zencode 教程

来源:互联网 发布:山东财经大学网络教学 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 09:41
Tutorial of zencoding.vim                                                    mattn <mattn.jp@gmail.com>1. Expand Abbreviation  Type abbreviation as 'div>p#foo$*3>a' and type '<c-y>,'.  ---------------------  <div>      <p id="foo1">          <a href=""></a>      </p>      <p id="foo2">          <a href=""></a>      </p>      <p id="foo3">          <a href=""></a>      </p>  </div>  ---------------------2. Wrap with Abbreviation  Write as below.  ---------------------  test1  test2  test3  ---------------------  Then do visual select(line wize) and type '<c-y>,'.  If you request 'Tag:', then type 'ul>li*'.  ---------------------  <ul>      <li>test1</li>      <li>test2</li>      <li>test3</li>  </ul>  ---------------------  If you type tag as 'blockquote', then you'll see as following.  ---------------------  <blockquote>      test1      test2      test3  </blockquote>  ---------------------3. Balance Tag Inward  type '<c-y>d' in insert mode.4. Balance Tag Outward  type '<c-y>D' in insert mode.5. Go to Next Edit Point  type '<c-y>n' in insert mode.6. Go to Previous Edit Point  type '<c-y>N' in insert mode.7. Update <img> Size  Move cursor to img tag.  ---------------------  <img src="foo.png" />  ---------------------  Type '<c-y>i' on img tag   ---------------------  <img src="foo.png" width="32" height="48" />  ---------------------8. Merge Lines  select the lines included '<li>'  ---------------------  <ul>  <li class="list1"></li>  <li class="list2"></li>  <li class="list3"></li>  </ul>  ---------------------  and type 'J'  ---------------------  <ul>  <li class="list1"></li><li class="list2"></li><li class="list3"></li>  </ul>  ---------------------9. Remove Tag  Move cursor in block  ---------------------  <div class="foo">  <a>cursor is here</a>  </div>  ---------------------  Type '<c-y>k' in insert mode.  ---------------------  <div class="foo">    </div>  ---------------------  And type '<c-y>k' in there again.  ---------------------  ---------------------10. Split/Join Tag  Move cursor in block  ---------------------  <div class="foo">  cursor is here  </div>  ---------------------  Type '<c-y>j' in insert mode.  ---------------------  <div class="foo"/>  ---------------------  And type '<c-y>j' in there again.  ---------------------  <div class="foo">  </div>  ---------------------11. Toggle Comment  Move cursor to block  ---------------------  <div>  hello world  </div>  ---------------------  Type '<c-y>/' in insert mode.  ---------------------  <!-- <div>  hello world  </div> -->  ---------------------  Type '<c-y>/' in there again.  ---------------------  <div>  hello world  </div>  ---------------------12. Make anchor from URL  Move cursor to URL  ---------------------  http://www.google.com/  ---------------------  Type '<c-y>a'  ---------------------  <a href="http://www.google.com/">Google</a>  ---------------------13. Make quoted text from URL  Move cursor to URL  ---------------------  http://github.com/  ---------------------  Type '<c-y>A'  ---------------------  <blockquote class="quote">  <a href="http://github.com/">Secure source code hosting and collaborative development - GitHub</a><br />  <p>How does it work? Get up and running in seconds by forking a project, pushing an existing repository...</p>  <cite>http://github.com/</cite>  </blockquote>  ---------------------14. Installing zencoding.vim for language you using.  # cd ~/.vim  # unzip zencoding-vim.zip  or if you install pathogen.vim:  # cd ~/.vim/bundle # or make directory  # unzip /path/to/zencoding-vim.zip  if you get sources from repository:  # cd ~/.vim/bundle # or make directory  # git clone http://github.com/mattn/zencoding-vim.git15. Enable zencoding.vim for language you using.  You can customize the behavior of language you using.  ---------------------  # cat >> ~/.vimrc  let g:user_zen_settings = {  \  'php' : {  \    'extends' : 'html',  \    'filters' : 'c',  \  },  \  'xml' : {  \    'extends' : 'html',  \  },  \  'haml' : {  \    'extends' : 'html',  \  },  \}  ---------------------