"<>"、"!="、"not in"、"exsits"和"not exists"的使用规范

来源:互联网 发布:软件项目成本多少钱 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 15:25
1、原则上一般禁止使用"<>"、"!="和"not in",而应该转换成相应的"="和"in"查询条件
  select a.id,a.subject,a.create_type
  from product
  where status <> 'new'
    and owner_member_id = :1

  select a.id,a.subject,a.create_type
  from product
  where status in ('auditing','modified','service-delete','tbd','user-delete','wait-for-audit')
    and owner_member_id = :1

  select a.id,a.subject,a.create_type
  from product
  where create_type not in ('new_order','vip_add')
    and owner_member_id = :1

  select a.id,a.subject,a.create_type
  from product
  where create_type = 'cust_add'
    and owner_member_id = :1

  2、原则上不允许使用"exsits"和"not exists"查询,应转换成相应的"等连接"和外连接来查询
  select a.id
  from company a
    where not exsits (select 1
                    from av_info_new b
                    where a.id = b.company_id

  select a.id
  from company a,av_info_draft b
  where a.id = b.company_id(+)
    and b.company_id is null

  select count
  from company a
  where exsits (select 1
                    from av_info_new b
                    where a.id = b.company_id

  select count
  from company a,av_info_draft b
  where a.id = b.company_id


  3、如有特殊需要无法完成相应的转换,必须在DBA允许的情况下使用"<>"、"!="、"not in"、"exsits"和"not exists"
