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NOKIA S60V3 【PC端模拟器终结篇】
2009年07月25日 星期六 10:58

S60SDK官方开发工具,电脑上的S60手机模拟器,支持第三版S60.运行sisx等所有程序!nokia官方推出的开发工具之一,是一个除了不能打电话之外完全模拟s60第三版手机的模拟器,运行于windows2000以上系统,支持最新的s60 os9.1,有兴趣的玩下吧!是官方电脑端开发工具,最突出功能就是在Windows中模拟一部S60手机。运行sisx,jad,jar等手机程序和进行手机上所有其他操作。!很强的。又多试了几次,手机绝对能下。这是第三版系统的。支持176*208,208*176,320*240,240*320,416*352,352*416

2、其次安装JAVA Run-Time1.4.1_02 或者新版本


4、 安装FP2机型使用模拟器S60_3rd_Edition_SDK_Feature_Pack_2_v1_1_en.zip,针对S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 2的最终版SDK。与早先版本的SDK相比,这一版本包含了C++和Java™SDK,同时支持其他runtime (如Web Runtime)。 WRT帮助开发伙伴将基于Web的widget从诸如Yahoo! 和Apple Dashboard这样的桌面环境移植到S60平台之上。使用widgets,网站拥有者可以为移动中的用户提供“一键式”访问的重要服务。这个新版SDK还在终端模拟器中提供了全功能WRT环境,允许在没有终端的情况下运行和测试Web应用。本SDK 所包含的其他新功能有:支持Open C、支持Carbide.vs 3.0.1和NetBeans 6.0、各种新增及更新的API、支持中间功能键




2、其次安装JAVA Run-Time1.4.1_02 或者新版本


4、 安装FP2机型使用模拟器S60_3rd_Edition_SDK_Feature_Pack_2_v1_1_en.zip

Start up mode Notification on Emulator Skin

P    Indicates that the emulator is running onPartial startup mode.

F Indicates that the emulator is running on Full startup mode.

In this SDK there are two startup modes available: Partial (Default) andFull. In partial startup mode services such as the

- TimeZone Server,

- Hardware Resource Management Server,

- The Nokia Splash screen and S60 Animation,

- The Key Pad autolock,

- Voice commands,

- Push to Talk over Cellular,

- Screensaver

are not started during emulator startup. Note, this is not a complete list.

The main purpose of Partial mode is to improve the emulator startup time. Therefore, if you encounter any problems while running an application on the Emulator, it is recommended that you test your application in Full startup mode. You can enable Full startup mode by following below steps.

To select the set of services used at emulator startup, do the following:

  1. Open the Preferences window from the emulator menu bar (Tools > Preferences)
  2. In the Preferences window, open theGeneral Settings tab.
  3. Under Emulator Start Up Mode click:
    • Start minimal set of services to select the limited set of services and thus enable faster emulator startup (this is the default option), or
    • Start all services to select the full list of services.
  1. Click Apply.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Close the emulator.
  4. Restart the emulator.


      在菜单选项-help -registration now,进入如下图

