Version Check Audits-Exception(s) found, Manger-xxx Version check of table xxxDEFN against PSVERSION

来源:互联网 发布:linux mv命令 移动多个 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 14:22

When running the SQR Report SYSAUDIT from the sample Processes(PT<8.4xx) or System Process Requests (PT>=8.4xx) one might encounter the following error:
Version Check Audits-Exception(s) Found, Manager- OBJECTTYPENAME (eg:RDM,UPM,etc.) Version check of table xxxDEFN against PSVERSION failed

This might occur due to the fact that the Panel Processor failed to update PSVERSION.Normally, the Application server compares the version number in the file RDM.KEY (IDX) to that in the PSVERSION. if the PSVERSION database obeject type version is greater than that of the .IDX (KEY) file, then the object type will be retrieved from the database and the RDM.DAT file will be updated with the latest version of the object.
The PS objects are stored, at any given time, on .DAT files on the Application server and in the cache memory of the same server. The issues generaaly arise when projects containing various objects are migrated from one environment to another without previously stopping and clearing the Application Server cache to ensure that all the version fields get updated correctly, in both XXXDEFN and PSVERSION tables.Of course, deleting the application server cache is not the desired solution, every time a project/object is migrated, taking into consideration that this will impact the final users and generate useless disk loading during the rebuild of the newly migrated objects.
IN order to fix this error one should try the following solutions
- execute the VERSION Application Engine program in command line: psae -CD -CT -CO -CP -R -AI VERSION
afterwards ensure that all the versions values are 1 by issuing the follwoing command on the database:
and,in the end, empty the Application Servers cache (is recommended to have more than one application server, and that the available servers are designed in a load balancing architecture; this way the users would not be affected when the servers are stopped,cache cleaned, and restarted, one by one).The AE VERSION resets all version numbers for all XXXDEFN tables and sets VERSION=1 in PSVERSION and PSLOCK tables (will not determine every object to be recached as will deleting cache). In the end, the VERSION application engine will update the LASTREFRESHUPDDTM field in the psstatus table which tells the caching mechanism to compare objects in the cache files and the database and synchronize.
-another solution, which is usually not recommended due to its various implications, is to modifiy directly into the database the LASTREFRESHUPDDTM date to today’s date into the PSSTATUS table ( UPDATE PSSTATUS SET LASTREFRESHUPDTTM = sysdate), which will not require the shut down of the application servers. When the column LASTREFRESHDTTM gets updated, the result is the purging of the cache files and when the files are accessed by a process the first time,the process will first read the LASTREFRESHDTTM from PSLOCK, then compare this datetime with the datetime on the cache file (a cache file contains a datetime to reflect when the file was created). If the two datetime values are different, the cache file is purged. But this comparison occurs only when a cache file is accessed by a process the first time. After that, the process uses the cache file without comparing the datetime values again. In third tier , because the application server has been up, the comparison will not be done, so the cache files are not purged and refreshed.
