Oracle 存储过程

来源:互联网 发布:及时雨淘宝客群软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 20:09

  一 存储过程


create tablexuesheng(id integer, xing_ming varchar2(25), yu_wen number, shu_xue number);insert into xuesheng values(1,'zhangsan',80,90)insert into xuesheng values(2,'lisi',85,87)


create or replace procedure xs_proc_no isbegininsert into xuesheng values (3, 'wangwu', 90, 90);commit;end xs_proc_no;

create or replace procedure xs_proc(temp_name in varchar2,temp_num out number) isnum_1 number;num_2 number;beginselect yu_wen, shu_xueinto num_1, num_2from xueshengwhere xing_ming = temp_name;--dbms_output.put_line(num_1 + num_2);temp_num := num_1 + num_2;end;

其中,以上两种与sql server基本类似,而对于返回数据集时,上述方法则不能满足我们的要求。在Oracle中,一般使用ref cursor来返回数据集。示例代码如下:


首先,建立我们自己的包。并定义包中的一个自定义ref cursor

create or replace package mypackage astype my_cursor is ref cursor;end mypackage;
在定义了ref cursor后,可以书写我们的程序代码

create or replace procedure xs_proc_list(shuxue in number,p_cursor out mypackage.my_cursor) isbeginopen p_cursor forselect * from xuesheng where shu_xue > shuxue;end xs_proc_list;



String oracleDriverName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";         // 以下使用的Test就是Oracle里的表空间        String oracleUrlToConnect = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@";        Connection myConnection = null;        try {            Class.forName(oracleDriverName);        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {            ex.printStackTrace();        }        try {            myConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(oracleUrlToConnect,                    "xxxx", "xxxx");//此处为数据库用户名与密码         } catch (Exception ex) {            ex.printStackTrace();        }        try {                         CallableStatement proc=null;            proc=myConnection.prepareCall("{call xs_proc(?,?)}");            proc.setString(1, "zhangsan");            proc.registerOutParameter(2, Types.NUMERIC);            proc.execute();            String teststring=proc.getString(2);            System.out.println(teststring);         } catch (Exception ex) {            ex.printStackTrace();        }对于列表返回值的存储过程,在上述代码中做简单修改。如下CallableStatement proc=null;proc=myConnection.prepareCall("{call getdcsj(?,?,?,?,?)}");proc.setString(1, strDate);proc.setString(2, jzbh);proc.registerOutParameter(3, Types.NUMERIC);proc.registerOutParameter(4, OracleTypes.CURSOR);proc.registerOutParameter(5, OracleTypes.CURSOR);proc.execute();ResultSet rs=null;int total_number=proc.getInt(3);rs=(ResultSet)proc.getObject(4);上述存储过程修改完毕。另外,一个复杂的工程项目中的例子:查询一段数据中间隔不超过十分钟且连续超过100条的数据。即上述代码所调用的getdcsj存储过程?create or replace procedure getDcsj(var_flag     in varchar2,                                    var_jzbh     in varchar2,                                    number_total out number,                                    var_cursor_a out mypackage.my_cursor,                                    var_cursor_b out mypackage.my_cursor) is  total number;  cursor cur is    select sj, flag      from d_dcsj     where jzbh = var_jzbh     order by sj desc       for update;  last_time date;begin  for cur1 in cur loop    if last_time is null or >= last_time - 10 / 60 / 24 then      update d_dcsj set flag = var_flag where current of cur;      last_time :=;    else      select count(*) into total from d_dcsj where flag = var_flag;      dbms_output.put_line(total);      if total < 100 then        update d_dcsj set flag = null where flag = var_flag;        last_time := null;        update d_dcsj set flag = var_flag where current of cur;      else        open var_cursor_a for          select *            from d_dcsj           where flag = var_flag             and jzbh = var_jzbh             and zh = 'A'           order by sj desc;        number_total := total;        open var_cursor_b for          select *            from d_dcsj           where flag = var_flag             and jzbh = var_jzbh             and zh = 'B'           order by sj desc;        number_total := total;        exit;      end if;    end if;  end loop;  select count(*) into total from d_dcsj where flag = var_flag;  dbms_output.put_line(total);  if total < 100 then    open var_cursor_a for      select * from d_dcsj where zh = 'C';    open var_cursor_b for      select * from d_dcsj where zh = 'C';  else    open var_cursor_a for      select *        from d_dcsj       where flag = var_flag         and jzbh = var_jzbh         and zh = 'A'       order by sj desc;    number_total := total;    open var_cursor_b for      select *        from d_dcsj       where flag = var_flag         and jzbh = var_jzbh         and zh = 'B'       order by sj desc;    number_total := total;  end if;  commit;end;/