
来源:互联网 发布:设计大师知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 11:24





4、前台页面参数配置 中使用Flexigrid详细教程之一,基本使用 中使用Flexigrid详细教程之二-直接使用数据库数据(有图有真相) 




<script type="text/javascript">        $(document).ready(function () {            $("#fgrdProduct").flexigrid                (                {                    url: 'JSON/ProList.ashx',                    dataType: 'json',                    colModel: [                  { display: '项目ID', name: 'pro_id', sortable: true, width: 80, align: 'center' },                  { display: '项目编码', name: 'pro_no', sortable: true, width: 80, align: 'center' },                  { display: '项目名称', name: 'pro_name', sortable: true, width: 80, align: 'left' },                  { display: '业务类别', name: 'pro_type', sortable: true, width: 80, align: 'left' },                  { display: '投资规模', name: 'pro_invest', sortable: true, width: 80, align: 'left' },                  { display: '负责人', name: 'usr_cname', sortable: true, width: 80, align: 'right' },                  { display: '启动时间', name: 'pro_date', sortable: true, width: 80, align: 'left' },                  { display: '项目进展', name: 'pro_process', sortable: true, width: 80, align: 'left' }                 ],                    searchitems: [                { display: 'Name', name: 'pro_name' }                               ],                    buttons: [                  { name: 'Add', displayname: "新增", bclass: 'Add', onpress: toolbarItem_onclick },                  { name: 'Delete', displayname: "删除", bclass: 'Delete', onpress: toolbarItem_onclick }                ],                    sortname: 'pro_id',                    sortorder: 'asc',                    usepager: true,                    striped: true,                    title: '项目列表',                    useRp: true,                    rp: 10,                    showTableToggleBtn: true,                    width: 805,                    onSubmit: addFormData,                    height: 250,                    procmsg: '请等待数据正在加载中 …'                }                );            function toolbarItem_onclick(cmd, grid) {                if (cmd == "Add") {                    alert("cmd add is excuted");                }                else if (cmd == "Delete") {                    alert("cmd Delete is excuted");                }            }            //This function adds paramaters to the post of flexigrid. You can add a verification as well can             //return false if you don't want flexigrid to submit                        function addFormData() {                //passing a form object to serializeArray will get the valid data from all the objects, but, if you pass a non-form object,                //you have to specify the input elements that the data will come from                var dt = $('#sform').serializeArray();                $("#fgrdProduct").flexOptions({ params: dt });                return true;            }            $('#sform').submit            (                function () {                    $('#fgrdProduct').flexOptions({ newp: 1 }).flexReload();                    return false;                }                );        });                        </script>
searchitems: [ { display: 'Name', name: 'pro_name' }]这一条是关键。你可以按这个格式多写几个查询条件,而我这里只有一个。
 public String GetProList()        {            //   int intFlag = int.Parse(HttpContext.Current.Session["usrFlag"].ToString());            //int intFlag=int.Parse(Session["usrFlag"])            int page = 1;            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["page"] != null)            {                page = int.Parse(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["page"].ToString());            }            int rp = 1;            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["rp"] != null)            {                rp = int.Parse(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["rp"].ToString());            }            string sortname = "pro_id";            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["sortname"] != null)            {                sortname = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["sortname"].ToString();            }            string whereCondition = "1=1";            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["qtype"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["query"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["query"].ToString() != string.Empty)            {                whereCondition = BuildWhereCondition(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["qtype"].ToString(), HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["query"].ToString());            }            string strWhere = "1=1";            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["catID"] != null)            {                strWhere = "cat_id=" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["catID"].ToString();            }            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["proName"] != null)            {                strWhere += " and pro_name like '%" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["proName"].ToString() + "%'";            }            whereCondition += " and " + strWhere;            string sortorder = "DESC";            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["sortorder"] != null)            {                sortorder = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["sortorder"].ToString();            }            string sortExp = sortname + "" + sortorder;            int start = ((page - 1) * rp) + 1;            DataSet ds = new DataSet();            int total = 0;            BLL.project bll = new BLL.project();            ds = bll.GetListByPage(whereCondition, sortExp, start, rp - 1, out total);            return JsonForJqgrid(ds.Tables[0], page, total);        }private string BuildWhereCondition(string columnName, string columnValue)        {            string whereCondition = string.Empty;            PropertyInfo columnInfo = typeof(Model.project).GetProperty(columnName);            if (columnInfo != null)            {                if (columnInfo.PropertyType == typeof(int))                {                    whereCondition = columnName + "=" + columnValue;                }                else if (columnInfo.PropertyType == typeof(String))                {                    whereCondition = columnName + " LIKE '%" + columnValue + "%'";                }                else if (columnInfo.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime))                {                    whereCondition = columnName + "='" + columnValue + "'";                }            }            return whereCondition;        }