
来源:互联网 发布:照片表情识别软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 10:05

实现环境:Visual Studio 2010,Office 2010, VSTO 4.0




在Outlook针对不同Inspector可以定以不同的Ribbon。其方法是在项目中加入定义的xml文件。请在加入这些文件后将Build Action改成Embedded Resource否则就不能通过程序找到它。如图


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.IO;using System.Linq;using System.Reflection;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using System.Text;using Office = Microsoft.Office.Core;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Globalization;// TODO:  Follow these steps to enable the Ribbon (XML) item:// 1: Copy the following code block into the ThisAddin, ThisWorkbook, or //  ThisDocument class.//  protected override Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonExtensibility //CreateRibbonExtensibilityObject()//  {//      return new OutlookAddIn25Ribbon();//  }// 2. Create callback methods in the "Ribbon Callbacks" region of this class //  to handle user//    actions, such as clicking a button. Note: if you have exported this Ribbon//    from the Ribbon designer,//    move your code from the event handlers to the callback methods and modify //    the code to work with the//    Ribbon extensibility (RibbonX) programming model.// 3. Assign attributes to the control tags in the Ribbon XML file to identify //    the appropriate callback methods in your code.  // For more information, see the Ribbon XML documentation in the Visual Studio // Tools for Office Help.namespace OutlookAddIn25{    [ComVisible(true)]    public class OutlookAddIn25Ribbon : Office.IRibbonExtensibility    {        private Office.IRibbonUI ribbon;        private bool flag;          //用来标识初始状态        private string tempText;    //用来记录用户的选择        public OutlookAddIn25Ribbon()        {            flag = false;        }        #region IRibbonExtensibility Members        public string GetCustomUI(string ribbonID)        {            string result = null;/* * Ribbon IDMessage class  * Microsoft.OMS.MMS.ComposeIPM.Note.Mobile.MMS.* * Microsoft.OMS.MMS.ReadIPM.Note.Mobile.MMS.* * Microsoft.OMS.SMS.ComposeIPM.Note.Mobile.SMS.* * Microsoft.OMS.SMS.ReadIPM.Note.Mobile.SMS.* * Microsoft.Outlook.AppointmentIPM.Appointment.* * Microsoft.Outlook.Contact IPM.Contact.* * Microsoft.Outlook.DistributionList IPM.DistList.* * Microsoft.Outlook.Journal IPM.Activity.* * Microsoft.Outlook.Mail.Compose IPM.Note.* * Microsoft.Outlook.Mail.Read IPM.Note.* * Microsoft.Outlook.MeetingRequest.Read IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request * IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Canceled * Microsoft.Outlook.MeetingRequest.Send IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request * Microsoft.Outlook.Post.Compose IPM.Post.* * Microsoft.Outlook.Post.Read IPM.Post.* * Microsoft.Outlook.Report IPM.Report.* * Microsoft.Outlook.Resend IPM.Resend.* * Microsoft.Outlook.Response.Compose IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.* * Microsoft.Outlook.Response.CounterPropose IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.* * Microsoft.Outlook.Response.Read IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.* * Microsoft.Outlook.RSS IPM.Post.Rss.* * Microsoft.Outlook.Sharing.Compose IPM.Sharing.* * Microsoft.Outlook.Sharing.Read IPM.Sharing.* * Microsoft.Outlook.Task IPM.Task.* * IPM.TaskRequest.* * Microsoft.Outlook.Explorer Not applicable. Use this ribbon  * ID to return XML markup for  * explorer ribbons, context menus, *and Backstage view. * Reference Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee692172.aspx for 2010 * Reference Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb226712.aspx for 2007 */            switch (ribbonID)            {                case "Microsoft.Outlook.Explorer":                    result = GetResourceText("OutlookAddIn25.OutlookAddIn25Ribbon.xml");                    break;                case "Microsoft.Outlook.Mail.Compose":                    result = GetResourceText("OutlookAddIn25.Mail_Compose.xml");                    break;            }            return result;        }        #endregion        #region Ribbon Callbacks        //Create callback methods here. For more information about adding         //callback methods, select the Ribbon XML item in Solution Explorer         //and then press F1        public void Ribbon_Load(Office.IRibbonUI ribbonUI)        {            this.ribbon = ribbonUI;        }        #endregion        #region Helpers        private static string GetResourceText(string resourceName)        {            Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();            string[] resourceNames = asm.GetManifestResourceNames();            for (int i = 0; i < resourceNames.Length; ++i)            {                if (string.Compare(resourceName, resourceNames[i], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)                {                    using (StreamReader resourceReader = new StreamReader(asm.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceNames[i])))                    {                        if (resourceReader != null)                        {                            return resourceReader.ReadToEnd();                        }                    }                }            }            return null;        }        #endregion        public string GetLabel(Office.IRibbonControl Control)        {            string result = null;            switch (Control.Id)            {                case "Button1":                    result = Properties.Resources.ButtonLabel1;                    break;                case "Button2":                    result = Properties.Resources.ButtonLabel2;                    break;            }            return result;        }        public string DefaultVaule(Office.IRibbonControl Control)        {            if (!flag)            {                flag = true;                return Properties.Resources.ComboBoxItem1;  //初始状态            }            else                return tempText;    //使用用户的选择        }        public string GetItemLabel(Office.IRibbonControl Control, int index)        {            string result = null;            switch (index)            {                case 0:                    result = Properties.Resources.ComboBoxItem1;                    break;                case 1:                    result = Properties.Resources.ComboBoxItem2;                    break;                case 2:                    result = Properties.Resources.ComboBoxItem3;                    break;            }            return result;        }        public int GetItemCount(Office.IRibbonControl Control)        {            return 3;        }        public void CultureSelectorChange(Office.IRibbonControl Control, string Text)        {            if (Text.Equals(Properties.Resources.ComboBoxItem1))                ChangeCulture("zh-CN");            if (Text.Equals(Properties.Resources.ComboBoxItem2))                ChangeCulture("en-US");            if (Text.Equals(Properties.Resources.ComboBoxItem3))                ChangeCulture("ja-JP");        }        private void ChangeCulture(string CultureName)        {            CultureInfo objCultureInfo = new CultureInfo(CultureName);            Properties.Resources.Culture = objCultureInfo;            switch (CultureName)            {                case "zh-CN":                    tempText = Properties.Resources.ComboBoxItem1;                    break;                case "en-US":                    tempText = Properties.Resources.ComboBoxItem2;                    break;                case "ja-JP":                    tempText = Properties.Resources.ComboBoxItem3;                    break;            }            this.ribbon.Invalidate();   //重画ribbon用来刷新Ribbon        }        /// <summary>        /// 意义不大可省略        /// </summary>        /// <param name="Control"></param>        /// <param name="index"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        public string GetItemID(Office.IRibbonControl Control, int index)        {            string result = null;            switch (index)            {                case 0:                    result = "zh-CN";                    break;                case 1:                    result = "en-US";                    break;                case 2:                    result = "ja-JP";                    break;            }            return result;        }    }}


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui" onLoad="Ribbon_Load">  <ribbon>    <tabs>      <tab idMso="TabAddIns">        <group id="OutlookAddIn25Group"               label="OutlookAddIn25">          <comboBox id="CultureSelector" getItemLabel="GetItemLabel"getText ="DefaultVaule" getItemCount="GetItemCount" getItemID ="GetItemID" onChange ="CultureSelectorChange">          </comboBox>          <button id="Button1" getLabel ="GetLabel"/>        </group>      </tab>    </tabs>  </ribbon></customUI>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui" onLoad="Ribbon_Load">  <ribbon>    <tabs>      <tab idMso="TabAddIns">        <group id="OutlookAddIn25Group"               label="OutlookAddIn25">          <button id="Button2" getLabel ="GetLabel"/>        </group>      </tab>    </tabs>  </ribbon></customUI>

