MSVCRT strcpy以及strcat

来源:互联网 发布:安装ntfs for mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 10:02
        page    ,132        title   strcat - concatenate (append) one string to another;***;strcat.asm - contains strcat() and strcpy() routines;;       Copyright (c) 1985-1997, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.;;Purpose:;       STRCAT concatenates (appends) a copy of the source string to the;       end of the destination string, returning the destination string.;;*******************************************************************************        .xlist        include        .listpage;***;char *strcat(dst, src) - concatenate (append) one string to another;;Purpose:;       Concatenates src onto the end of dest.  Assumes enough;       space in dest.;;       Algorithm:;       char * strcat (char * dst, char * src);       {;           char * cp = dst;;;           while( *cp );                   ++cp;           /* Find end of dst */;           while( *cp++ = *src++ );                   ;               /* Copy src to end of dst */;           return( dst );;       };;Entry:;       char *dst - string to which "src" is to be appended;       const char *src - string to be appended to the end of "dst";;Exit:;       The address of "dst" in EAX;;Uses:;       EAX, ECX;;Exceptions:;;*******************************************************************************page;***;char *strcpy(dst, src) - copy one string over another;;Purpose:;       Copies the string src into the spot specified by;       dest; assumes enough room.;;       Algorithm:;       char * strcpy (char * dst, char * src);       {;           char * cp = dst;;;           while( *cp++ = *src++ );                   ;               /* Copy src over dst */;           return( dst );;       };;Entry:;       char * dst - string over which "src" is to be copied;       const char * src - string to be copied over "dst";;Exit:;       The address of "dst" in EAX;;Uses:;       EAX, ECX;;Exceptions:;*******************************************************************************        CODESEG%       public  strcat, strcpy      ; make both functions availablestrcpy  proc        push    edi                 ; preserve edi        mov     edi,[esp+8]         ; edi points to dest string 堆栈        jmp     short copy_startstrcpy  endp        align   16strcat  proc        .FPO    ( 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 )        mov     ecx,[esp+4]         ; ecx -> dest string        push    edi                 ; preserve edi        test    ecx,3               ; test if string is aligned on 32 bits        je      short find_end_of_dest_string_loopdest_misaligned:                    ; simple byte loop until string is aligned        mov     al,byte ptr [ecx]        inc     ecx        test    al,al        je      short start_byte_3        test    ecx,3        jne     short dest_misaligned        align   4find_end_of_dest_string_loop:        mov     eax,dword ptr [ecx] ; read 4 bytes        mov     edx,7efefeffh        add     edx,eax        xor     eax,-1        xor     eax,edx        add     ecx,4        test    eax,81010100h        je      short find_end_of_dest_string_loop        ; found zero byte in the loop        mov     eax,[ecx - 4]        test    al,al               ; is it byte 0        je      short start_byte_0        test    ah,ah               ; is it byte 1        je      short start_byte_1        test    eax,00ff0000h       ; is it byte 2        je      short start_byte_2        test    eax,0ff000000h      ; is it byte 3        je      short start_byte_3        jmp     short find_end_of_dest_string_loop                                    ; taken if bits 24-30 are clear and bit                                    ; 31 is setstart_byte_3:        lea     edi,[ecx - 1]        jmp     short copy_startstart_byte_2:        lea     edi,[ecx - 2]        jmp     short copy_startstart_byte_1:        lea     edi,[ecx - 3]        jmp     short copy_startstart_byte_0:        lea     edi,[ecx - 4];       jmp     short copy_start;       edi points to the end of dest string.copy_start::        mov     ecx,[esp+0ch]       ; ecx -> sorc string        test    ecx,3               ; test if string is aligned on 32 bits        je      short main_loop_entrancesrc_misaligned:                     ; simple byte loop until string is aligned        mov     dl,byte ptr [ecx]        inc     ecx        test    dl,dl        je      short byte_0        mov     [edi],dl        inc     edi        test    ecx,3        jne     short src_misaligned ;continue aligned loop        jmp     short main_loop_entrancemain_loop:                          ; edx contains first dword of sorc string        mov     [edi],edx           ; store one more dword        add     edi,4               ; kick dest pointermain_loop_entrance:        mov     edx,7efefeffh        mov     eax,dword ptr [ecx] ; read 4 bytes        add     edx,eax             ; plus edx magic_bits        xor     eax,-1              ; eax = ~eax        xor     eax,edx             ;          mov     edx,[ecx]           ; it's in cache now        add     ecx,4               ; kick dest pointer        test    eax,81010100h        je      short main_loop        ; found zero byte in the loop; main_loop_end:        test    dl,dl               ; is it byte 0        je      short byte_0        test    dh,dh               ; is it byte 1        je      short byte_1        test    edx,00ff0000h       ; is it byte 2        je      short byte_2        test    edx,0ff000000h      ; is it byte 3        je      short byte_3        jmp     short main_loop     ; taken if bits 24-30 are clear and bit                                    ; 31 is setbyte_3:        mov     [edi],edx        mov     eax,[esp+8]         ; return in eax pointer to dest string        pop     edi        retbyte_2:        mov     [edi],dx        mov     eax,[esp+8]         ; return in eax pointer to dest string        mov     byte ptr [edi+2],0        pop     edi        retbyte_1:        mov     [edi],dx        mov     eax,[esp+8]         ; return in eax pointer to dest string        pop     edi        retbyte_0:        mov     [edi],dl        mov     eax,[esp+8]         ; return in eax pointer to dest string        pop     edi        retstrcat  endp        end

char* strcpy(char*pdest,const char*psrc){const char *char_psrc;const ulong *longword_psrc,*longword_pdest;register ulong longword, magic_bits;char *char_pest=pdest;for (char_psrc = psrc; //初始位置((ulong)char_src& (sizeof(ulong) - 1)) != 0; //边界对齐判断 //地址的size以下全部是0*char_pdest++ = *char_psrc++) //copy...{if (*char_psrc == '\0') //结束...{*char_pdest='\0';return pdest;}}longword_psrc =  (ulong*)char_psrc; //从自然边界开始longword_pdest = (ulong*)char_pdest;magic_bits = 0x7efefeffL;while (1){longword = *longword_psrc++;if ((((longword + magic_bits) ^ ~longword) & ~magic_bits) != 0){const char *cp = (const char*)(longword_psrc - 1);if (cp[0] == 0)  {*(char*)longword_pdest = '\0';return pdest;}if (cp[1] == 0){*(WORD*)longword_pdest = *(WORD*)longword_word;return pdest;}if (cp[2] == 0)  {*(WORD*)longword_pdest = *(WORD*)longword_word;*((char*)longword_pdest+2) = '\0';return pdest;}            if (cp[3] == 0)  {*longword_pdest = *longword_word;return pdest;}}*longword_pdest++ = *longword;}}

char* strcat(char*pdest,const char*psrc){const char *char_psrc;const ulong *longword_psrc,*longword_pdest;register ulong longword, magic_bits;char *char_pest=pdest;while(1) //查找源字符串终止位置{longword = *longword_psrc++;if ((((longword + magic_bits) ^ ~longword) & ~magic_bits) != 0){const char *cp = (const char*)(longword_psrc - 1);if (cp[0] == 0){char_pdest = (char*)longword;break;}if (cp[1] == 0){char_pdest = (char*)longword + 1;break;}if (cp[2] == 0){char_pdest = (char*)longword + 2;break;}if (cp[3] == 0){char_pdest = (char*)longword + 3;break;}}}//strcpyfor (char_psrc = psrc;((ulong)char_src& (sizeof(ulong) - 1)) != 0;*char_pdest++ = *char_psrc++){if (*char_psrc == '\0'){*char_pdest='\0';return pdest;}}//对齐后的strcpylongword_psrc =  (ulong*)char_psrc;longword_pdest = (ulong*)char_pdest;magic_bits = 0x7efefeffL;while (1){longword = *longword_psrc++;if ((((longword + magic_bits) ^ ~longword) & ~magic_bits) != 0){//判断是否有0const char *cp = (const char*)(longword_psrc - 1);if (cp[0] == 0){*(char*)longword_pdest = '\0';return pdest;}if (cp[1] == 0){*(WORD*)longword_pdest = *(WORD*)longword_word;return pdest;}if (cp[2] == 0){*(WORD*)longword_pdest = *(WORD*)longword_word;*((char*)longword_pdest+2) = '\0';return pdest;}if (cp[3] == 0){*longword_pdest = *longword_word;return pdest;}}*longword_pdest++ = *longword;}}
