iphone-common-codes-ccteam源代码 CCUIColor.m

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝访问深度 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 09:29
////  CCUIColor.m//  CCFC////  Created by xichen on 11-12-17.//  Copyright 2011年 ccteam. All rights reserved.//#import "CCUIColor.h"@implementation UIColor(cc)// 获取UIColor的RGBA的值- (void)getRGBAValue:(CGFloat *)red                green:(CGFloat *)green                 blue:(CGFloat *)blue                alpha:(CGFloat *)alpha{        CGColorRef colorRef = [self CGColor];                const CGFloat *tmComponents = CGColorGetComponents(colorRef);        if(red)                *red = tmComponents[0];        if(green)                *green = tmComponents[1];            if(blue)                *blue = tmComponents[2];        if(alpha)                *alpha = tmComponents[3];}- (CGFloat)getRedValue{        CGColorRef colorRef = [self CGColor];                const CGFloat *tmComponents = CGColorGetComponents(colorRef);        return tmComponents[0];}- (CGFloat)getGreenValue{        CGColorRef colorRef = [self CGColor];                const CGFloat *tmComponents = CGColorGetComponents(colorRef);        return tmComponents[1];}- (CGFloat)getBlueValue{        CGColorRef colorRef = [self CGColor];                const CGFloat *tmComponents = CGColorGetComponents(colorRef);        return tmComponents[2];}- (CGFloat)getAlphaValue{        CGColorRef colorRef = [self CGColor];                const CGFloat *tmComponents = CGColorGetComponents(colorRef);        return tmComponents[3];}// 由RGB的值获得CGColorRef指针// you should release the returnValue by your hand.+ (CGColorRef)createCGColorRefByRGB:(CGFloat)red                               green:(CGFloat)green                                blue:(CGFloat)blue                               alpha:(CGFloat)alpha{        CGColorSpaceRef rgb = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();        const CGFloat rgbColor[] = {(float)red / 255, (float)green / 255 , (float) blue / 255, (float) alpha / 255};        CGColorRef color = CGColorCreate(rgb, rgbColor);        CGColorSpaceRelease(rgb);                return color;}// print the RGBA info of the UIColor- (void)printRGBA{        CGColorRef colorRef = [self CGColor];        const CGFloat *tmComponents = CGColorGetComponents(colorRef);        NSLog(@"%@ R:%f, G:%f, B:%f, A:%f",                   self, tmComponents[0], tmComponents[1], tmComponents[2], tmComponents[3]);}@end


github地址: https://github.com/cxsjabc/iphone-common-codes-ccteam/tree/master/CCFC/files/CCUIColor.m
