iphone-common-codes-ccteam源代码 CCHttp.h

来源:互联网 发布:网络入侵检测系统 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 12:44
////  CCHttp.h//  CCFC////  Created by xichen on 11-12-21.//  Copyright 2011 ccteam. All rights reserved.//#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>@interface CCHttp : NSObject {        }// send a common synchronous GET request for a url, returns the recieved data+ (NSData *)sendSynchronousGETRequest:(NSString *)urlStr                                           withResponse:(NSHTTPURLResponse **)response;// send a common synchronous POST request for a url, returns the recieved data+ (NSData *)sendSynchronousPOSTRequest:(NSString *)urlStr                                                           withBody:(NSData *)body                                                  withResponse:(NSHTTPURLResponse **)response;// send a common asynchronous GET request for a url+ (NSURLConnection *)sendAsynchonousGETRequest:(NSString *)urlStr                                                            withDelegate:(id)delegate;// send a common asynchronous POST request for a url+ (NSURLConnection *)sendAsynchonousPOSTRequest:(NSString *)urlStr                                                                    withBody:(NSData *)body                                                           withDelegate:(id)delegate;+ (NSString *)localizedStringForStatusCode:(int)statusCode;@end


