and setter methods are as follows, * <pre> * // getter, defines a readable property 'text' * public function getText() { ... } * // setter, defines a writable property 'text' with $value to be set to the property * public function setText($value) { ... } * </pre> * * An event is defined by the presence of a method whose name starts with 'on'. * The event name is the method name. When an event is raised, functions * (called event handlers) attached to the event will be invoked automatically. * * An event can be raised by calling {@link raiseEvent} method, upon which * the attached event handlers will be invoked automatically in the order they * are attached to the event. Event handlers must have the following signature, * <pre> * function eventHandler($event) { ... } * </pre> * where $event includes parameters associated with the event. * * To attach an event handler to an event, see {@link attachEventHandler}. * You can also use the following syntax: * <pre> * $component->onClick=$callback;    // or $component->onClick->add($callback); * </pre> * where $callback refers to a valid PHP callback. Below we show some callback examples: * <pre> * 'handleOnClick'                   // handleOnClick() is a global function * array($object,'handleOnClick')    // using $object->handleOnClick() * array('Page','handleOnClick')     // using Page::handleOnClick() * </pre> * * To raise an event, use {@link raiseEvent}. The on-method defining an event is * commonly written like the following: * <pre> * public function onClick($event) * { *     $this->raiseEvent('onClick',$event); * } * </pre> * where <code>$event</code> is an instance of {@link CEvent} or its child class. * One can then raise the event by calling the on-method instead of {@link raiseEvent} directly. * * Both property names and event names are case-insensitive. * * Starting from version 1.0.2, CComponent supports behaviors. A behavior is an * instance of {@link IBehavior} which is attached to a component. The methods of * the behavior can be invoked as if they belong to the component. Multiple behaviors * can be attached to the same component. * * To attach a behavior to a component, call {@link attachBehavior}; and to detach the behavior * from the component, call {@link detachBehavior}. * * A behavior can be temporarily enabled or disabled by calling {@link enableBehavior} * or {@link disableBehavior}, respectively. When disabled, the behavior methods cannot * be invoked via the component. * * Starting from version 1.1.0, a behavior's properties (either its public member variables or * its properties defined via getters and/or setters) can be accessed through the component it * is attached to. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @version $Id: CComponent.php 3204 2011-05-05 21:36:32Z alexander.makarow $ * @package system.base * @since 1.0 */class CComponent{private $_e;private $_m;/** * Returns a property value, an event handler list or a behavior based on its name. * Do not call this method. This is a PHP magic method that we override * to allow using the following syntax to read a property or obtain event handlers: * <pre> * $value=$component->propertyName; * $handlers=$component->eventName; * </pre> * @param string $name the property name or event name * @return mixed the property value, event handlers attached to the event, or the named behavior (since version 1.0.2) * @throws CException if the property or event is not defined * @see __set */public function __get($name){$getter='get'.$name;if(method_exists($this,$getter))return $this->$getter();else if(strncasecmp($name,'on',2)===0 && method_exists($this,$name)){// duplicating getEventHandlers() here for performance$name=strtolower($name);if(!isset($this->_e[$name]))$this->_e[$name]=new CList;return $this->_e[$name];}else if(isset($this->_m[$name]))return $this->_m[$name];else if(is_array($this->_m)){foreach($this->_m as $object){if($object->getEnabled() && (property_exists($object,$name) || $object->canGetProperty($name)))return $object->$name;}}throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Property "{class}.{property}" is not defined.',array('{class}'=>get_class($this), '{property}'=>$name)));}/** * Sets value of a component property. * Do not call this method. This is a PHP magic method that we override * to allow using the following syntax to set a property or attach an event handler * <pre> * $this->propertyName=$value; * $this->eventName=$callback; * </pre> * @param string $name the property name or the event name * @param mixed $value the property value or callback * @return mixed * @throws CException if the property/event is not defined or the property is read only. * @see __get */public function __set($name,$value){$setter='set'.$name;if(method_exists($this,$setter))return $this->$setter($value);else if(strncasecmp($name,'on',2)===0 && method_exists($this,$name)){// duplicating getEventHandlers() here for performance$name=strtolower($name);if(!isset($this->_e[$name]))$this->_e[$name]=new CList;return $this->_e[$name]->add($value);}else if(is_array($this->_m)){foreach($this->_m as $object){if($object->getEnabled() && (property_exists($object,$name) || $object->canSetProperty($name)))return $object->$name=$value;}}if(method_exists($this,'get'.$name))throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Property "{class}.{property}" is read only.',array('{class}'=>get_class($this), '{property}'=>$name)));elsethrow new CException(Yii::t('yii','Property "{class}.{property}" is not defined.',array('{class}'=>get_class($this), '{property}'=>$name)));}/** * Checks if a property value is null. * Do not call this method. This is a PHP magic method that we override * to allow using isset() to detect if a component property is set or not. * @param string $name the property name or the event name * @return boolean * @since 1.0.1 */public function __isset($name){$getter='get'.$name;if(method_exists($this,$getter))return $this->$getter()!==null;else if(strncasecmp($name,'on',2)===0 && method_exists($this,$name)){$name=strtolower($name);return isset($this->_e[$name]) && $this->_e[$name]->getCount();}else if(is_array($this->_m)){ if(isset($this->_m[$name])) return true;foreach($this->_m as $object){if($object->getEnabled() && (property_exists($object,$name) || $object->canGetProperty($name)))return true;}}return false;}/** * Sets a component property to be null. * Do not call this method. This is a PHP magic method that we override * to allow using unset() to set a component property to be null. * @param string $name the property name or the event name * @throws CException if the property is read only. * @return mixed * @since 1.0.1 */public function __unset($name){$setter='set'.$name;if(method_exists($this,$setter))$this->$setter(null);else if(strncasecmp($name,'on',2)===0 && method_exists($this,$name))unset($this->_e[strtolower($name)]);else if(is_array($this->_m)){if(isset($this->_m[$name]))$this->detachBehavior($name);else{foreach($this->_m as $object){if($object->getEnabled()){if(property_exists($object,$name))return $object->$name=null;else if($object->canSetProperty($name))return $object->$setter(null);}}}}else if(method_exists($this,'get'.$name))throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Property "{class}.{property}" is read only.',array('{class}'=>get_class($this), '{property}'=>$name)));}/** * Calls the named method which is not a class method. * Do not call this method. This is a PHP magic method that we override * to implement the behavior feature. * @param string $name the method name * @param array $parameters method parameters * @return mixed the method return value * @since 1.0.2 */public function __call($name,$parameters){if($this->_m!==null){foreach($this->_m as $object){if($object->getEnabled() && method_exists($object,$name))return call_user_func_array(array($object,$name),$parameters);}}if(class_exists('Closure', false) && $this->canGetProperty($name) && $this->$name instanceof Closure)return call_user_func_array($this->$name, $parameters);throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','{class} and its behaviors do not have a method or closure named "{name}".',array('{class}'=>get_class($this), '{name}'=>$name)));}/** * Returns the named behavior object. * The name 'asa' stands for 'as a'. * @param string $behavior the behavior name * @return IBehavior the behavior object, or null if the behavior does not exist * @since 1.0.2 */public function asa($behavior){return isset($this->_m[$behavior]) ? $this->_m[$behavior] : null;}/** * Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. * Each behavior is indexed by its name and should be an instance of * {@link IBehavior}, a string specifying the behavior class, or an * array of the following structure: * <pre> * array( *     'class'=>'path.to.BehaviorClass', *     'property1'=>'value1', *     'property2'=>'value2', * ) * </pre> * @param array $behaviors list of behaviors to be attached to the component * @since 1.0.2 */public function attachBehaviors($behaviors){foreach($behaviors as $name=>$behavior)$this->attachBehavior($name,$behavior);}/** * Detaches all behaviors from the component. * @since 1.0.2 */public function detachBehaviors(){if($this->_m!==null){foreach($this->_m as $name=>$behavior)$this->detachBehavior($name);$this->_m=null;}}/** * Attaches a behavior to this component. * This method will create the behavior object based on the given * configuration. After that, the behavior object will be initialized * by calling its {@link IBehavior::attach} method. * @param string $name the behavior's name. It should uniquely identify this behavior. * @param mixed $behavior the behavior configuration. This is passed as the first * parameter to {@link YiiBase::createComponent} to create the behavior object. * @return IBehavior the behavior object * @since 1.0.2 */public function attachBehavior($name,$behavior){if(!($behavior instanceof IBehavior))$behavior=Yii::createComponent($behavior);$behavior->setEnabled(true);$behavior->attach($this);return $this->_m[$name]=$behavior;}/** * Detaches a behavior from the component. * The behavior's {@link IBehavior::detach} method will be invoked. * @param string $name the behavior's name. It uniquely identifies the behavior. * @return IBehavior the detached behavior. Null if the behavior does not exist. * @since 1.0.2 */public function detachBehavior($name){if(isset($this->_m[$name])){$this->_m[$name]->detach($this);$behavior=$this->_m[$name];unset($this->_m[$name]);return $behavior;}}/** * Enables all behaviors attached to this component. * @since 1.0.2 */public function enableBehaviors(){if($this->_m!==null){foreach($this->_m as $behavior)$behavior->setEnabled(true);}}/** * Disables all behaviors attached to this component. * @since 1.0.2 */public function disableBehaviors(){if($this->_m!==null){foreach($this->_m as $behavior)$behavior->setEnabled(false);}}/** * Enables an attached behavior. * A behavior is only effective when it is enabled. * A behavior is enabled when first attached. * @param string $name the behavior's name. It uniquely identifies the behavior. * @since 1.0.2 */public function enableBehavior($name){if(isset($this->_m[$name]))$this->_m[$name]->setEnabled(true);}/** * Disables an attached behavior. * A behavior is only effective when it is enabled. * @param string $name the behavior's name. It uniquely identifies the behavior. * @since 1.0.2 */public function disableBehavior($name){if(isset($this->_m[$name]))$this->_m[$name]->setEnabled(false);}/** * Determines whether a property is defined. * A property is defined if there is a getter or setter method * defined in the class. Note, property names are case-insensitive. * @param string $name the property name * @return boolean whether the property is defined * @see canGetProperty * @see canSetProperty */public function hasProperty($name){return method_exists($this,'get'.$name) || method_exists($this,'set'.$name);}/** * Determines whether a property can be read. * A property can be read if the class has a getter method * for the property name. Note, property name is case-insensitive. * @param string $name the property name * @return boolean whether the property can be read * @see canSetProperty */public function canGetProperty($name){return method_exists($this,'get'.$name);}/** * Determines whether a property can be set. * A property can be written if the class has a setter method * for the property name. Note, property name is case-insensitive. * @param string $name the property name * @return boolean whether the property can be written * @see canGetProperty */public function canSetProperty($name){return method_exists($this,'set'.$name);}/** * Determines whether an event is defined. * An event is defined if the class has a method named like 'onXXX'. * Note, event name is case-insensitive. * @param string $name the event name * @return boolean whether an event is defined */public function hasEvent($name){return !strncasecmp($name,'on',2) && method_exists($this,$name);}/** * Checks whether the named event has attached handlers. * @param string $name the event name * @return boolean whether an event has been attached one or several handlers */public function hasEventHandler($name){$name=strtolower($name);return isset($this->_e[$name]) && $this->_e[$name]->getCount()>0;}/** * Returns the list of attached event handlers for an event. * @param string $name the event name * @return CList list of attached event handlers for the event * @throws CException if the event is not defined */public function getEventHandlers($name){if($this->hasEvent($name)){$name=strtolower($name);if(!isset($this->_e[$name]))$this->_e[$name]=new CList;return $this->_e[$name];}elsethrow new CException(Yii::t('yii','Event "{class}.{event}" is not defined.',array('{class}'=>get_class($this), '{event}'=>$name)));}/** * Attaches an event handler to an event. * * An event handler must be a valid PHP callback, i.e., a string referring to * a global function name, or an array containing two elements with * the first element being an object and the second element a method name * of the object. * * An event handler must be defined with the following signature, * <pre> * function handlerName($event) {} * </pre> * where $event includes parameters associated with the event. * * This is a convenient method of attaching a handler to an event. * It is equivalent to the following code: * <pre> * $component->getEventHandlers($eventName)->add($eventHandler); * </pre> * * Using {@link getEventHandlers}, one can also specify the excution order * of multiple handlers attaching to the same event. For example: * <pre> * $component->getEventHandlers($eventName)->insertAt(0,$eventHandler); * </pre> * makes the handler to be invoked first. * * @param string $name the event name * @param callback $handler the event handler * @throws CException if the event is not defined * @see detachEventHandler */public function attachEventHandler($name,$handler){$this->getEventHandlers($name)->add($handler);}/** * Detaches an existing event handler. * This method is the opposite of {@link attachEventHandler}. * @param string $name event name * @param callback $handler the event handler to be removed * @return boolean if the detachment process is successful * @see attachEventHandler */public function detachEventHandler($name,$handler){if($this->hasEventHandler($name))return $this->getEventHandlers($name)->remove($handler)!==false;elsereturn false;}/** * Raises an event. * This method represents the happening of an event. It invokes * all attached handlers for the event. * @param string $name the event name * @param CEvent $event the event parameter * @throws CException if the event is undefined or an event handler is invalid. */public function raiseEvent($name,$event){$name=strtolower($name);if(isset($this->_e[$name])){foreach($this->_e[$name] as $handler){if(is_string($handler))call_user_func($handler,$event);else if(is_callable($handler,true)){if(is_array($handler)){// an array: 0 - object, 1 - method namelist($object,$method)=$handler;if(is_string($object))// static method callcall_user_func($handler,$event);else if(method_exists($object,$method))$object->$method($event);elsethrow new CException(Yii::t('yii','Event "{class}.{event}" is attached with an invalid handler "{handler}".',array('{class}'=>get_class($this), '{event}'=>$name, '{handler}'=>$handler[1])));}else // PHP 5.3: anonymous functioncall_user_func($handler,$event);}elsethrow new CException(Yii::t('yii','Event "{class}.{event}" is attached with an invalid handler "{handler}".',array('{class}'=>get_class($this), '{event}'=>$name, '{handler}'=>gettype($handler))));// stop further handling if param.handled is set trueif(($event instanceof CEvent) && $event->handled)return;}}else if(YII_DEBUG && !$this->hasEvent($name))throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Event "{class}.{event}" is not defined.',array('{class}'=>get_class($this), '{event}'=>$name)));}/** * Evaluates a PHP expression or callback under the context of this component. * * Valid PHP callback can be class method name in the form of * array(ClassName/Object, MethodName), or anonymous function (only available in PHP 5.3.0 or above). * * If a PHP callback is used, the corresponding function/method signature should be * <pre> * function foo($param1, $param2, ..., $component) { ... } * </pre> * where the array elements in the second parameter to this method will be passed * to the callback as $param1, $param2, ...; and the last parameter will be the component itself. * * If a PHP expression is used, the second parameter will be "extracted" into PHP variables * that can be directly accessed in the expression. See {@link http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.extract.php PHP extract} * for more details. In the expression, the component object can be accessed using $this. * * @param mixed $_expression_ a PHP expression or PHP callback to be evaluated. * @param array $_data_ additional parameters to be passed to the above expression/callback. * @return mixed the expression result * @since 1.1.0 */public function evaluateExpression($_expression_,$_data_=array()){if(is_string($_expression_)){extract($_data_);return eval('return '.$_expression_.';');}else{$_data_[]=$this;return call_user_func_array($_expression_, $_data_);}}}/** * CEvent is the base class for all event classes. * * It encapsulates the parameters associated with an event. * The {@link sender} property describes who raises the event. * And the {@link handled} property indicates if the event is handled. * If an event handler sets {@link handled} to true, those handlers * that are not invoked yet will not be invoked anymore. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @version $Id: CComponent.php 3204 2011-05-05 21:36:32Z alexander.makarow $ * @package system.base * @since 1.0 */class CEvent extends CComponent{/** * @var object the sender of this event */public $sender;/** * @var boolean whether the event is handled. Defaults to false. * When a handler sets this true, the rest of the uninvoked event handlers will not be invoked anymore. */public $handled=false;/** * @var mixed additional event parameters. * @since 1.1.7 */public $params;/** * Constructor. * @param mixed $sender sender of the event * @param mixed $params additional parameters for the event */public function __construct($sender=null,$params=null){$this->sender=$sender;$this->params=$params;}}/** * CEnumerable is the base class for all enumerable types. * * To define an enumerable type, extend CEnumberable and define string constants. * Each constant represents an enumerable value. * The constant name must be the same as the constant value. * For example, * <pre> * class TextAlign extends CEnumerable * { *     const Left='Left'; *     const Right='Right'; * } * </pre> * Then, one can use the enumerable values such as TextAlign::Left and * TextAlign::Right. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @version $Id: CComponent.php 3204 2011-05-05 21:36:32Z alexander.makarow $ * @package system.base * @since 1.0 */class CEnumerable{}