OWI Components(1):V$SYSTEM_EVENT

来源:互联网 发布:开淘宝店教学视频教程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 16:28
V$EVENT_NAME:  当前数据库已经定义的event的数量;

V$SYSTEM_EVENT: 自动数据库实例启动到现在,oracle所有会话遇到的等待事件的aggregated statistics;
the TOTAL_TIMEOUTS column records the number of times a session failed to get the requested resource after the
initial wait.
The column TIME_WAITED reports the total amount of time spent waiting on the event.
The column AVERAGE_WAIT gives the average time for each wait and is derived from the TOTAL_WAITS and TIME_WAITED


The V$SYSTEM_EVENT view is a good place to start if you want to perform a quick health check on the database

instance. This quick health check may be helpful when you must diagnose a poorly performing database instance,

especially if you are unfamiliar with it and the application. You will quickly discover the top n bottlenecks

that plague the database instance since startup. However, don’t judge performance or make any tuning decisions

based on these bottlenecks just yet. The information is cumulative since the instance startup.

set lines 160set numwidth 18col class for a15col event for a30col total_waits for 999,999,999col total_timeouts for 999,999,999col time_waited for 999,999,999,999col average_wait for 999,999,999,999select a.*, c.startup_time  from v$system_event a, v$event_name b, v$instance c where a.event = b.name order by  a.time_waited;
