I build the LFS 6.8 on CentOS6.0

来源:互联网 发布:晋中网络教研平台登录 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 18:52

Now I want to try to log my process of buiding LFS in English,though my English is not well.

        When I want to play the LFS,the first thing I have to do is look many acknowleage articles which can help me to build the LFS system.So the first topic that I read is <From Power Up To Bash Prompt>. It's a good article for me.When I look at this topic,I have found that  many things happen in my machine that I don't understand.Although I had used computer several years.The essay provided many backgroup knowleage of the Linux System.So I had learn much through read this article.And then , something I want to know is how to install software in the Linux machine.In Linux world,if you want to use a software which you need,you have several ways to put it into your machine.Many distribution provide package management that you can install softwares easily as well as you do in Windows.But in LFS,there is no package management.You must install software from source code way.I follow artiles which give some prerequisite knowleage of building a little operating system.I search the Internet,and then I found many pages to tell the readers how to use the basic utilties in Linux. I spent a long time to learn these instructions.Then I begin to study how to install package in source code way into my Linux box.Finally,I found the page <Building and Installing Software Package For Linux>,this article gave me much knowleage about install software from source code.

Here is what to do if you want to building package from source code in Linux.

1.check out it's home page

2.download a source distribution as a gzip tar file or a bzip2 tar file.

3.unpack the source with tar,some instruction like: tar xf package.tar.gz

4.read the README file

5.read the INSTALL file

6.build the package from scratch

        At first, I build the package as above said,but my english is not well,so I have just a little understood about these.I had meet many errors and problems that I don't know how to resolve.I search many issues I encounter,and I access many forums to ask my problems.Some of them had resolve,but amount of them had no sense to me. First try is always hard and full of painful. At last I buy a book which descride how to build a LFS system in Chinese.I can more easy to learn what I need to know before I go to build LFS.First,I know what is toolchain.I know that it is the core technology of the LFS even the Linux.So I follow the step which the book provides to build a simple Linux.The process cost me three weeks. This is my first time to build a Operating System,although it is such simpleness.I have learn more in this process but it's not enough.So the next step I want to do is follow the LFS book to build another Linux.At the beginning , I select the version LFS6.3.Because LFS 6.3 provides a LiveCD that it work well as a host system which offer the compile environment.The LiveCD contains lists of tools which can build the first toolchain.

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