boost::bind And Objective-C

来源:互联网 发布:金蝶利润表取不到数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 23:06

You should be able to bind to a message implementation (IMP), which are just plain C functions with two hidden parameters, self and _cmd of types id and SEL respectively.

EDIT: Just tested the following complete example, and it appears to work.

#include <stdio.h>#include <boost/bind.hpp>#include <Foundation/NSObject.h>@interface MyClass : NSObject{}-(int) doSomething:(int)arg;@end@implementation MyClass-(int) doSomething:(int)arg{  printf("doSomething: self=0x%08x _cmd=0x%08x\n", self, _cmd);  return arg + 1;}@endint main(void){  MyClass *myObj = [[MyClass alloc] init], *otherObj = [[MyClass alloc] init];  typedef int (*MyFunc)(id, SEL, int);  SEL doSomething_sel = @selector(doSomething:);  MyFunc doSomething_impl = (MyFunc)[myObj methodForSelector:doSomething_sel];  // bind self & _cmd arguments:  // calls [myObj doSomething:x]  int result = boost::bind(doSomething_impl, myObj, doSomething_sel, _1)(14);  printf("result1: %d\n", result);  // bind _cmd & arg:  // calls [otherObj doSomething:3]  result = boost::bind(doSomething_impl, _1, doSomething_sel, 42)(otherObj);  printf("result2: %d\n", result);  return 0;}

gcc -o objcbind -framework Foundation -lstdc++