【读书笔记0102】Beginning linux programming-3rd

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Chapter 1: getting start

这章主要是介绍了unix linux gun的发展历史,
Unix is a trademark by The Open Group and source code belongs to SCO.
Unix phliosophy: The why we choose Unix.有点老掉牙的话题
1 what is Simplicity,
Small&simple in utilites
2 Focus,
It means,from the requirement ,we first break down the user needs.Then we try very small utilites which combined to perform. asinglepurpose so that easy to perform. and improve later for the betteralgorithmsand interface.
3 Reusable,
To realize the reusable,you should have the ability to find out the core of your applications. then make it a lib.
And you should well documented with simple butflexibleprogramming interface to helps others programmer.
4 Filters,
Filter is just transform. input and output ,to helps combining the programs.
5 Openfileformat
6 Flexibility:
is for the ingeniously users , never assume that user might want to do.
avoid arbitrary limits on field size,numbers limitation

Remember the famous name:AT&T,Linus Torvalds,Helsinki,Richard Stallman on GNU,Dennis Ritchie,

Programming Linux
1 Linux programs: two special typs: executables and scripts:
these two type can replace each other vice versa.

What the tips I learn form. this charpter:
/ forward slash ,remember the UNIX got the first, the DOS not.
2  C compiler C89
3  emacs is a important editor in linux
./  what that means
5  the RoadMap actually -- where the tools and development resources arelocated.
general applications: /usr/bin
administrator specific: /usr/local/bin  or/opt
usr/local will not remove while you reinstall the OS

You need to know the applications /include header files/ and thelibraryfiles.

Some very useful flags for:
-I (uppercase letter for "i")  used for libs include path
-l (lowercase letter for "L")  find a lib's full path and name standard lib path. eg. -lm include a math libs in standard path
-L  add search directory , if not specify then it means just in current directory.

how to generate a lib and use
1 use -C while we compile the program:
2 use ar to creat a archive

then chapter said how a shared libraries are works

Getting helps show us the basic help method:
1 man
2 info
3 help  eg: used in bash shell:
help set

热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 一年级孩子不爱学怎么办 一年级孩子不爱学习怎么办 我不想读书了怎么办 孩子读书读不懂怎么办 一岁多宝宝不吃奶粉怎么办 小孩不讲话怎么办 舌头 看书记不住内容怎么办 看不下去书怎么办 职高读不下去怎么办 小孩不主动说话怎么办 不喜欢自己的儿子怎么办 生了儿子不喜欢怎么办 孩子不愿意去幼儿园怎么办 内向妈妈带孩子怎么办 从小就不爱学习怎么办 孩子老爱玩不爱学习怎么办? 孩子不爱做题怎么办 看书静不下心怎么办 孩子不自觉学习怎么办 不自觉的孩子怎么办 不学习的孩子怎么办 电脑不受老师控制怎么办 儿子不尊重老师怎么办 小孩不喜欢吃蔬菜怎么办 小孩不愿练钢琴怎么办 孩子不喜欢幼儿园老师怎么办 孩子不主动思考怎么办 我初一不想读书怎么办 初中孩子不爱学习怎么办 初一就不想读书怎么办 孩子懒得写作业怎么办 初中学生讨厌学习怎么办? 小学不写作业怎么办 幼儿园小朋友不愿意上学怎么办 幼儿园孩子不愿意上学怎么办 宝宝不愿意上幼儿园怎么办 孩子不爱上幼儿园怎么办 宝宝不爱上幼儿园怎么办 宝宝不爱去幼儿园怎么办 幼儿园宝宝不爱写字怎么办 小孩贪玩不爱学习怎么办