iphone-common-codes-ccteam源代码 CCNSData.m

来源:互联网 发布:下载cctv网络电视 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 16:25
////  CCNSData.m//  CCFC////  Created by xichen on 11-12-17.//  Copyright 2011年 ccteam. All rights reserved.//#import "CCNSData.h"@implementation NSData(cc)// 将UTF8格式的数据进行URL编码,返回编码后的总字节- (int)URLEncode:(char *)dest len:(const int)destLen{         int i;         int j = 0;        char ch;     char *src = (char *)[self bytes];                for (i = 0; (i < [self length]) && (j < destLen); i++)         {                 ch = src[i];                 if ( ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z'))                         || ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z'))                        || ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')))                {                         dest[j++] = ch;                 // 普通ASCII字符                }                else if(' ' == ch)                {                         dest[j++] = '+';                 }                 else                 {                         if (j + 3 < destLen)    // 是中文                        {                                 sprintf(dest + j, "%%%02X", (unsigned char)ch);                                 j += 3;                         }                         else                                    // 出现保存空间不足的错误                        {                                 return 0;                         }                 }         }                 dest[j] = '\0';                                 // char*字符串结尾符        return j; }// 打印每个字符- (void)print{        const unsigned char *bytes = (const unsigned char *)[self bytes];        for(int i = 0; i < [self length]; ++i)        {                printf("%#X ", bytes[i]);        }}// 已指定字符个数为单位打印数据- (void)printWithUint:(NSDATA_UNIT)unit{        switch (unit)        {                case NSDATA_UNIT_ONE:                {                        [self print];                }                break;                                        case NSDATA_UNIT_TWO:                {                        const unsigned short *bytes = (const unsigned short *)[self bytes];                        int unitCnt = [self length] / unit;                        int last = [self length] - unitCnt * unit;                                                for(int i = 0; i < unitCnt; ++i)                                printf("%#X ", bytes[i]);                                                if(last != 0)                                printf("%#X ", *(const unsigned char *)(bytes + unitCnt));                }                break;                                        case NSDATA_UNIT_FOUR:                {                        const unsigned int *bytes = (const unsigned int *)[self bytes];                        int unitCnt = [self length] / unit;                        int last = [self length] - unitCnt * unit;                                                for(int i = 0; i < unitCnt; ++i)                                printf("%#X ", bytes[i]);                                                for(int i = 0; i < last; ++i)                                printf("%#X ", *(const unsigned char *)(bytes + unitCnt + i));                }                break;                                        default:                        break;        }        }// returns the string that converts from the UTF8 encoding data- (NSString *)UTF8Str{        return [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:self encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];}@end



github地址: https://github.com/cxsjabc/iphone-common-codes-ccteam/tree/master/CCFC/files/CCNSData.m